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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. hello enlightening people

  2. Hi everyone

  3. Hello.

  4. Protection from leeches

    Glad you like the quote. And I am definitely not trying to suggest psychoanalysis. If you have read any of my posts, they are always about direct experiencial. But, issues and fears are the obstructions that create what your are experiencing. Specifically, it is something receptive at the heart. Like some issue/fear around love (or being loved) that is currently creating your "leakage". Karen's earlier suggestion could definitely help as you would be creating a more transmission/energetic balance in your subconscious. Things like shielding can be a temporary fix, but such a shield gives strength to the underlying fear, and as you have seen, the shields value becomes limited. Be one and flow with the Tao. Or, if you prefer Buddha, neither attach or avoid...
  5. Protection from leeches

    On elaboration, I thought you might enjoy this from the gospel of Thomas... 35. Jesus said, "One can't enter a strong person's house and take it by force without tying his hands. Then one can loot his house." It is not about the sharing of energy with others, the fear I meant was with regards to the fear of "loss" of the energy in general. That you see it as "yours", and hence it can be stolen/leeched. Rather than focusing on the energy loss, consider what current subconscious issue/fear is tying your hands (or leaving the door open).
  6. Protection from leeches

    That fear answers your OP. Fear is the obstruction that keeps the door open and let's the thieves in...
  7. Recommendations / esoteric exercises

    How do you help sentient beings?
  8. Sort of, but if you think of Steve's post as building up... My other perspective would be it coming back down... A Taoist equivalent of what Steve said would be (not exact) something like... Ten thousand things are from the Three... The Three are just the perception of the Two... The two are just the movement (or change of state) of the One... The One is the emerged basis... Of the One from the Dao. Hence, my statement relates to the Three and the perception of the Ten Thousand things...
  9. Great description. Looked at from the other perspective... All that you see, is just a translation in (local) mind...
  10. Ciao

    Such success from a book is a clear sign that you must have a very open heart. Welcome
  11. Such concepts of "color" are an illusion (or translation) in the (local) mind. For many, black is translated as the "absence of color" or what you would call colorless.
  12. You are describing starting to feel energy at the 5th chakra (or begin get upper dantien). Enjoy
  13. Fun quote. I think it would be more useful to say... Make the unconscious conscious.
  14. A welcoming of trust

    I did not mean to imply that your 5th chakra is "so loud". As I said, it is "transmitting", but not really yet "recieving". Or you could also say that I would agree with Dawei's 5th half open description. Your interpretation of my saying that it was so loud is a good example of it at a conscious mind level.
  15. A welcoming of trust

    Sure. You currently have chakras 1-5 open to various levels (7 chakra framework) and you are actively transmitting at the throat. In general, you are more naturally lean toward transmitting than recieving. In Taoist terms more "fire". Best, Jeff
  16. A welcoming of trust

    Seems a little hard on a new member. Christopher - I will play your game. Comments here in the thread or pm? Best, Jeff
  17. At your current level of perception, I would suggest that you look into using a mantra. As things get more stable, move on to other techniques. Best wishes.
  18. Energy Center Above the Crown

    If someone has actually realized the eighth chakra, they know that they are not "in" the body and do not have such confusion. But, your point can be relevant for many who have realized the 6th, they often see and feel things in there local mind and mentally attempt to extrapolate higher chakras.
  19. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    Yes, I apologize. If you wish, feel free to delete all of my stuff in the thread.
  20. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    Only meant as viewed by you...?
  21. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    I agree that in both the Dao and Brahman, opposites have no meaning and that there is no other... Just not with your perspective that the Dao and Brahman are the same. Also, now you have introduced another concept with KS and Shiva. Are you also saying that Shiva = Brahman = Dao?
  22. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    Not in the context that I was using, remember I said they were the same, not both existent. I was talking about the emergence of the "One" from the Dao. Or as I originally stated from the GOT verse 50... Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.
  23. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    No opposites... That is why I had all of the equal signs in my post...
  24. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    By saying the same, Dwai was using the X=Y and Y=X example related to the Heart sutra definition of emptiness. Logically, in math terms, they are equivalent, but that is not what the Heart sutra is saying (hence the challenge and often misunderstanding regarding the buddhist concept of emptiness). Motion=Rest is giving the equivalent concept as the Heart sutra, but the example is not subject to the same logical math trap. In the "local" mind, motion is not equal to rest (or at least only when motion=0) and hence conveys the point/meaning. Or you could also say, that when one realizes that motion=rest, then the subtle difference between our points is better noticed.
  25. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

    It is definitely saying something like that, and I would totally agree, that in the (local) mind, they are the same. But, that is also why I do not use that example often (because of the easy confusion) and why I instead pointed the the motion=rest example instead first.