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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Beautifully said. Thank you.
  2. I would definitely agree as you and Apech have described that it is possible to return negative energies to the source. But, in the analogy actual negative energies are at the two or three foot level and so more easily blocked and returned. The much harder is like more random stuff that was felt in the chatroom that started this broader discussion. A few members felt negative stuff coming from certain members in the chatroom. I do not believe that those member with consciously trying to blast them with negative stuff that someone could catch and return. It was probably more like this... The members in chat were just naturally radiating energy at a subconscious level (whether they had shields or not, it went through). That energy hit the other members and that energy "resonated" with an existing issue of their own. It is that resonating with your own issue that creates the pain/attack feeling (not the attack itself). If one is clear of the underlying issues that the energy (or actual attack) is based upon, the energy does not "stick" as there is nothing for the energy to hit.
  3. Hi Apech, I used the analogy of height and walls for relative simplicity of beginning explanations for the group. Additionally, I was just using the shooting comment for fun, I meant general energy flows between others, not necessarily a conscious attack. With your sphere (or bubble) of protection analogy it would be basically the same as I mentioned earlier, but would be described like this... Rather than describing people/beings relative to height, one could say levels of refinement (or depth). When you build a shield, the energy mesh (of blocking and returning) is based on the relative energy refinement you have consciously realized. Hence a "higher level" person has more refined energy (smaller particals) that can easily go through the level of refinement of your bubble. Kind of like you have a chain link fence bubble and stuff can go through the holes. This effect can be easily seen by anyone who has worked with a teacher/master. You may be raging with all of your shields up, but your teacher can easily bypass it all and send you calming and helpful energy. I would also agree with you that is possible to augment a shield with the support of a teacher/master or a higher being. There are sort of two ways to do this... First, a teacher or higher being can add energy to your efforts of building a shield (on a temporary basis). Kind of like they give you more refined energy so that you can build your wall a foot or two higher than you can on your own. But over time it is your mental barrier, and without refreshment, it goes back to your standard shield. Second, a teacher/master can offer direct shielding. Kind of like take you under their bubble if they wish. There are many pros and cons to such an approach, but various versions of this technique are used in demon (or negative being) fighting.
  4. To all... Since there was interest and no one else has started it, the new energy shielding thread is here...
  5. Great disclosure statement. Good stuff.
  6. While I don't really do transmission, I do know what you mean and realize that what most people feel with me would be considered energy work/transmission by most. And yes, happy to share my opinion... From an overall bums view, I would agree with many that we should leave it open as long is there is consent. Maybe just put a warning on the door, that people are radiant here and stuff can really happen, "be warned". In my view, the problems don't really originate from conscious activities, but more the deeper subconscious stuff that some radiate without noticing it. When the first round of no group energy work in chat came, I was told personally by the mods... I said "fine", no big deal, as I had only done it once in the last year at the specific request of some members. While, I did not personally agree with the concern, I could understand the point... Most people here are more just book readers, and stuff really does happen. Additionally, with all of the recent drama on this point, I even volunteered to personally ban myself from chat if it would help. I think the decision is really more about what the focus of the taobums is and should be...? Is it about real practices and real energy work, or just a fun place to come and post & chat with your friends about politics and pizza?
  7. You raise some good points here, but it seems that this thread is increasingly being steered specifically towards the "light group", rather than general energy issues. Additionally, I would like to remind everyone that the recent perception of "sexual stuff" in chat had nothing to do with any of the members that are supposedly in the light group.
  8. Ok, cool. Could you resend me in a pm whatever you think is relevant? I tend to clear old pm messages that have been quiet for six months or more. Much often changes for everyone over time.
  9. I agree, splitting threads will just confuse the predecessor thread. I vote for a new one, leave this one alone.
  10. Shields potentially not being effective is an important point and why I think it is a good topic for a full thread.
  11. I have made thousands of posts, so it may have related to something else, but I am not a healer type and don't profess to be. Any link reference? i searched on healing with offer or session authored by Jeff and could not find anything like that.
  12. Sure. As I said in an earlier post, someone was talking about starting such a thread on shielding. And I look forward to it.
  13. Fair enough. I totally understand (and pretty much share) your view. Just looking to get the broader group perspective.
  14. You must have me mistaken with someone else. I have never offered any form of healing or healing sessions in chat. The only member that I can remember making an offer like that was Jetsun (I think - correct me Jetsun if wrong).
  15. I would like to follow up a little on this point with the group... So on number 2, natural radiation - If one feels negative energy being radiated (or a negative being), do you feel that should be ignored to? Just leave the chatroom, even if you know that it may have a negative effect on the others in the room?
  16. I think you have raised some very good points. Especially highlighting that the spiritual process hits very deep issues and fears. Some release (let go of) those issues and fears and others don't (wanting to maintain that same individual sense of self). Letting go of deep issues & fears is hard work, and many talk about it, but very few really do it. I also agree that if anyone is doing any energy work with another, ongoing support and help is critical (for the reasons you described). In my opinion, it is not appropriate to do stuff like give shaktipat (if you can really do it) and just move on like some traditions do. If you are doing such work, you should stick around to help, support and explain. But, I would also say that much of this is self regulating. We all seem to find what we need at the time, even though it may feel like a scary rollercoaster ride at that moment.
  17. Count me in on being interested in reading it.
  18. Here we go again... May I ask why you feel the need to try to define my position on a topic, rather than just describe your own? Additionally create new drama?
  19. I would completely agree with the above post. But, I think the issue is a little more complicated for many. In my own case, some members have expressed concern about me even being in the chatroom. Even though I don't visit or share presence with people without specific permission, a few feel that it is not safe for the "newbies". Kind of like a fear of spontaneous kundalini activation from hanging to close. While I personally don't consider those concerns valid, I do notice a lot of the above described subconscious energy flows of other people. As an example, i can feel Apech radiating stuff in the chatroom. While he may not be doing it on purpose, some other member could easily come into chat and feel it if they were sensitive enough. So the problem becomes that both parties can be correct from there own perspective... Apech says he was not doing anything and the other party feels like he is being blasted by him...
  20. It all gets worse and more confusing when those who have no direct first hand knowledge start gossiping about it. Adding to the "incorrectness in every detail". But, I think your point of "deliberately directed" is also challenging. People may subconscious radiate very negative energy forms. Just do it as part of their nature. In many ways that can be far worse, that they cannot control themselves. Like a kid having a temper tantrum. Also, what about rather than an "immortal" just showing up in the chatroom, someone with a "negative entity" attached shows up and starts spreading negative energy... Then what do you do? Do you stop it if you can, or allow the being to attack others...
  21. I don't think TI has ever been in chat with any of the past activities. I was actively involved in stuff a while back and there was not any yab/yum tantra stuff done in the old days. With the recent complaints that led to the no "astral sex" rule, I talked to some of the parties involved (not personally there at the time), and they stated that they felt the sexual energy directed at them from some of the chat members. But, it did not seem to be from any actual practice that anyone was doing with the group. Seemed to be more a "radiating" issue then direct activity.
  22. Yes, you also raise a excellent point on the "unconscious" energy sharing part. That is very common as many members do not even notice that they are doing it. We all have sort of a bubble of what we consciously perceive, but ultimately we are all part of a greater "whole". Connections (or shared oneness) is a natural part of existence.
  23. I think that this is a very interesting, but challenging topic as it is all based upon individual perceptions. What the individual mind filters and translates... Additionally, different spiritual practitioners have different "frequency ranges" that they can consciously notice. One person's sexual feeling, may be another persons heat or soft vibrations. When people feel/notice energy, they are not really feeling the energy flow, but noticing the energy "hitting" obstructions, issues and fears. Even "just chatting" is a form of energy transmission. It is more about the focus and natural "radiance" of many individuals. If an immortal showed up in the chatroom and started just chatting... I am sure that anyone with any degree of spiritual openness would feel it... and probably swoon a little.
  24. Losing Members

    Yes, it is very bothersome to me that we do...
  25. Thanks. Checking now...