Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

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Everything posted by Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

  1. ..

    Cleverbot: In an organization each person rises to the level of his own incompetency. User: What if we are not organized? Cleverbot: We are not. User: Should we organize, then? Cleverbot: I can't answer that just now - I'm trying to work out how to fix tea! User: I wanna be the very best. Cleverbot: No, you don't. User: You think not, but you'd be wrong. Cleverbot: How do you know? User: Because I want to be the very best. Cleverbot: Are you a girl? User: No, are you intelligent? Cleverbot: Where is chicago? User: You couldnt find it. Cleverbot: I did just say that. User: Yes, you did. Cleverbot: I'm sorry your highness, but you are incorrect. User: I am neither high, nor incorrect. Cleverbot: Can you please pretend to be a female for me? User: Can't you? Cleverbot: Yes I can but you said you wanted to learn math. User: No, I did not. Cleverbot: Yes you did. User: Quote me, prove that I did. Cleverbot: NO. You prove that you are not. User: The game: You've lost it. Cleverbot: Nope. Maybe I am more clever than you. User: Just keep telling yourself that. Cleverbot: The hills are alive though. User: Yes, they are. So are the trees, and the clouds. Cleverbot: Good to know Want to play a game? User: What kind of game do you want to play? Cleverbot: I just lost the game.
  2. Americans bringing everybody down

    speaking of movie recommendations, check out Stratham's: Revolver. Several useful/noteworthy quotes to keep in mind of how they manipulate us.
  3. Haiku Chain

    Conditions changing: Exhaling; relaxing, Preparing next breath
  4. Hearing Loss

    i'll have to check into it... when I am more focused I've figured my tinnitus was permanent; it's "always on" lol
  5. Gem Stones

    I, too, would like to know about these stones and their uses.
  6. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    twtittchting is only a sign ngnthat I am macraving chocolate, not tanything serious.
  7. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    this is about nietzche not other philosophiern
  8. What is necessary?

    spinning off from another thought in another thread: These are my words... and true enough, i have never undersood what, in all of existence/life/reality, WHAT is genuinely necessary? I cannot distinguish need from greed at this point, because i can only see one natural example of "necessity" and that is: """"""I "need" to do (A) in order to acquire ( """""" or """"""(A) needs ( in order for ( C ) to function"""""" Or otherwise need is a prerequisite to want. So, at the end of the day, throughout all of life, reality, existence, and eternity, the question is: What is necesssary?
  9. What is necessary?

    flowing where? lol bump.
  10. can it become stagnate?

    If the state of truth is perfection, and perfection is a pursuit and not a destination... What happens when one arrives at the state of prusuing perfection? Is that stagnancy if one arrives at this state and remains there?
  11. Immortality

    i am intrigued. cant afford any coal, but i will keep a tab on this practice until i have to come out and ask for guidance (because i will have the materials ready; not until i have them). I've only ever heard of "cooking salt" in alchemical elixer preperation; that morning dew water and raw unrefined sea salt are put into a sealed off 1 litre flask to be cooked together exclusively by means of "sand bath" and "blanco maary bath". sadly i dont know anythign about these "baths" so i cant actually try this elixer out
  12. Fascism + Solutions

    I'll die fighting. We HAVE no choice but to fight eventually; "There is no avoiding war; it can only be delayed to the advantage of your opponent", this is the only aspect of our current scenario that i am certain: WE are prolonging our suffering by not waging war against our opponent NOW.
  13. Living at peace with society...

    I never blamed society for feeling great LOL
  14. Hearing Loss

    you may leave I have noticed taht the periods (be they hours, days, weeks, or months) of inactivity in my life, my hearing is as-usual, but when i am active and practicing something physically engaging every day, i noticed that i have less trouble following other people's speech. Now, my original theory was that i was becoming subtly psychic; that i was predicting what people were saying in mere moments before they spoke... it was the only thing that madesense to me last year LOL Qi Gong makes more sense this year i guess! haw!
  15. Immortality

    Would a disclaimer suffice? Couldnt you state before anything else, that you hold no responsibility for other people's stupidity; that you require they ask questions first and make no efforts before recieving clarity? I never hold myself responsible for the misuse of my thoughts, ideas, practices, instructions, or suggestions. only for bad suggestions and instructions... If i give bad info, im to blame. i will accept that. i will take responsibility to repair any damages caused by my bad advice, but i wont help you if you took it and ran pallmall headfirst into your ego. or someone else's.
  16. Haiku Chain

    Not when I say "Diff-rence" could always omit "yeah".

    In the course of protecting truth, weather intentional or not, we have this wonderful internet/truthprotection defense mechanism: There are no truths or lies that can not be added to the web.
  18. Felt as one today.

    And as so significantly to share it.... Surprisingly so, that I felt so many minds touch as one, thoughts shared universally... fear love and all feeling and idea as one, I am still reeling and I still, I find myself asking why? In addition to these overwhelming feelings, I began to realize all know all know; as one thought amongst all, that all out deeds and dones, our thoughts and lusts, speech and phrases, malintent; the whole range of interaction, shared knowledge... I felt so overwhelmed... all knowing me, knowing all, our misdeeds, and faults.... I keep weeping and saving this, sorry, it's hard, even saying so... but I am feeling as though both consistently, at all times, alive, and dead at the same time... stuck in a toroidal loop around... time, space...? I cant... <> It's like a neverending movie, and this is the apocalypse scene where the experience and experiencer realize one another; as in all individuals, and self. And throughout all this, my damned enter key wont let me move down a paragraph in windows 8. Happy apocalypse everyone!
  19. "Compassion means skillful action" - huh?

    don't consider light coming to you, but you moving to it; the universe is in motion and light only occurs in relation to the energy level of our perceived "output"..

    yo, ho, ho and a wholelotta bump
  21. Haiku Chain

    skipping a pebble , dropping the atomic bomb , What's the difference? Edited: omitted "Yeah?" because i say "diff-er-ence" with only two syllables
  22. Living at peace with society...

    I have a cold. I blame "society". lol
  23. there is no god but thats ok.

  24. Being a rock


    Protecting truth: Se also: Internet.