Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

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Everything posted by Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

  1. Infinite Fractal Tangent; Sacred Geometry; E=M*C^2

    I feel i should explain this deeper... saying that "humans have chakras" is a specific thing to say, and it isnt wrong, but it is also NOT unique OR specifically so... Humans function under a basis of rules which governs all beings, bodies, places, and people; creatures, conditions, qualities, and situations. The health of these very forums can be visible by discerning its own chakras.
  2. meditation - not contriving the breath

    soon as weather starts warming up, you bet i will...
  3. january 2013 - forum upgrade

    i had some trouble with quotes, the tags didnt show up, but functioned; problem was i couldnt tell where i had or had not properly broken up a quote to insert my unquoted responses...
  4. My Novel -- selected chapters for review

    In regards to your first admitted assumption, all predictions are difficult to pin ANY person down. In regards to your second admission, freedom is obtained in every passing moment whereupon the mind is not preoccupied by its bondage. Freedom is the emptiness of a bottle, or the vacancy of a hotel room. Once freedom is occupied, is it still freedom, or something... "else"? For even in enlightenment freedom is still foreven on the horizon, but i guess, perhaps, the perceptive focus is adjusted...? It is as though you end your first paragraph with the "answer" to your assumptions... as well as your "conflicts" with Vmarco...? or am i just imagining things? Edit in: The freedom is never "not" there, any more than it is an object wich you may possess.
  5. My Novel -- selected chapters for review

    your response is ironic, dwai! One cannot lack humility unless they also lack pride!
  6. Assessing a Sickness called "My Life"

    my unbending intent to perfect my pursuits is all i have... In my pursuit of perfection, my pursuits have evolved over time... from popularity as a child in school, to "correctness" regardless of popularity (or actually knowing "correctness" for that matter), to being attractive to the opposite sex (and thereby popular), to having sex (and thereby being popular/successful), to understanding "other people", which led into wanting to have children, as both a part of understanding people in general, as well as part of having pliable minds to mold... not to mold them, but to not mold them, to allow them to see the truths the world has to offer without any "learned filters". As i thought more and more about how valuable young lives are, i stopped wanting on their behalf... I stopped wanting "better for them", i stopped wanting to "give them a proper upbringing", i stopped thinking i knew better, that i had the answers and had to give them to my children... That i still want to be one to bring them into this world, that i still want to be one to care for them, that i still want to teach them, that i still want my own flesh adn blood children, my own family, should not automatically disqualify me from living the life i seek!!! If desire itself disqualified me, then i should want to be alive so that i can be disqualified from being alive... it makes no sense!! If i am disallowed to raise my family, then by association i am automatically disqualified from the SO CALLED "elevated same quest" for i will not. Prerequisites might not be mine to define, but they are also an obstacle of this equation: If i am not meant to have family, but meant to raise a family in spirit, then i have already failed for without my own flesh-and-blood family, i am wholly unwilling to participate in a "spiritual family" alternative. Thus i am permanently disqualified from "success" in life... well, according to my understanding of your words anyways... i dont agtee with them, but if they are a true explination as to why i am so unsatisfied by my life, they are also an obstacle preceeding my desires.
  7. David Icke. What do you think?

    "David Icke. What do you think?" I don't. Whoever he is, whatever he's done, he, as all outside phenomena and individuals, is merely inspiration and intuition trying to drop hints about my own self in relativity to the externalized world. In other words: Who is he and why do i care? In contrary to the commonly accepted notion that the brain development is responsible for the mental development: The mind already existing in perfection is seeking expression in the imperfect, impermanent, physical world by constantly modifying (evolving) the transcievers (brains) of the bodies it can interact with (still just brains, but by association, also the body which houses the brain), resulting in the evident progression of the physical structure of the biological brain. The events as recorded by science and as recorded by my observations might not agree, but what is the model of evidence to determine which perspective is "correct"?
  8. If You were on the Moon..

    what is the value of a(ny) currency belonging to an extinct planet???
  9. Assessing a Sickness called "My Life"

    "those with no preferences" is definitely not the group i am in, i guess... Finding contentedness is quite obstructed indeed, when i cannot figure out how to let go of desires... "preference"... For temporary periods, sure... i could "simply be" without want, but it doesnt last long... and comes with no compensation, nothing to "make up for" anything... and once i've stopped, i am right back where i started! Then i ask, why did i even start, if only to gain nothing from it? I've spent times and times just letting life pass me by, but i have yet to learn how to grasp life and stop it from forgetting all about me. The obstacle isnt that i DO desire, is it? Cuz i do not know how to stop. if it is possible for me to stop.
  10. Lily Of The Day

    so many lillies, not enough days for them all... no wait...
  11. Soma - Plants and the Divine

    Humboldt huh? Funny cuz that's what i got for x-mas was a hoody that has a picture of a stoned skunk on the front and says: Humboldt Home Grown Skunk #1 I dont usually believe in coincedences, but i think i'll let this one slide... lol
  12. january 2013 - forum upgrade

    well.... next time i am online out in the garage, i will let you know how windows 8 is taking it. So far, i havent been able to post anything with windows 8 and still use the enter key to define paragraphs... may be a separate issue, but it's my only real gripe lol
  13. Big blue snake

    THAT is funny cuz i always thought Mal was the one practicing on the right! I claim the wolf pack, since i was ORIGINALLY Stoner Shadow Wolf, im their Alpha Male LOL
  14. Sticking to the Inevitable

    i laughed... pretty hard... oh my... APPARENTLY.... YOU can stop me dead in my tracks with something like "I poof this" HAW! What IS there to do BUT await the inevitable? I think this is why we invented cards But im sure tehre are better ways to pass the time while awaiting the inevitability of the passage of time
  15. How to achieve abundance and wealth

    one of my dreams is/was to own a large property and build up a self sufficient organization using only what is available on/off the land, and inviting people out to live with me and form a nice community of hippies and free thinkers... of course it'll all be pretty labor intensive, so i dunno how the elderly will be handling this dream of mine, though i do hope taijiquan and qi gong will benefit them as much as i do hope
  16. Big blue snake

    whats this about a red chop??? Also, year of the snake has never favored my ox... or is it my rooster or monkey? either way, it's a bad year for me. usually is. last 2 were. During my first snake year, my Grandma died... When i was almost 4 years old, or just after turning... i was about 16 during the second year of the snake in my life... the only good thing was that i got my GED... but that might have technically happened BEFORE the year of the snake, since i did that in january...? Anyways, job hunting has been cursed ever since then... i got my GED to GET a job and start saving money.... never happened... ever. Now, im bracing myself this year... lol
  17. Soma - Plants and the Divine

    Cannabis grows everywhere like wild... there are only a handfull of terrains that our Earth cannot bear Cannabis plnts: Stone, Glacier, *pure* desert, and, to my knowledge, ocean. Great Sea Weed, i bet! Anyways, pot grows in arid lands quite well... it loves water, for sure, but it can do quite well with a copious amount of sunshine in lieu of water. Pot grows like a weed in almost all soils, rich and poor alike. OF COURSE, if you are looking for QUALITY weed, like medicinal marijuana, then you are looking for the handy man made cultivation techniques that utilize hydroponics and tweaked fertalizers. OTHERWISE, the plant is just supposed to grow in great opulance... everywhere... Took a real effort over the last hundred years or so... to all but totally annahilate the sacred Cannabis plant. But i do imagine back in the day of the bibles' authors that Cannabis could be seen wild and plentiful, much like ferns are seen in today's evergreen forests, or blackberry bushes maybe. I've heard that Jesus was annointed with several sacred oils, one of which was hemp... i bet he was risin on the third day cuz of munchies.
  18. Some Thoughts

    I can relate to Lao Tzu's alleged statement: Why do we ever think we are enlightened, come to a point in our lives where we have a deep "ah-ha" moment and think we've uncovered some "ultimate truth"? It's happened to me various times throughout my life since i was 2 or 3... and "it" is always overshadowed by the "next" ah-ha moment... So you are a teacher, well versed in spiritual and philosophical insight(s), walking the path of the self-author, and still learning more? You could be 55 or 89 and those words would have no change of impact or point/purpose. we are all still fetal and we just dont know it... every time we come closer to thinking we do know, we are actually removing ourselves further from this understanding... So you think its guts that Lao Tzu had, in order to say he was "but a fetus in a womb"? compared to the available quantum of experience and knowing, i'd say we've barely even breached the egg yet!
  19. If You were on the Moon..

    I'd say "HA! YOU MISSED ME!!!!"
  20. Assessing a Sickness called "My Life"

    Try to stop comparing self and others. They have never existed. This is a bad habit you ought to drop before you take another breath or think another thought. Longing will only accomplish imprisoning you in this world. Enlightened or not, there is no escape. Either you are aware of it or not. Your nature is causeless. Why are you giving cause to continued illusory existence? Detaching from appearances is not a method, it is inconceivable strategy. If your will to enlightenment is weak, you will succumb to your self-generated illusory existence and drag your family along with it. Forget the excuses. Your obstacles are self-generated. Drop them. obstacles are self generated, jsut as much as goals are, no doubt? So do i drop my objectives, or do i drop my obstacles? HOW do i know them apart? Are my goals the source of the obstacles as well, thus i must forget wanting or pursuing and just "be" content with "being"? What say my goal of starting a family and raising them right, giving them the proper examples and teaching them the subtle truths of our reality as tehy are known to me... what obstacle am i creating? In this day and age, the goal itself IS the obstacle. or more specifically, the people who populate the world are quite impairing in success. Null point, i still want a family; enlightened or not, evolved or not i wonder what would Rodney do? I havent watched any good bond movies in a while, so when you brought up "Dr. No" earlier in the thread, i've been jonsing... I BLAME YOU! Havent watched that one all the way through yet. i dont even remember where i left off.... did a bond marathon years ago, before the release of "tomorrow never dies" or the world is not enough.... whichever one is the newer one... LOL aajhhh..... anyways, it took till i started reading that last "quoted off" section that you were talking to hydrogen more exclusively.... i wasted a lot of cyber breath, but im posting it anyways, since i went through all the trouble and all... n_n
  21. Some Thoughts

    thetaoiseasy... how old are you? It seems like every generation is reaching similar "pinnacle"s of insight a bit younger and younger each generation... i met both old and young alike who seem wisened.
  22. Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

    oh for cryin'.... I'm with sushil on this one; the industrial, mechanized, homogenized, stagnated civilized society is a damnation upon the spirit and the mind; the irony is that the only means to address the masses is the hyppocritical approach of technology. Fine. har-har. funny. """"idiot wants to save the world by using the problem he says is destroying the world to tell us all that we can help save it. what idiot ha!"""" I get it. Now, let's back up a little. 7+billion humans isnt a good thing. How in god's name, from his anus to his brain stem, could you possibly think that 1+billion people is even good, let alone the additional 6 billion more we've got! Damn straight we'd fuck the bio diversity in a night's chaotic struggle to survive! BUT WE BROUGHT THAT ON OURSELVES DIDNT WE?! I use the term "we" VERY loosely. I value life, but i value more than the life quantity is teh life quality, and industrial socirty has blasted quality into shit and quantity into fodder. NO ONE BUYS HUMANS IN BULK EXCEPT MILITARY. So what the fuck, do you understand yet, or do we need more children caught under lawn mowers, elderly electroctured by computers, house pets being more alert to the heartbeats of babies than their own WoW addict parents, and internet arguments?! I'd rather be hunting/gathering for life, from teen age till death. but that is not an option available to me, go figure. so instead, i do what IS available to me: Gripe about the world on the internet where i am easier to ignore. Cuz i have better options for reaching my goals. FFS.
  23. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    we still yackin' about special fred?
  24. Namechange Bandwagon

    I'M A JUMPPIN' AWN!!! Just rearrange all the letters and spaces in my current screen name to look more like this: Northern Avid Judo Ant That will suffice And in about 5 years, i'll have it rearranged again its anyone's guess as to what my name will become!