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Everything posted by everseeking


    Crazy--it says I've joined the chat, but I am not getting any contact from anyone. Also, I am unable to make a donation through the paypal link. What the heck is going on? I needs the Shaktipat!!! A lot!! Someone help us!! Oh, the humanity...

    Is this thing about to start? I'm not getting anyone on skype, I was added a lot earlier last time. Also, is it free? Or is a donation required? I only have like, $10 to my name right now. :-(
  3. Bigu

    Drew---Merda taurorum animas conturbit you said "I have to eat like this because the vagus nerve from the lower body transduces serotonin (bliss) AND anaerobic bacteria up into my brain through a permanent magnetization of my pineal gland." I think that sounds like a huge load of crap. The Vagus is not limited to the lower body-not by a long shot. It is considered a nerve of the parasympathetic division of the nervous system. It is both sensory and motor. Acetylcholine, NOT serotonin, is the chief neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system. Where the hell did you read that the vagus nerve transduces anaerobic bacteria back up into the brain? and what do you mean 'transduces'? Do you mean: To convert energy from one form to another; To transfer genetic material from one bacterial cell to another or In biophysics, transduction is the conveyance of energy from one electron (a donor) to another (a receptor), at the same time that the class of energy changes. transduction - The transformation of energy in the environment into the neurochemical signals used by the nervous system. For example, light energy is tranformed by the retina into the neural signals carried by the optic nerve. That last case involves the suprachiasmatic nucleus. How is it that you think the anaerobic bacteria are 'transduced'?
  4. Can Drugs Help You Achieve Enlightenment?

    "bleh, I don't want to click on the link. I already gathered your closed off point of view from your other vids." Sorry to pick on your quote there :-0 Yeah Darin, you're so closed off. I mean, Hunter Thompson, he did psychedelics, oh, wait, ...burnt out... Uh, what about Roger Waters! Such a great musician! He opened up the creative potential of his mind...wait, shit, nevermind...acid casualty as well.. Here's my thoughts, again in shorter form than the last time I posted about these videos. Doing psychedelics is okay for some people, yet will ruin others. They can bring out otherwise dormant schizophrenia. I know people this has happened to. Psychedelics can bring on amazing, life changing experiences. Some of my mot cherished memories are from eating an INSANE amount of psilocybin cubensis--I split 26 grams evenly with a close friend. It was an epic, mindblowing experience. I don't recommend taking that much As was illustrated in another thread here on TTB, 'magic mushrooms' can be GOOD for people in some circumstances! But the old rule applies--SET AND SETTING. And even so, psychedelics aren't a PATH to enlightenment. Maybe one small step, but if you keep going over the same old ground, what have you found? I am not yet there, but I am certain you don't 'come down' from enlightenment. It stays with you forever. Maybe for some people, living in some cultures, psychedelics are a path to higher spirituality and maybe enlightenment--but do any of you really think that they are that same path for people who access the internet, have 9-5 jobs, drive cars, etcc? The idea that taking psychedelics alone, repeatedly, and reaching enlightenment is a lie, and any lie you believe warps your mind. Such delusion gets you nowhere. Psychedelics are great fun for some, but you are still just spinning you wheels-not getting very far. Also, the idea of something in pill or liquid form that you can take in order to bypass a lot of hard work which would otherwise be necessary to achieve and end goal SMACKS of capitalism and consumer culture. Don't be a sheep, even a black sheep. Get out there (or inside, meditation), do the work, and advance yourself spiritually! If you try psychedelics, dont get stuck on them, and good luck finding all the right pieces when you break open your head. PEACE!
  5. Inducing Labor

    Ha ha ha! That's hilarious that you'd post that--Im a nursing student, and just watched a C-section for the first time today. It was pretty rough, even though they did a good job. IMO, it is the furthest thing I can imagine from being natural. If all else fails, ask for an induction with Cytotech, and then Pitocin. The Cytotech helps to 'ripen' the cervix. Pitocin is a synthetic form of a naturally occurring hormone called Oxytocin--which is associated with the emotion love. Oxytocin causes the contractions. If the bodies Oxytocin isn't doing it, the Pitocin will, but they cervix has to be dilated to about to 2 before they start Pitocin--you wouldn't want the uterus to blast the baby out a cervix that isnt fully dilated. Anyway, stimulating the womans nipples--in a sexual way, sucking, licking, or just gently rubbing-will stimulate an increase in Oxytocin. If they haven;t told you that slap them! There is whats called a contraction stress test (IIRC), where they have the woman (or her partner) stimulate her nipples, the goal being to bring about 3 contractions like--30 or 40 seconds duration within a 10 minute period. It really works--that's one of many reasons that breast feeding is THE BEST thing for baby and mom--it helps increase her Oxytocin levels, which causes the uterus to contract more, (can cause cramps) which helps stop post partum bleeding. When the uterus contracts down, it closes off the blood vessels that fed the placenta. Moms who breast feed return to pre baby weight faster, and honestly, the AMAZING benefits of breast feeding are magical--real magic. So, feel free to PM me, I'll tell you anything I can. If you wind up having to go with a C section, its not the end of the world, however THIS is worth noting--there are nerves which travel through the lower abdominal region that are involved in sexual activity and sensation--branches of the Vagus (10th Cranial Nerve) I think--and they are often severed (Partially of fully, IDK) with a C-section. I *think* there is greater risk of this with a tranverse lower abdominal incision than the one where its off to one side. One of our BRILLIANT Women Nursing Instructors (long time surgery/O.R. nurse) said that when men have an abdominal incision like that, care is taken to avoid severing those nerves. But not so with women and c-sections. Kind of fucked up if you ask me, after all these moms do to bring us into the world, and no one thinks about making sure they keep their sexuality healthy. FOR THE LOVE OF THE TAO, PLEASE DONT CIRCUMCISE YOU CHILD!! It is a cultural form of body modification, and has NO MEDICAL BENEFIT AT ALL!! NONE!!! IT IS MUTILATION!! I say this without appology, and can refute every argument in existence for circumcision. I hope this helps--and please, realize Im totally insane, and therefore not responsible for anything bad that may happen by following my advice, also Im a ghost and therefore not able to be sued. Damn litigious society..
  6. Hold backs?

    Hello all-- quick question. Is there any benefit in not ejaculating--meaning--like, I have sex, but dont let myself reach orgasm, I just stop having sex/pulll out. Maybe I keep going, on and off to stay near the orgasm, but I eventually stop the sex. I don't know how to 'circulate' the energy, or whatever else gets stuck from not being released. Is this safe? Beneficial? If the energy has to be circulated, how can I learn this? Simple terminology would be appreciated, as Im not sure of the actual application aspect of things like jing into chi, chi into shen. I am aware of the theory for the most part, but not sure exactly how to do it. Steps would be great. Step 1, cut a hole in the box, etc.. Thanks.
  7. Hold backs?

    Also--while Im asking these questions--is it safe t0 go 100 days without ejaculation/orgasm? Will a blockage develop? Thanks.
  8. Hello all, I have been wondering this for a while. Can I arouse Kundalini despite having a lower back problem? Will/might it help the back problem? Be more difficult due to the back problem? Heres some background-- I have a back problem--splondylosthesis at lumbar the junction 4-5. My (entire) back 'pops' easily. One of my mother's brothers had spinal stenosis, and maybe some other back problems. He had to have back surgery in his late 30's or early 40's. My mom's other brother had to have back surgery for a bulging or ruptured disk. One of my Brothers (Half brother--different fathers, same mother) had to have back surgery for a ruptured disc, and had scoliosis If I recall correctly--when young. He is in his mid thirties. My mother's father has never had to have back surgery, but he did have to changes jobs because his back would bother him at times. Okay, so here I am, 27, and I have to drive about 2 hours a day, 4-5 days of the week. Im also in class about 12 or maybe more hours per week, sitting in a char. When I'm home, I have to study a lot, and --yes, sit. So, I haven't been able to work out at all really, for about 1.5 years or more--no time, I'm in Nursing school. Almost DONE!! Anyway, all this sitting has made my lower back start to bother me. As long as I lift weights on a semi regular basis, my back doesn;t bother me much-if at all. But all this forced innactivity as of late has weakened it even more. It tends to feel uncomfortable a lot of the day, sometimes in the AM. I started doing the wrestlers bridge as reccomended on Trunk's site, and a few other crazy stretches, (even though a doctor would likely tell me not to) every day once or twice for a few minutes. This has all but eliminated the problematic feelings. So then, given this approximation of the degree of my problem, and the inherited aspect, how might this all play into me attempting to arouse Kundalini ? I plan on devoting more time to meditation after I graduate in May, and I have been wondering for some time if this back problem will get better simply by arousing Kundalini (as if it were simple to do..) and also if it will be more difficult or impossible to arouse the Kundalini given my back problem(s). Thoughts? I would really appreciate some kind if an answer.
  9. Kundalini, the spine, and back problems.

    Thank you SO MUCH! I was hoping you would be the one to reply. Stuff keeps coming between me and KAP tuition, I've decided to just wait 'till I feel like I have the time to devote to it and the mental energy. I don't want to put a time line on it so much as I want to plan on beginning it in less that 1 year, hopefully no later that this summer. Maybe I will do an in person session before signing up for the skype class. I've been making progress with Chi Gung, and that will have to do for now. Blessings to you :-)
  10. Video: Drugs and Tai Chi Sword Lesson #4

    Look, I agree with you guys very much. I doubt Darin has much firsthand knowledge of these types of things--The Ayahuasca ritual, healing, etc.., or the Bwiti taking Iboga, and the many amazing things that go with that particular plant. Like the guy who was given Iboga in a drug rehab to kick his crack habit--he went (in his trip) to a village of light and met the mother and father of creation. Same as the Bwiti describe as being the peak Iboga experience. But still, no matter what you get from a trip like that, (aside from healing disease), you still come back to the reality you left, more or less, and you have to keep dealing with that. I agree 100000000% that taking part in these rituals can heal people, open up their consciousness, and do many great things. I don't feel that that is what Darin's video means by 'dont take drugs'. I feel like what he's talking about is more along the lines of getting high and trying to advance yourself spiritually by smoking weed every day and being a lard ass and fooling yourself into thinking you are advancing spiritually. Respect and dedicated work are part of success and advancement. as for this-- "There's scientific evidence out there that these plants have made us human in the physiological sense too, by rewiring our monkey brains the human way. We have receptors in the brain for each and every one of the sacred plants traditionally used by tribal folks for thousands of years. " I disagree in part--we also have carbon monoxide receptors if you choose to think of them that way--does that mean we are destined to asphyxiate ourselves? These chemical interactions are governed by chemistry and physics. Magnets weren't 'meant' to attract iron. They attract all ferrous metals with impunity. Receptors in the brain attract whatever fits. We couldn't possibly have them if these experiences weren't part of who we are as a species. We are meant to have them. I disagree again in part--I get an erection when I look at a picture or video ( key point-2 dimensional representation ) of a naked woman--does that mean I am destined to have sex with pictures? Or does my brain simply interpret the stimulus in a similar way to the real thing? I feel that these plants are amazing, and I don't think its entirely coincidence that we can eat/drink/smoke them and have amazing experiences. But thats all they are--experiences. External stimuli. They can take you on amazing trips, show you peaks within yourself you would never know exist, and many other great things--and IMO thats fine, as long as you do it with respect and moderation--and most importantly, recognize it for what it is--a fun ride. Its not entirely fate that these plants do what they do either. The truth is much more amazing, and cant be summarized in words. The Tao that can be named is NOT the true Tao!! With love for you all, please realize that I recognize this is just MY OPINION--but.... These things -Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, Iboga, etcc--arent meant to be PATHS, they are meant to be TOOLS for seldom/occasional use in healing and breaking past barriers, and as STEPS along the path. To do them often as you means of cultivation misses the mark. Its like the idea that if you watch really good dancers on TV, you will gain the ability to dance. Not so! They might help motivate you, but you still gotta put the work in. And I imagine we all agree that drinking lots of beer every night, or doing cocaine frequently will NOT further you spiritually. Nor will smoking lots of pot every day. (Unless you are a true Rastafarian ) I felt that that was the type of 'doing drugs' Darin's video was aimed at. I could be wrong, but at least now I have shared my perspective. Love you all! And BTW, I really like the idea of plants making us 'human' by rewiring us. I know these plants can have their own spirit so to speak, I have tried several things once or twice and one of them-salvia-spoke to me. It wasn't cool--it wanted to scare me, because I didn't like it and I didn't take it with respect--I took it for all the wrong reasons. It spoke to me from inside me head. Creepy. Anyway, I hope you all appreciate where I'm coming from, even if you don't agree. Peace!!
  11. Video: Drugs and Tai Chi Sword Lesson #4

    "I find it absolutely horrifying that our dark overlords have successfully managed to convince the population that pharmaceutical monstrosities of their creation and sacred herbs of god's creation are all in the same category -- "drugs." I don't even want to go there... Drugs my ass. I would really like to see an average chemical-dependency fiend on ayahuaska... shudder." I more or less agree. But the point I got out of Darin's video--or rather, my personal stance is, taking drugs to get high, and taking a specific drug/mixture (like Ayahuasca, Iboga, etc..) under the guidance of a teacher, while having an actual purpose--these are two different things. The big difference bieng, IMO, the element of respect. Respect for the plants, and respect for yourself. I very much doubt that anyone would be able to function while under the effects of Ayahuasca 24/7. So, there is the very real burden of dealing with the reality you are left with when you come down. So, how far have you really gone? Do people gain the life long ability to open and balance their chakras or run the MCO at will after doing Ayahuasca? No. Its like Vegas in that respect--whatever happens in Ayahuasca land, stays in Ayahuasca land. Sure, you may get some real good answers to dilemmas your stuck in, deeeper insight, etc. But you wont get far in the sober world by taking 'drugs' and leaving it at that. Also, I believe there is a point for most people where they have to let go of doing things like psychedelics in order to progress more. Its easy to get stuck in them, but IMO, they are just a step on the path. Man made drugs can REALLY mess you up quick. Natural is better most of the time.
  12. Video: Drugs and Tai Chi Sword Lesson #4

    That youtube video only supports the theme in Darin's video. 'Doing drugs' and taking part in an actual, authentic ritual with a real shaman like that man was are two different things entirely. Those men had a guide-the shaman. They got something out of it all besides just a wicked high. People in the western, 'civilized' world taking 'Ayahuasca' at home or with some 'white guy' who sell it to them are bound to make about a much progress as people who start meditating without ever learning how to meditate. Or learning certain qigong from books. There are risks. Taking drugs to get high and partaking in the ritual of that shaman are not the same thing. There aren't real shamans like that all over the place in the western world. Also, the old shaman in that vid said he went into the jungle with his father for EIGHT YEARS to learn what he was doing. Totally different than setting on a couch and getting high. Also, for those who live in the Jungle, perhaps healing like that is all they need--but take those same people and put them in the 'western' world and the barriers that are between them and spiritual attainment will be different. To use an analogy, just because starting a huge fire is a great way to keep you warm when you are in in a forest during winter doesn't mean you should start a fire to keep yourself warm in a house made of ice. Apply the same solution to a different equation, and things don't always add up--and in this analogy, you wind up with a melt down. Lastly, are those people more spiritually advanced, or did they just have an amazing-and some might say 'spiritual' experience? Are they armed with any mental tools to keep themselves on track spiritually when they get back to the 'civilized' world?
  13. How do you explain Taoism ?

    I dont know much about Taoism, but the more I know, the more I'm drawn to it. Why not just reply, 'Its about being natural." ?
  14. Video: Drugs and Tai Chi Sword Lesson #4

    Darin--I LOVE your video man! I all too often feel like (practically) the only sane person in a sea full of crazy people. Your videos have all been like a life buoy. I have tried many drugs once or twice, and some have been more pleasurable than others, but no matter how 'cool' some delusion seemed, they were all just that. I count myself lucky that I realized how ridiculous a notion it is that one may become spiritually advanced by drugs. They can be really fun, but then again so can eating cake and ice cream for every meal...Im glad I still have an intellect and most of a brain! I wish I could hang out with you and talk sometime man! Your videos are all so simple, yet so profound. If other people want to delude themselves, and justify their disagreements with you, or shut out what you have to say, I believe it is their loss. In the most platonic way, I have a lot of love for you for sharing these videos. Awesome stuff! Please, keep it coming!
  15. Magnets with your chi gung?

    Does anybody have any experience with using magnets with their meditation practices? Or chi gung? Or anything? Thanks- N-
  16. Cross eyed chi kung?

    Hey everybody, I just got this course called 'Tien Tao Qi Gong'. I know it is something the good Doctor Glenn Morris did back on the day. I got the book 'shadow strategies...' as well. I had planned on taking KAP 1 about now, but have run out of money for now, and decided to follow my gut and wait untill Im closer to graduating, so as to not have too much to deal with all at once. Anyway, I was reading that in this Tien Tao qi gong, part of the instructions say to "Continue natural breathing while bringing the pupils of the eyes gently in unison by concentrating them on the tip of the nose. Concentrate here for three to five minutes." Well, does that mean I should cross my eyes? I have tried doing this with my eyes crossed, and it is the fastest way I have ever found to bring about a REALLY BAD headache, short of hitting myself with a hammer. I get a VERY, VERY painful pressure between and behind my eyes on the exhale when I do this. Thankfully, it goes away once I uncross my eyes. Thoughts? Please help me!! Thanks--- Nate-
  17. Cross eyed chi kung?

    Well, FWIW, Im not talking about gazing down the nose, I mean actually staring at your nose (not TOO forcefully) so that your eyes actually do cross. The idea next is to 'look inward' and close your eyes, meaning that you keep your eyes crossed (with eyes now closed) as if you could see through your skull and were looking through your nostrils. Thats the best way I can describe it. I tried it again, same reaction--headache, instantly. Then I touched the tip of my tongue to the roof of my mouth and the pain went away. I think the idea is partly more about closing your eyes and looking in with you eyes into your body (with imagination of course) and following the orbit with your eyes. I suppose I will just have to go with it and see where it takes me. It is the most complete Qi Gong course I can afford (cost me $2.50) and very detailed. If Im dedicated I might be able to complete it in 6 months or less, and By then I'll be more ready for KAP1 or personal instruction. I want to open the MCO, Macro, and eventually Raise Kundalini. If anything noteworthy happens I'll let you all know. Wish me luck!!
  18. Cross eyed chi kung?

    So, Lino dear friend, have you experience with the Tien Tao course? Should I actually cross my eyes, or just look downward? Im confused again...maybe crossong the eyes is like, a big secret supercharging technique>? Even it it is/were, there's probably no way I could do it--everytime I get into breathing after a min or two, get in the groove, then cross my eyes, it hurts like hell right in the forehead on the exhale. Thanks... Well, shit. I just answered my own question by reading deeper--you are supposed to cross the eyes gently. Ugghh.. Even with eyes closed, it makes me feel like shit. Hope it doesn't kill me or something!!
  19. Cross eyed chi kung?

    Whew!! Thanks. Just had me wondering though, since the previous two pieces of instruction deal (in part) with where you gaze, each one moving the gaze closer to the body. So I assume that it means to look down the nose, but not cross the eyes.
  20. Tai Chi Sword Lesson #2- Video of Me

    I agree-stuff like this is the very reason I come to TTB. REAL life stuff. Thanks Darin!! Keep it coming! Great stuff. Slyly smart and succinct.
  21. Jedi Force Trainer

    That is by far THE most awesome, badass toy I have ever seen. I must have one. I wonder...will they make a semi functional light saber next? We can only hope...
  22. Water Distillers

    Prostate-not prostRate. Also, women dont have prostates. The female equivalent is the skene's glands. Thats interesting though, about women getting cancer post menopause. I think thats probably more related to hormonal changes than minerals, but who knows. just a thought.
  23. Sayings of past spiritual teachers!

    "When you ask a leaver of home, I simply think that you should not let your mind linger on a temporary dwelling" Not sure of author, roughly quoted from memory, out of 'The Unfettered Mind' by Takuan Soho, Thomas Cleary translation. Here's one of my all time favorites. I just found out its from the TTC. Experience is a riverbed, Its source hidden, forever rising; Its entrance, the root of the world, Flow courses within it: Draw upon it; it will not run dry. A slightly different translation than I recall though. I prefer this one- Experience is a riverbed, Its source hidden, forever flowing; Its entrance, the root of the world, The Way moves within it: Draw upon it; it will not run dry.
  24. Awakening Psychic Abilities

    LMAO!! Thats too funny man. Yes, it is okay to type in paragraph format, we wont think you lack cultivation.