Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

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Everything posted by Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

  1. Art As A Spiritual Quest.

    Let's take cartoons as the example. You have: Tom & Jerry (Great work of art) or Squidbillies (fucking wretched shit) If im going to invest myself in expressions of my heart, i'm going tom and jerry or nothing at all. And i am only a squidbilly caliber all by myself - not worth my own effort. if all i can amount up to is fucking wretched shit, then i would do well to incinerate anything that exists of me so that there is nothing left. if the result of my effort is not worth the effort i put into my work, i will do nothing but destroy the results.
  2. Mak Tin Si the Taoist Master is back and gone again

    I'm not a clown ninja for nothin'
  3. Genetic Armageddon: Humanity's Greatest Threat

    Snafu: Grades; super humans and subprimal orcmen and everything in between. or for some twitter mutates: inbetweet. edit: Furries! P.S. Long route, slow refined, well aged, internal alchemy, self applied genetic modifications: AKA SASQUATCH! Or Yeti. Edit edit: Or Werehuman.
  4. Wu wei from a qi perspective

    "Qi perspective". Observations: Equivalencies: Hot and cold; heat travels from a warmer body to a cooler body. Wet and dry; moisture flows from pools into drier masses. Electric and magnetic; electricity coagulates where magnetism flows. Body and mind; the body follows intent set forth in the mind. My thoughts: The Qi flows where the Wu Wei goes.

    give me the phone number... I cant hear for shit on the phone. so I should be the one to make the call
  6. What are you listening to?

    I wish I had spent more time learning piano... I want to play that well... Ha thanks for that one Marblehead... listening to that made my day
  7. Everything is illusion.

    the 'extra' segment is an illusion. or is it?
  8. Everything is illusion.

  9. The Philosopher's Tao

    To say that one is or is not teaching something or anything is absurd - the mere act of reflecting light off oneself is an emission of something that will be received. if that reception is acknowledged, it is learned, insomuch as to say that you are realizing it. Philosophy is a root, leading to many different branches of thought and schooling thereof ANY philosophical thought that leads one to research an established religion can be considered a philosophical /religious/. Philosophical Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, Christianity, I don't care. its philosophical if you are not established as a member of that particular schooling. So what Nikolai says is essentially true, from his own philosophical perspective. And I cannot help but validate it from my own understanding of the semantics. However, if he were to call it Taoism, it would both betray Taoism and Tao. Aaron's understanding of the history and records is more valid in making any claim pertaining to actual Taoism. So the semantics tend to get in the way of the more important issues... which is not upsetting, since that is where most minds focus, the easiest place to grasp. The pre-philosophers. So arguing semantics tends to exemplify, untangle, rectangle, tie, untie, and otherwise point out the knots of the semantic focus... Some people move on to philosophize, others keep the argument going. And occasionally the "graduate-philosophers" razz people with their presence. edit: thereofl fixed.
  10. The Philosopher's Tao

    I think I understand that: The philosopher is one who can see the sameness of both conflict and cooperation. It is from philosophy that one moves on to something... more... and can bring cooperation out of conflict. Both Aaron and Nikolai propose perfectly valid standpoints from completely removed perspectives.
  11. Haiku Chain

    Repair this Haiku Making unwanted messes In my underwear ¯ --- _ In my underwear I contemplate the Silk Worm Civilization
  12. Haiku Chain

    To enter the gates ... the gates of eternity... Repair this Haiku
  13. What are they listening to?

    Okay so i love the WAYLT thread but i want to go one step further and write reviews of each others music. Just give a listen to the previous song and write your opinion before sharing your music, and we'll get a chain going and in the process, get to know each other a lot better I'll kick it off with something almost everyone knows.
  14. What are they listening to?

    This video does not exist!! Damn! Marblehead, you go again!
  15. What are you listening to?

    whatever happened to "rate the song before you" thread? at least we knew people were listening to each other's songs then!
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    kind of like love, just understood in the heart, not verbalized... cant be.
  17. Why OM? How was OM discovered?

    i'll give you om and immortality 2 for 1, for $3.00!
  18. What are you listening to?

    I just upgraded, this is a great production!!
  19. What are you listening to?

  20. Say something completely undisputable

    but for all of you to enjoy, of course
  21. Art As A Spiritual Quest.

    No, im quite attached to all my parts... I am even lamenting the loss of an appendix! But art is a struggle for one who is not able to produce the vision... I can barely tell the tale, let alone draw the world or compose its soundtrack... there is so much that goes into great works of art. sometimes, a great work emerges from teamwork... because not everyone can be a Da Vinci. Da Vinci was worth 1,000 artists. I need 999 yet.
  22. Random floater ads

    lol I know its just me, and its gotta be IE related... but this time I clicked "like" on one of protector's posts and it did not like his post. it took me away from the bums all together. sue whoever runs that site for nine hundred ninety nine nonillion pounds! and give the money to me for the stress they caused me
  23. I liked this one

    if realization cannot be a cause to weep, then who so ever holds that statement as true has never realized why one might weep.
  24. Compassion as an 'Off Topic'

    compassion is never exclusive; if you have compassion for "this but not that" you have no genuine compassion, but merely a passionate opinion. To which I can only admit, I have no compassion for civility as it has come to be... maybe once upon a time 300 years ago... I could be compassionate of the civil pursuits... but today, it is a perversion and desecration of its former noble pursuits. I've a passionate opinion that humane compassion is destroyed by civil convenience.
  25. Storyteller Theory

    So I was watching a movie on G+ the other day and it got me thinking about the daemons, angels, and their pursuits of Love... Even daemons need (be) loved... Life, the world and universe, and everything... Omniverse; all-ness... We all exist, we all experience, we all feel, think, and observe; be we rock, mountain, flower, tree, forest, ant, mantis, butterfly, bat, human, or star. Daemons and Angels are things of our imagination, plot devices in the grand scheme of story. To the authors of reality, we are the story... yet we tell tales of our own authors, making us the authors of their lives as well... The story of stories is a tale of telling tales... the revival of old and forgotten legends, retold anew with more trials and new faces, the untangling of karmic debt by revisiting the same stories time and again, retelling them over and over, until the stories themselves change, thus paying off karmic debt the characters have incurred... The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet leaves two souls twisted and mournful with sorrow, retold as garden gnomes, healing two lost and all but forgotten souls... Tell the tale of tragic end... tell it over and over again... tell that tale again and again, until finally the tragedy comes to an end.