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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Effort vs no-effort

    I would be interested in hearing about how you see Christianity describing a universal "Self". Also, here is the actual verse of Psalm 46:10... “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” ‭‭ In context, Psalms 46 is very dualistic in it's textual view.
  2. I do not mean to intrude in your conversation, but buddhists do not unite the Nirmankaya, Sambkogakaya and Dharamkayas. The kayas are all the same body of buddha, just sort viewed as separate by those who can perceive them. Additionally, it is not possible to realize the kayas by using a mantra, as being a buddha is "beyond mind", while a mantra is of mind.
  3. Om is the vibration of (between) the two polarities of the "two". It is before "three" and the "10,000 things".
  4. Doesn't the One emerge from Tao.... The Tao is not something that gives birth...
  5. Mantak Chia & Kundalini

    I would agree with Oldwolf on being careful with Mantak Chia's stuff. Additionally, kundalini does not really relate to celibacy. It is more like as one expands to higher levels of consciousness, there is less sexual desire. Forcing celibacy is sort of like trying to hide anger/rage, sooner or later it spills out in other ways and issues.
  6. Which Founding Father Are You

    Fun stuff. Thanks.

    What you are seeing is your mind translating the surrounding energy that you are starting to subconsciously notice. In chakra terms, you have opened the 5th chakras and kind of residing in a sort of "reception" mode. I would suggest that start to more broadly circulate the energy flows, do something like MCO and open up the transmission side more.
  8. Killing the Ego

    Yes, I think that we can safely say that we can agree to disagree. Yes, I have recently shared up to about 3 or 4 years ago in "my experiences" thread. Additionally, you can find some older Q & A threads of mine with some member specific questions in my personal practice section.
  9. Peace Be With You

    Sounds very interesting. Count me in as one who is interested in hearing more about your path.
  10. Killing the Ego

    Well said... And the Phoenix with the more refined feathers, knows that daily practices are in no way different than normal daily living...
  11. Killing the Ego

    Haha... But, I am describing something very different. It is the differention of the black and white as described in the TTC chapter 28.. ... Being the stream of the universe, Ever true and unswerving, Become as a little child once more. Know the white, But keep the black! ...
  12. Killing the Ego

    There is no misunderstanding of what is being said. As I think I have pointed out in my earlier posts, there is simply disagreement. Cessation (and the concept of permanent memory loss that comes with it) is a choice based upon view and whether one moves on to differentiation or not.
  13. Killing the Ego

    When we are truly truly present we have access to it all, past and future are part of the present moment. Time is simply an illusion of mind. The difference is that it one is not attached to those past memories so there is no need to anticipate.
  14. Killing the Ego

    I think you are mistaking some mental siddhis for what I am trying to explain. But, I get it... You simply disagree with the buddhist and taoist views. If your memory is gone, it is gone. Thanks for the discussion.
  15. Killing the Ego

    I noticed in your chosen quotes, you specifically left out the past memory parts... Just as his thoughts move instantly and without hindrance over walls and rivers and trees and mountains, and just as in memory he recalls and visits the scenes of his past experiences, so, while his mind keeps fuctioning in the body, his thoughts may be a hundred thousand yojanas away. In the same fashion the trasncendental personality that experiences the Samadhi Vajravimbopama will be endowed with supernatural powers and psychic faculties and self-mastery by reason of which he will be able to follow the noble paths that lead to the assemblages of the Buddhas, moving about as freely as he may wish. As always, I only speak from my own experience and authority, but I think if you are honest with yourself you will realize that even in your enlightened state, all decisions include aspects of memory. Whether driving to the grocery store, or chopping wood and carrying water somewhere... First there is a mountain, then the mountain is gone, then the mountain is back again.
  16. Killing the Ego

    I was not talking conceptual either. Memory does not cease as the buddhist sutra states, that is just a "stage". And, the reason that it feels like memory is gone is easily explained if you would like to discuss the topic.
  17. Denied or negated... These are not being, such are states of the "mind". The proof is in the pudding... Just read the descriptions of a being becoming a buddha or ruler immortal and what they are like. Such are impossible if you have the Self. In the Self (box) there is only your Jivanamukta. As the my quotes above show, their definition of "true enlightenment" is vastly different than what you are describing.
  18. "I AM"..."True Self"... The is no such thing in the TTC. If one is "being" there is no "i am", but that does not mean that there is no doing. When you move you hand, you do not think "I am going to move my hand", you just move it. As the TTC states, using the formless is just like that for a sage. Maybe try this as an analogy... Your "true Self" is like a giant video game. The video game has formed things (objects) and also a source code so that new objects for the game can be built (unformed). A sage is one who realizes that he is "in" a video game, but not bound by the video game. He knows the source code and hence can build new objects for the game (use the formless to help others). A ruler immortal is one who has realized the entire game (both form and formless), becomes the game itself (valley of the universe) and allows the needs of the video game characters (cause and effect) to define the most useful form (carved block) to upgrade the entire video game. Or, in your terms... Self itself is empty and impermanent, hence it can be "upgraded". In buddhist terms, one would say that a primordial buddha, has new dharmakaya, that gives a basis for a Self/Buddhamind.
  19. Part of the issue in your statements is that you are saying... there is this box, and a sage has to be in this box, so therefore... The fundamental point is that for a sage or a (ruler) immortal there is no such (Self) box. Specifically to your points on what a sage is like and can or cannot do, the TTC is very clear. Hear are a few statements that describe the properties... -TTC - Chapter 5 The space between Heaven and Earth is formless, but it has a form. For the Ten Thousand Things all depend upon it. Like this space, the Sage can use its formless qualities; for it yields to whatever, or whoever uses it. Hold fast to this and remain at one. As you can see here, the Sage knows (hold fast) the one, but with that knowing can "use it". It is of "being", not seeing separate things like the concept of duality. Just like you moving your little finger. Continuing... - TTC - Chapter 7 The Sage is detached, so he is like Heaven and Earth; thus he is at one with all. Being at one, he performs selfless actions and so he is fulfilled. The key here is that the actions are "selfless" and helping others. This is similar to the concept of how the buddhist vow works relative to buddhahood. -TTC - Chapter 12 Therefore the Sage is guided by what he feels, and not by what he sees. He lets go of that and chooses this. This is again highlighting the feeling/being. Seeing is duality/astral stuff. But, it is more like a Sage resides in being, but can still differentiate (not ceased)... -TTC - Chapter 22 Therefore the sage embraces the one. He sets an example to the world. By not putting on a display, he shines forth. Having no preferences he is open to all. By never boasting or bragging he can never falter. By knowing this and refusing that, He knows of the ways of man. Thus he can avoid a quarrel. As you can see, he knows the ways of man (can differentiate). -TTC Chapter 33 The Sage knows himself and others, therefore he cares for all men and abandons none. He takes care of all things and leaves nothing. Again, this section is highlighting something similar to the bodhisattva vow. Matching the concept of the Avatamsaka sutra that I have posted. Finally... -TTC Chapter 49 The Sage is at one with the Dao, his mind is open and uncluttered. He is aware of all things. By having an open mind, he can act naturally. When one is with the Dao, one is aware of "all things"... Or if you prefer a more wordy buddhist description... "Conforming to the essential nature of all buddhas, they develop a mind like an immense mountain. They know all falsehood and delusion, and enter the door of omniscience. Their knowledge and wisdom are broad and vast and unshakable, due to the attainment of true enlightenment. This is the insight of practical knowledge of equally saving all sentient beings in the ocean of birth and death."
  20. Rare Esoteric Buddhist Teachings

    I would have to disagree. I think you may be attached to a limited view of a (ruler) immortal. Consider the meaning of being the "valley of the universe" and the usefulness of a Buddha.... Know the strength of man, But keep a woman's care! Be the stream of the universe! Being the stream of the universe, Ever true and unswerving, Become as a little child once more. Know the white, But keep the black! Be an example to the world! Being an example to the world, Ever true and unwavering, Return to the infinite. Know honor, Yet keep humility. Be the valley of the universe! Being the valley of the universe, Ever true and resourceful, Return to the state of the uncarved block. When the block is carved, it becomes useful. When the sage uses it, he becomes the ruler. Thus, "A great tailor cuts little." TTC - Chapter 28
  21. Methods, transmission of them and miracles

    I would agree that is consistent with many other traditions that I am aware of. It is just that the desire for such abilities stops one from actually being able to access them. It is more like with great clarity, comes great energy flows, which also correlate to the world. In Dzogchen, the master Norbu describes it like this... Thus great importance is given to maintaining the completeness of the individual's energy. Working from the other way round, it is possible to influence the external energy, carrying out what are called "miracles." Such activity is actually the result of having control of one's own energy, through which one obtains the capacity of power over external phenomena. -Chogyal Namkhai Norbu. Dzogchen: The Self-Perfected State
  22. Methods, transmission of them and miracles

    I would agree that it is hard to get very far without a "true teacher", and that such a teacher can "send their spirit" (or share presence remotely) with others. If you are interested in the topic, I am happy to discuss it.
  23. Where is the human?

    Guess that depends on your perspective...
  24. Where is the human?

    What if you are all of them at the same time...?
  25. The third is sort of the first of (or potential for) 10,000 things. If you think of the two as polarities of duality, the third means something can exist separately (or between the two polarities).