Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

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Everything posted by Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

  1. Right Wing War Against LGBT's

    worth repeating.
  2. Americans bringing everybody down

    I guess im bringing everybody down huh? Damn Americanism, there seems to be no cure!
  3. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    boredom is only one of four phases of a cycle. Boredom leads into inquisitiveness. Inquisition leads into discovery. Discovery leads into familiarity. Familiarity leads into boredom.
  4. Tell me what offends you, and I will tell you who you are

    I am profusely offended by other individual persons infringing upon the sacred and intrinsic right of free will that all individual persons share; anyone who I observe trespassing upon the free will of another person just plain pisses me off.
  5. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

  6. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    if everyone constantly took offense of anything and everything that wasn't true about them, there could be no beneficial progression of any kind taking place amongst us. What does it matter what/if you worship? Let alone what/if anyone accuses you of worship(ing).
  7. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    In contrast to this whole shebang and what was contributed in the two or three posts before mine. Yeah. I think that was the sum total of it all. Edit: I do apologize that I had nothing more directly related to the topic at hand, however, the responses and the gravity of it struck me very deeply in a most comical manner... describing people, blaming them, but never knowing the individuals that "they" are. Knowingly or not lying about some and being accurate about others, yet ignoring this matter never the less to "make a point", for what? "the betterment" of... self, others, all of the above? Outside-working in is the bass ackwards thinking of politics, and evident in your posts, from my perspective. I am sorry I laughed so deliberately and condescendingly, however... HAW! it was and still is funny. no offense intended.
  8. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

  9. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    why did you assert something on his behalf in an argument? doing so discredits your assertion in and of itself.
  10. Americans bringing everybody down

    MH is only like what, three... 4.... 6 maybe six or seven decades older than me? he's not that old yet. no not even five. You're a LOT younger than someone from their perspective though
  11. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    the "now" is raw, pure, unaltered, unceasing, stateless change [of creation].
  12. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    “The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look.” ~Julius Ceaser "In order to become smarter, you must face a smarter opponent" ~ Fundamentals of Chess "Fight as though not fighting" ~ Bruce Lee "Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. "There is no spoon. "Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself." ~ Kid to Neo in The Matrix All things are only relative. If anything is; as though absolute: it is only relatively so.
  13. Bogus Status Updates?

  14. Senate Subcommittee Hears Experts on Pornography Toxicity

    "Mental health" is a contradiction of terms.
  15. Fascism + Solutions

    "true progress" is somewhat an illusion, as all things (in/of progress) that can be, have been and will be aggain; there is a limit to "how far we can go" in all things: distances, time, length, duration, "progression". at the maximum level of "progress" then were? Revolution. the earth isnt in a hurry to get away from the sun, why should civilization be in such a hurry to "progress" away from humans?
  16. Fascism + Solutions

    A constant and consistent state of revolution MUST be and cannot fail; the inspiration for perfect governance via perfect government: The Earth, and its eco system. A CONSTANT STATE OF REVOLUTION AROUND SURVIVAL AND THRIVING.
  17. 3rd eye issue, advice wanted...

    im gonna meditate IN a tree
  18. Healthy Places to Live, No GMO No Flouride Water

    Food purifying mantras? I've always jsutasked the food to forgive any transgressions on my part!
  19. Haiku Chain

    sage says wear warm clothes. single syllables: fivefold; single syllables.
  20. Person archetypes (looks, mimics, behavior, speech)

    i've only seen myself a few times... not often. and i usually dont like me. lol
  21. Fascism + Solutions

    ... and we're talking baout it. just talking...
  22. ..

    it got worse later... this is an old old old clever bot. not recent.
  23. Semen Retention -- Post Ejaculation Depression

    bump :: qmud pnwb :: dwnq
  24. Wu Wei as Empty 無爲 Action rather than non-action?

    fight as though not fighting. edit: though > thought
  25. Person archetypes (looks, mimics, behavior, speech)

    this is a topic I have had on mind and was ready to post it myself... I have noticed that: in spite of the billions of people on earth, only a smaller sum total of "individuals" actually exist.... or so it seems. I met my ex-fiancé's father in both NC and CA, except in California, he was someone else, with another family, another life, but the same demeanor, personality, and behavior. If I hadn't known him for the year I spent in NC, I would have believed I knew him as someone else in CA.