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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Tang Dynasty by The Tripiáč­aka Master Prajñā from Kophen Fascicle 40 (of 40) At that time Samantabhadra Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva, having praised Tathāgatas’ merit, said to the Bodhisattvas and the youth Sudhana: “Good men, if Buddhas [in worlds] in the ten directions expound Tathāgatas’ merit continuously for as many kalpas as there are dust particles in innumerable Buddha Lands, they still can never finish their narrations. If one wants to go through this Merit Door, one should train in the ten great vowed actions. What are these ten?
  2. Again, I think you misunderstand my meaning... The “drug addict” is the analogy for the person trapped in the illusion of mind. You help others to see clearly or you don’t... Chapter 27 of the Tao Te Ching describes my meaning perfectly... A good walker leaves no tracks; A good speaker makes no slips; A good reckoner needs no tally. A good door needs no lock, Yet no one can open it. Good binding requires no knots, Yet no one can loosen it. Therefore the wise take care of everyone And abandon no one. They take care of all things And abandon nothing. This is called “following the light.” What is a good person? The teacher of a bad person. What is a bad person? A good person’s charge. If the teacher is not respected, And the student not cared for, Confusion will arise, however clever one is. This is the crux of mystery. The wise take care of everyone and abandon no one. This is called “following the light”... and is the crux of (the) mystery. Or, as CT posted above... The very essence of the Buddhist teachings, the Buddha Dharma, is to cut through fixation. Fixation and attachment are the roots of samsara; they bind us to samsara.
  3. Sorry if what I said was confusing. What I meant to say is more like saying... With the opening of your heart, you have reached the point where you can consciously direct your own energy flows within your body. Or you could say that the energy follows your attention. In Taoist terms you could say that you have started to fill your middle dantien. By focusing on the lower dantien space like that, you are kind of energetically creating a backflow (or forcing energy to a level below your natural state). In terms of “layers of consciousness”, it is like you are directing energy towards your internal sense of self, when you are ready to be more outwardly focused (open your heart more). Sort of like expanding to care more about others, rather than just internal self focused. Loving, rather than self absorbed (at an emotional level). So rather than forcing your energy lower, you want to more “transmit” at increasingly higher levels. Consider something like a micro cosmic orbit, or If interested, I can suggest some other more robust energy movement practice. The key point I am trying to make is that your openness is beyond the practice you are currently doing. Try simply moving the energy around you body a little, see if you notice the shifts.
  4. What is happening is that you are open at the middle dantien (or heart chakra in Hindu terms) and the energy follows your attention. It is your subconscious mind showing you are beyond such a practice. In terms of “consciousness”, you are forcing your energy to kind of “hit” issues around the individual sense of self, when you should be more focused on opening your heart to others (or bodichitta in Buddhist terms). The positive thing is that you are actually moving your own energy flows.
  5. Deleting my posts

    If you don’t mind my asking, why? How do you see deleting old posts helping?
  6. I think you have misunderstood my meaning. If someone is addicted to drugs, you don’t give them more drugs to temporarily ease their immediate suffering. You take the much harder and tougher path of helping them break the addiction. That person may hate you every moment of that process, but responding steadfastly and not getting caught up in the emotion is to me is the true meaning of compassion. It may appear “tough”, but it is an infinitely more loving compassion. I love dogs too, but a dog is incapable of such compassion. A dog would lovingly give you the drugs and lick your face while it did it.
  7. Excellent point and often misunderstood. Clarity and not caught up in perceived emotional sympathy. And at the time it can seem like very tough love.
  8. New here

    Welcome Chris.
  9. The chatroom has been basically dead for months. Thought I would see if any members would be interested in stopping by for a chat and breathing some life into it. Too make it more interesting, I am happy to answer questions on "light stuff", accelerated burning of karma, energy experiments or just talk about my favorite pizza... Best, Jeff
  10. Burning off karma

    My specific understanding on the Buddhist practice of transferring karma is completely limited to the information that Apech provided. Also, since I am not a Vajrayana practioner i am not qualified to say if it fits or not (that is why I asked you the questions regarding it in the other thread). But, in a generic sense and practical application, I am very familiar with how it works, and also how it is sort of like a subset of what I called earlier with the accelerated karma clearing by helping process. Rather than thinking of it as transferring merit, I think it is easier to understand with Apech’s Egyptian clearing dirt/dust concept. Sort of like rather than thinking of it as accumulating merit and building up, it is more like you already have enough merit (Buddha potential), but that merit is obscured by all of the karmic dirt. So the process is really more about clearing the dirt away to find what is underneath. So in that context, when merit is transferred, it is not given away, but more shared (like the link stated). One Connects to the other person, and since they have the clarity (or merit) around that karma issue, they create more space for the other person around that issue allowing them to more easily clear it. Which fits with the descriptions around resonating or shared joy on the specific merit. A master would have a huge clear space (or merit), so the transfer could cover a much broader “merit range”. Additionally, if the master knows how to directly share presence, then it is like a power washing (in the local space) of dirt. But, all of this is dependent on the person releasing the dirt(or accepting the merit), and is not something that is pushed or forced. Since the karma itself is subconscious, the person feels the clearing as new and open space and hence tends to think of it as expansion or merit because they now have access to things that had be previously obscured/dirty.
  11. Burning off karma

    Yes, to me it is very much like the buddhist concept of transferring merit. Nothing is given (or lost in the transfer), it is more about the person resonating (or accepting or releasing) then something like healing another person.
  12. Ok, checking... I found that your heart is currently open and you are somewhat transmitting there. In chakra terms you could say that chakras 1-4 are open. You are at the point where you could potentially feel and notice energy, but not yet at the point where you can actually transmit to others or energetically connect more broadly with the world around you. So basically, youcould support a connection with someone (and notice or be affected), but not yet lead (or outbound push anything). So for your experiment you would be able to notice and also measure shifts in your brain with good brain measurement equipment. Just need a more advanced practioner to connect to you and effect your energy body. Most likely you would consciously feel this a tingling or pressure at your heart, but it would really be you just shifting mental state in your mind. With some decent joint practice (and more broadly opening), you will be able to feel, see and do more. Get more of the “astral” stuff that people talk about. Happy to help, or can direct you to a bunch of people who can do it with you if you are ever interesting in trying it. Also, when first trying such things it is often easier working with someone from the opposite sex, as there is a natural energetic male-female dynamic that makes it more noticble. Sort of like current flows better between two poles. Best wishes and have fun.
  13. Burning off karma

    To me this is basically saying the same thing as what 3bob said. A master can provide some “extra space” to redirect the battleship...
  14. Burning off karma

    Very well said. Just combine that with Apech’s Buddhist merit transfer concept and you pretty much have it... accelerated Karma removal...
  15. Burning off karma

    Which would make sense as I said in the other thread. With your framework I would agree that such a thing would not be possible. But, what I am describing is really just a more advanced version of Apech’s post on “transferring merit” that some Buddhist groups do. If you are interested, I would be happy to explain how it all works.
  16. Burning off karma

    If it comes back, then it was never really burned away. Sounds more like spiritual bypassing or possibly “drafting” off the space (or energy) of a guru/master. Clarity is clarity (or not ).
  17. Ok, checking on you now...
  18. In my view, it is not about giving money away or physical welfare. In the context, the quote is talking about “clarity”. The quote is talking about helping others see through the illusions of mind so that they too can “master pure perception”.
  19. Burning off karma

    No, I am not attempting to bring in the Christian concept of sin. As I have stated in many posts, I believe that institutional Christian church’s have lost/forgotten the true meaning of the teachings of Jesus. Also, rather than baptism, I would say that “true communion” that Jesus taught fits much more directly with Apech’s two compents of Fire and Water and the clearing/purification. As to the potentiality of let’s call it “accelerated karma removal” with help from others, I would say it is definitely possible. While I don’t think it is helpful to worry about the differences between dust and dirt as with the Egyptian concept, I certainly think that conceptualizing it as something that needs to be cleared (or washed away) makes complete sense. Karma is effectively trapped (or stored) energy structures that cause autopilot responses. Clear away that “dirt” and one is no longer subject to those autopilot responses that whipsaw you through lives.
  20. Thank you. Very wise words and in the correct order. It is not possible to master pure perception unless you work for others welfare. Many traditions do not realize this point and hence perception is limited (and not pure).
  21. Then yes, there are a large group of us who do such things here and conduct experiments. Do it all the time. Ok, if i do a remote scan of your current energy body status? See what you are capable of so I can suggest an experiment you would be able to do?
  22. Sure, I think I get it. An experiment where someone other than yourself is directly affected. Something where it is not just you subconsciously slowing you own breath or something? Something that would prove that we are all interconnected in some way and there is the actual potential to affect others through that “theoretical” consciousness or channel. That what you mean?
  23. Do you mean things like making other people then yourself feel energy stuff or get visions? Or mean more like direct changes to the physical world like changing the weather?