Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

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Everything posted by Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

  1. History Channel- Underwater Worlds

    I4L, My advice is to try to be mindful of sensationalization and avoid getting caught up in half-truths portrayed with extra glittery and chrome chassis. As for the Ancient Alien theories sprouting up lately, i laugh. "MY" theory goes like this: "WE" ARE the "ancient aliens". Our pre-geologically-historic ancestors went exodus, came back to "seed" us back in when the surface cooled, and took off again. We played a little backwards game of all-tech to no tech, and now we're rapidly returning to the technology we once knew. all the evidence of ancient astronauts isnt E.T., but our own ancestrial doings. We'd have probably had tremendously amazing technologies that we had forgotten how to use responsibly when seeded back into earth and wound up fearing and denouncing them by all but the proficiently elite and ignorant... whom wound up annahilating each other... and many innocents, leaving recordable history to the geological evidence that remained of it all. Sooner or later they will inadvertantly lend accidental subtle hints, like unexplainable anomolies, that poke tiny holes in their theory which, if studied close enough, would reveal explinations of how WE could be the responsible party. When there is a technological advancement so great as to build and maintain floating cities, and weapons powerful enough to render these great cities to less than atomic dust, there is no telling "who" it might have been! Genetics would jsut as well permit 6 armed, 5000 year old, blue skinned deities/emperors/kings/lords/mayers Eeehhh.... Ah anyways, yeah, fun stuff to watch
  2. 30 minute 30 day mentorships

    All the better tp keep it pinned!
  3. Breathing & Head-Rush

    I am in agreement, however, I am experimenting to find a good moderation for it, to find a thorough first hand understanding of it's benefits. In other words, to compress the breath to it maximum acceptable threshold, to not get the head rush from it by not compressing too much. I'm finding that to compress a very small amount of breath, you can gain a lot more from it than by just taking a small breath, but to compress a large amount, you could get trememndous head rush or even pass out.
  4. Breathing & Head-Rush

    Joe. Ish. We meet in the middle. I'm working in 4 ways: Conscious control at times. Simply meditating and clearing conscious focus for harmonizing. Activity meditation; Clearing the mind during tasks, or just walking, while being ever aware of the breath, yet without conscious (control). Activity consciousness; Coordinating movements with breathing by intent. All of which working together to work neither inward nor outward, but to form a point or a whole.
  5. Call for help!

    "Advertising"; I dont go to them, they come to me. The key term here, however, was "cant afford to". not that they cant help themselves, because that is essentially what i would teach. In my opinion of a master being able to (not necessarily willing to), i base this off the nature of mastery, not the product thereof. In the product, there is nothing but negotiation/exchange to be had, but the nature is something which i aspire to share freely, and, not necessarily expect, but hope to see from others. As well as encourage to bring about more frequently and commonly. Regardless of my opinion, I dont expect to get it for free, and will be doing all that I can within my means to acquire my goals, however, my opinion will still drive my intention. I KNOW ... from experience Be that as it may, I still respect them more than much of, if not all other areas of life, generally speaking.
  6. Friends

    Trust the green field, Love the green field. Remember the green field as it turns yellow, but LEAVE the field before it turns brown and go find a new green field! The blue field is not so nutritional anyways pure awesome though!
  7. Call for help!

    fiveelementtao, I apologize for the rather presumptuous wording that i had used. Rather, I agree with you completely, and mean not to suggest that everyone who knows something about energy cultivation should jsut share it like it's no hassle. What i meant to suggest, however, is that people who have truly reached a mastery of these such arts would be in a state of being to which it is no sacrifice to share their time and wisdom. That is one of my goals actually, to reach a state of mastery and become, pardon the pun, a Tao Bum. I aspire to help those who cant (afford to) help themselves. In these desperate times, I believe such generousity is crucial to rising out of economic depression and crippling monetary dependency. To help the people (not the corporations and businesses). To bring us all to a better state of existence that can be fruitful and prosperous without unnecessary obstruction. ... To teach, by example, how to live for the world-as-self and not only for the self-as-world, but both in balance. Cultivation techniques have gone on and progressed and advanced for over 2000 years... Isnt it about time they became as mainstream and common place in society as the chi they aim on cultivating, as akin to the TV's, videogames, drugs, and dollar bills to "normal" society? I hope that clarifies the intentions behind my words; a pupil's time and effort are significantly stronger indicators to their worthiness as a student than the number of hundreds of dollars they can contribute to the teacher and his/her practice.
  8. What are you listening to?

    The hushed cacophony of libray discussions and internet surfing. It's like a potential white noise tape!
  9. True Teachers

    Words to take to heart, Thank you. Perhaps the best we can do, for the time, is trust in the tao and let things come as they will, and when we are ready, we will recieve that which we are ready for. as per the will of the way. It's the best i can think of anyways
  10. 30 minute 30 day mentorships

    I'd liek to request either a subforum for this topic, so that individual threads for practice exchanges can be made, or, more likely, this topic be pinned for convenience. I'm not terribly well known with anything (as far as i know) but i am all for giving feedback on what i pracatice!
  11. The 256 year old man

    I'm shooting for the age of "die when i'm done" In other words, maintining good physical, mental, spiritual, and dietary fitness, well being, cultivation, & practice Oh yeah, and laugh!
  12. Apocalypse Culture

    I'd love that! It'd be great to put it on live international TV and share it with the world
  13. Breathing & Head-Rush

    Hm, perhaps... Except I can already go a long way without significant fatigue, and i am almost never out of breath, even when i am getting head rush... To note, it takes me 8-12 hours to walk 20 miles, and only around halfway does fatigue slow me down. HHm... i will try more sitting breath practice for the time, see how it goes. Thanks. {Edit:} P.S. ... Mal... WTF IS A STAINKEY?!? I jest; tee hee and all that {/Edit:}
  14. I Can always offer feedback! It is, as though, invoulentarily! :D Never the less, I believe we could have something constructive at least one day of the week (when i have library/internet access.) And the rest of the time, i will be at the whims of 5 other people's scheduels and do the best i can to practice! :)

  15. Nationalism...of benefit, or the bane of society?

    OH, but we CAN. Just as with any practice presented on this forum, the only thing holding us back is ourselves. The only obstacle we ever face in this, as with most things, is the self. We can ALL start, on the individual level, and THAT is the required starting point to get this moving forward. Why wait till everyone else is doing it? If it already suits you, then you can be one of many to push it forward and open eyes.
  16. Call for help!

    FIRST, allow me to apologize for the more-or-less brash first post, i got caught up in a Qi Gong book i was reading at the library (here) and felt at a strong loss that i have been unable to meet people who are knowledgable in the areas of Chi cultivation, from which to learn with proper guidance and direction. Second, i am highly humbled at the responses, i wasn't expecting this level of positive input/output, Thank you all. So more to the point, and as i have just relayed via PM to another member, I am looking to be able to, first help myself so that, second, I can help others. I desire to develop mastery that I can one day pass down to more people, to keep spreading the physical and mental wellness that comes about from Qi Gong, Taijiquan, martial arts, and all forms of physical exercise, practice, and education, from as little as first aid, to as much as "Empty Force". My ultimate goal in life is to learn as much-to-all about the body as i can until the day I (MIGHT ) die... And to teach as much of it to as many people as I can in that time. The world can become a better place only through practice and sharing. Many people I have met whom have claimed knowledge, demand monetary compensation which I cannot, currently, provide, and more often than not strike me as less interested in the practice than the profit they can gain from selling it. Though I do not seek to undermine their business, I believe it might occur inherently from sharing. I am not terribly worried about this, since other venues such as physical therapy are otherwise "recession proof" as it were. All in all, Thank you all very much, and I Will probably PM some of you and check out everything you've given me here. Thank you. {edit:} P.S. Would it be advisable to "practice" without knowledge or experience...? in other words, for example, "experiment" with potential cultivation practice? For further example, acting on instinct/impulse/intuition and practicing that?{/edit:}
  17. Have you found the Heart-Center?

    All Encompassing Infintesimal Omniversal Unity mindfulness/meditation/pondering/observing. Eternity is constantly changing. I Love it. This Love can be only unconditional and wide open to everything as it comes and goes. It is also unattached, unadhesive. Or in other words, it is not always positive, but never always negative. ALWAYS changing, for good or for bad but without preference, only acceptance... sometimes happy, sometimes depressed, always changing, always loving. Knowledge is fixed in time, stagnant, attached to the past. Knowing is fluid and alive, moving with the times. AS SUCH IS LOVE.
  18. Real levitating buddhist monk?

    This is relevant. We need not be focused so much on the siddhis, powers, supernatural abilities, or paranormal activity of reality. Just breathe.
  19. Nationalism...of benefit, or the bane of society?

    Oh, I dunno about that, names can be legally changed! Be mindful, and names will reveal their true power(s).
  20. I figured out why I can't find any legit neigong texts

    AAaaaahhhhh... perhaps it's time to breathe! But that is much harder to do than it may seem, whilst one is possessed by hysterical laughter!
  21. Indirect confessions [GAME]

    This is a fairly simple game. An example: "I have a bad habit of aggressivly separating the fibers of rubber in public" Translates to "i slash tires". Try your hand and see if you can guess others' Mine: I have a bad habit of indiscretely exhaling methane.
  22. Breathing & Head-Rush

    Well... I've done a lot of walking in the last 2-3 months, and only in the last 2 weeks have i tried compressing air while walking. it's a very scary head rush and i dont do it much/at all anymore. I DO, occasionally, while im away from the streets and preferably over grass, in case i fall over invoulentarily, but overall, i am only observing this experience out of curiousity to the effects/affects. I still havent learned anything pertaining to the danger or ill effects of this, but so far have not encountered any seriously ill effects other than fear and loss of conscious bodily control in areas such as balance and perception. On one hand, it seems good, very good, and bringing me closer to letting go of all unnecessary ties and bounds. On the other hand it's terrifying and inspires thoughts or worries of abruptly, spontaniously, dying. Maybe im jsut crazy But im trying to stick to simple deep-breath meditation while standing and/or walking. No pressure, no pushing, no forcing the breath, jsut letting it be. Other times i get this type of head rush are after 4 or more pull/chin-ups. When i dismount, i get strong head rush for about 5-10 seconds. I am in the belief that it is a poor circulation between my muscles and lungs which i am trying to find a solution for. Thanks all!
  23. Cure for masturbation addiction

    uhmmm... Doest bhuddism teach ego reduction? Just a 'nudge' (insert emoticon of smiley hitting dead horse with hammer here)
  24. Your Favorite Martial Art

    Every. Single. One. I Love all martial arts, and prefer to think of them at the core, the seed. Generally, most to all martial arts can be traced back to one point: The core of the human body, Taijiquan/T'ai Chi Chuan type movements. Breathe deep, clear the mind, meditate in stillness, and meditating in motion will follow. Be ever mindful of your being, and let go of your attachments. This is a martial art of the mind.
  25. Nationalism...of benefit, or the bane of society?

    This nation, that nation, any nation, all nations; We're all human. Once we finally get past this, we can focus on our other brothers and sisters, the 'animals' we so callously prejudge authority over.