Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

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Everything posted by Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

  1. Global Shaktipat starting now till Sunday night at 11pm

    Quiet mind, quiet body. I am working toward that. Active mind, quiet body. Or the hours of trying to "sleep" from my perspective. Active mind, active body. Typical meditation for me, but usually without a "mindstate" that practicioners describ, such as euphoria, light headedness, or astral projection. Quiet mind, active body. This is how i work out, exercise, practice certain martial arts, t'ai chi, qigong, and whatnot. The mind generally does not quiet until the body is active enough. Sounds like, and it's about where i started on my intentional journeys of seeking truth. before i realized that had been my path all along, but after i had "decided" to walk it. Sounds luxurious. I've found the less activity my body is under, the less my mind can be quieted at all. I never buy into anything. ever. unless the medium of echange is labor or energy work, i do not buy my way in. They are a cycle of breathing. The anapanasatti helpped me understand meditation tremendously. "zazen" or "breath awareness meditation" changed my perspective of "quieting the mind and body" a LOT. Something i am teaching unto myself in my pursuit of natural style martial arts and Life mastery... not that i have a whole lot of confidence to back that up, but it's getting there. Okay so i can "rough it", it's not a huge issue? drinking a lot of coffee >.> but no water, except chlorinated tap water which i will sooner starve and dehydrate to the death than willingly take into my body. FUCK. I EXPECT life to STOP FUCKING ME OVER SOON! I EXPECT IT, NAY DEMAND IT. I've been feed too much shit all my life to sit idly by and not expect things to improve. it's suicide or improvement "mr intelligent kundualini" so get your fucking ass in gear. i've done all i know i can do on my part, start helping out BEFORE i throw my body under a GOD DAMNED TRAIN. I AM at wit's end here, in case anyone hasnt noticed.
  2. Mountain/Eagles!?

    Observation of the birth of animals on the discovery channel mostly But also from experiences with baby kittens and puppies. They exhibit first level awareness from the perspective of avatars. This is why animals operate on instinct and not inherently on intellect. The first level of awareness has not developed any instinct and is only beginning to construct "it's" intellect. Humans are still in their infancy of Life on Earth. WE are [still] the YOUNGEST [potential] species. Still born in the first level of awareness, and still bound by the fourth. Until we can break the bonds of the fourth level of awareness, we can never be born from this Earth, but will remain in our incubation cycle of rebirth.
  3. Death Awareness?

    Quoted myself due to a general lack of interest in true words. "if you knew you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today" is a fear tactic mentality. To first play on the fears of death, and then follow up by inspiring the mind to act on deep seated material desires. To "accomplish something" in your life. To "accomplish" some "thing" in your life. To present the "things" your life accumulates as purposeful, yet without any usage thereof, except maybe recreation. Now, dont get me wrong, I generally believe the meaning of life is essentially recreational and/or "redestructional", however when recreational activities are neither creative nor efficient, they become harmful and unproductive. just the same, if destructive activities are not productive or helpful, they lose any value and cost us more than they make room for. We need balance, not all-in or go-for-broke. the general "norm" can no longer afford to be babied, sheltered, mislead, and utilized as a social resource! W A K E - U P ! ! !
  4. Haiku Chain

    I think if the mentality is "we live to have sex" then such relationships are rare moments of joy. But since we live in a world where most the people live for sex, a REAL relationship FULL of joy is even more rare than the rare moments of joy in a "normal" relationshit. Rare moments of joy, such bittersweet expressions, we seem to have lost.
  5. Global Shaktipat starting now till Sunday night at 11pm

    I actually got kind of choked up, mentally "seeing" that... Again, thank you. We all need this now, now so much more than ever before. I'd link to my facebook, but even still, i cant figure out how. But here's a shot: Some subtle concerns: What if i dont have an environment for decent meditation, cant concentrate or focus, or am new and generally have no idea what im doing? "just do it" comes to mind, but a more "official" response always helps confidence. How long do i need to meditate or sit in stillness to notice any effects? If i dont really need this, even though i think i do, will i receive it when i try? Why is hydration necessary? i am technically constantly partially dehydrated, is that a problem? Although i have been drinking more water for the last week, or since i started reading about the global shakatipat, but will it suffice?
  6. Certain instances of Buddhist harping...

    Ah... the dreamless sleep. yet are we really dreamless if we can reflect and say that we were without dreams? Even if we dream of absolute nothing[ness], we are still dreaming, recognizing, reflecting. My question is how do i return to life and dreams from the pit of absolute nothing[ness]?
  7. Haiku Chain

    Forgot what it was. The meaning of life is lost. We live to have sex? A haiku about america.
  8. Mountain/Eagles!?

    True words. Animals are born in the fifth level of awareness. It would be redundant to detail the levels above the avatar, as they are not productive or useful to society. Very telling as to the "importance" of society.
  9. Mountain/Eagles!?

    what happened to the mountain/eagles? Or is your apartment building the mountain?
  10. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    No. Disciplinary action wont help, ignorance will poke the wound, compassionate relating is the most anyone can do, but it cannot "help" a situation that is not immediately present, in other words, in-person and not just online. I appreciate what help and compassion you can offer, and i will try to conceal my suicidal thoughts since they are unsavory, but i will continue to express my shituation until i CAN find the miracle i need that is "help".
  11. Mountain/Eagles!?

    A place to meditate? Im jealous. I can barely even get out of the city, let alone to find a place of peace and quiet. Eagles are a good sign.
  12. As per my previous response, i wholeheartedly disagree. it is my conclusion that the collective whole of all of everything is the exacting of nothingness. That is, 100% all of all as one whole is equal to pure "nothing". A yin and yang perspective: All of all is the "white" nothing, and none of all is the "black" nothing. They are equal but not identical, the same yet only as similar as two snowflakes. I believe in "nothing". I cultivate everything (i know how/to).
  13. Got Any Fiction Recommendations?

    I am actually currently struggling to flesh out a multi-faceted take on spirituality, mythology, religion, and society and throwing them all together in one huge sci-fi/fantasy/fiction/"RPG". "RPG" because it's not a story you just tell people, but re-enact through storytelling... The idea is to hash out an "official" story to get the feel of the plot you will deal with, but i need other writers to crate the diversity i require to accomplish this goal. If this is more interesting to you than reading a "prefab" tale, i will tell more about this epic chronology.
  14. retribution

  15. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    You're absolutely correct! i jsut have no life by my own side-devoid of a companion i am nothing. I require assistance through basic human interaction jsut to want to get out of bed in the morning. Suffice to say, i want to kill myself but my will to live currently outweighs my will to inflict any further suffering upon my life, but that isnt actually saying much. just gotta do what you can to stay alive, i am told. being alive is pointless though. so... i jsut need to get that balance that everyone talks about, but doesnt exist in america unless you're rich. Which defeats the purpose of being human! Can someone help me out? a human body, not jsut words. words are useful for supporting emotions and ideas, not necessarily for helping the chi or the body.
  16. Full Circle

    Undine... huh... these spirits i've only hread referenced in video game mythology... Tales of Phantasia featured Undine of water, Gnome of earth, Ifrit of fire, Sylphs of the wind, "Maxwell" the master of the four elements, Luna of of the moon, Aska of light, Shade of shadow (D'uh! ), Origin of creation, and a few others that i cant conjure to mind. Other than the gaming reference, i have no clue who these are or where they reign.
  17. having integrity and still getting laid

    I've never learned to cope with the level of aloneness i typically face. i can be among friends in a crowd at the mall and still feel neglected and alone. everyone is too busy with the hype and sensation of shiny things in vegas to express any love or copmassion toward their own companions. It's all about point and look and "ooh" and "aah". fancy schmancy shiny shit. Window shopping is more important than comforting a (so called) friend. What kind of "friend" is THAT?! Bit i digress, there's a girl i've got my eye on who appears to be completely exceptional to my experiences with women, which is ironically more intimidating than comforting! But she seems to have a lot in common with me, but i dont know her yet. i need a chance to sit andchat with her about Life and Philosophy... that's not something they advertise ice breakers for gum wont break the ice for this discussion! My mistake. just another stupuid 19 year old girl like all the rest.
  18. Global Shaktipat starting now till Sunday night at 11pm

    Thank you, Shakatimama! LOVE the energy work you are providinh or helpping to provide. Threads like this warm my heart trememndously! Keep 'em comin! ;D
  19. retribution

    We need only be harmless. To be helpful is not always to anyone's benefit, so to act without the prior request of your action, you are the sole responsible soul for the outcomes of your actions, which may have never been desirable to anyone but your ego's perceived notion of necessity. Do words serve to bridge communication, or dig a confusing chasm?
  20. Haiku Chain

    Organs come to Life! The perpetual cycle! Life experienced!
  21. Silly americans standardize experienced phenomena, thus sapping it's potential nd rendering it impotent. The electrical flashing orbs are your intentions. they move to where you intend to act. When yo uare suddenly aware of them and lose any intentions, but to observe them, they become erradic and wild and uncontained. They dispearse about your field of vision like tiny "lit up sperms" when your intentions are not under your command of will.
  22. looking through the crocodile eyes

    It's not hard either... in fact, it's harder to listen to the truth than it is to "conveniently ignore" it unless you're actually seeking it out. Then the reverse is true.
  23. "God" and "Mom"

    Chemistry is more about destroying and separating the elements and then later on repairing them with other elements in chemical reactions. the "lost" energy is transferred between elements. In alchemy, the "lost" energy is contained and interacts with other energies in a digestion process, purifying the elements, instead of restructuring them. Chemistry is instantaneous and rapid. Alchemy is time consuming and a very slow process.
  24. "God" and "Mom"

    But that cant be ALL THERE IS. there needs be more than just idle comfort that a split personality can serve just as well, if not better, than the internet. Sure, for the right person who has resources with which words can be used to make change. Sadly, while i agree, it seems that much of the compassion in the world is ONLY accessible through the internet chat rooms. and how much of that is just "putting on airs"? i doubt much is, but still.. True, that most of us do wish to help, many many of the majority of us are too scared to offer more help "than we can afford" these days! And that is only making hte problems worse. There arent enough family farms left in america to support the human population for much longer before they turn into rioting beasts.