Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

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Everything posted by Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

  1. Living at peace with society...

    I have no problem what so ever. none. AT ALL. vicious animals are not necessary at all. But to be so beligerant and asinine as to assume to know any breed is as ignorant to make claims against any specific race of humanity. EVERY organism is an individual, and EVERY individual has intrinsic nature as well as instinct, and EVERY INSTINCT is about self preservation. Pit bulls are beautiful creatures and loving ones too. SO ARE TIGERS. But there comes a fine line between "vicious breed" and "vicious animal". No breed is inherently vicious nor is it impossible to raise them to unlearn vicious habits. But viciousness is not something to be ignored. it is something that can be cured, and by attacking, weather physically or emotionally or in your case, verbally, so called "vicious breeds" you aare only furthering their infection of "viciousness". Can you love another so much so as to allow them to destroy your physical body? That might very well be the only cure for the vicious mentality. But which is more important HMMMM??? an utopian vicious-free society, or self preservation and viciousness-avoidance????
  2. Emotions database

    im tempted to call BS on some of this, but my lack of understanding prevents me from doing so... JUST because I don't know how to "download unmet needs as being fulfilled" doesn't mean it's a load of total and utter tripe... but hey, maybe it is! just sayin'
  3. The Fuhrer

    may I share this on facebook, VM? I like it quite rightly so!
  4. Linguistic bad romance

    Original text: "Jonathon David Turner is Redundant Jovian Thor; Hot Nirvana Judo Trend, the Northern Avid Judo Ant." ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "Jupiter Qiaonasendaw, Ceres in the budget for concerns with hunger as p Van Turner say that nirvana." Edit: Add it: Original text: "Diehard Trojan Von Nut" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "There is no horse Cheval River Noguera." &it: Original text: "All Encompassing Infinitesimal Omnipresent Unit" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "There are endless and all the boards."
  5. Deci Belle's Original Nature

    Cassiel, perhaps?
  6. Takaaki's "American Taoism"

    if the janitor don't mind cleaning it up then...
  7. there is no god but thats ok.

    one must have duality in order to have no duality?

    ing away at them, isn't that reasoning??? OR maybe I have only seen it that way in spite of it being more applicable to "the age of reason" misconceptions? What can I say? The "conventional" never held water in my mind, so I was always whittling away at everything I experienced... The thing I could never whittle down is that... these feelings are present, there is nothing I can do to stop them from being there, nor is there anything I can do to genuinely ignore them... they are alive beings their own, not mine to control, yet I have no consent to host many of the attached feelings.... I truly do not see myself as being the one who is attached to the thoughts and feelings but that they are attached to me, begging for attention that I express them all... but to be.... so many conflicting people... how can I EITHER OR express any one of them without the overwhelming influx of others or just ignore them all altogether?
  9. there is no god but thats ok.

    KG's stuff Wait who're you??? LOL Spirit sense?

    yeah, I have tried to reason with myself what is really necessary, but nothing is making heads or tails in my skull or (romance)heart...
  11. BaGua Help

    Evolution of Void, Truth, Consciousness, Universe, Galaxies, Stars, Solar systems, Planets, Life on planets, Diversity of life, Intellectual Consciousness, Diversity of Intellectual Consciousness, Awareness of Self, Awareness of Others, belief, Awareness of belief, Awareness of Truth, Pursuit of Truth. We were once every one of these things, and/or will be these things in due time, and will be all of these things again some time yet again. every (life) form that ever has been, is connected to every (life) form that ever will be. We were once trees in a world without animals, sharing the world with our brothers the insects. Course we were also the insects.
  12. Your effort is weak

    LOL hey, I'm just contented today, what can I say. I'm acknowledging my efforts don't amount up to much, but I also know that it is a continual work in progress, so I remain unconcerned with the rate of progression or the volume of progress made. Tomorrow, maybe I will gripe instead? WHO KNOWS???
  13. Living at peace with society...

    2. I love rocks as much I do people... nothing isn't life and I love all life... is that going to bite me in the ass? 3. hair trigger...... 4. they wont let me... meditation aside, they wont let me when im not meditating...!!! as for numero uno... 1. except when they're down Lovemaking cant have shields, too much friction

    what if self is at conflict with self? Personal problems I do not want surfacing, and yet...
  15. Your effort is weak

    My effort is weak and i remain unconcerned. My effort could also be strong and not concern me however.
  16. //

    I am hard of hearing and have learned a good deal of lip reading, but this is the first i am introduced to the thought of ear qi gong! Perhaps there is a resource that might assist me?
  17. Taoist Lineages

    who relies on an encyclopedia of user-modifiable content???? With a grain of salt, sure, but as an absolute? NOT EVEN PUBLISHED ENCYCLOPEDIAS!
  18. //

    wow i am having a hard time following this thread! LOL my gray matter hurts... Good ol' heart being pain free and understanding though... share the secret with my brain? NO?! well okay...
  19. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    As much as i DIDNT REALLY want to know, i laughed... so... Yo... or Nes... im not sure how to combine them

    Added for irony, sorry for the double post, but i couldnt appropriately and properly add the quote since the forum got fixed (seems like a mistake, but its too insignificant) Truth: it will never be finished, for perfection is a pursuit, not a destination.

    posted a second too late, leads to a double post... fun times... added extra words so that you read this like its actually contributing something - even though it's just admitting a mistake ~ Having fun!
  22. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    ... i had to ask...
  23. Tao Bums Merchandising !? T-shirts, buttons cups

    okay... i want to make videogames that are both highly entertaining (World of Warcraft) but also of valuable educational content (Jumpstart games) However while maintaining an unbiased approach to truth, i have to include mysticism, polytheism, philosophy, and... you guessed it... religion... Ideal goal is to craft an immersive world which players can interact with on par to the REAL world... while immersed in a story that highlights both HUMAN history as well as human SCIENCE... YET with the appeal of the fantastic world of the mind, there must be mythological creatures, deities, monsters, heroes, and worlds beyond death... Ideally... i want a community to work with... Ideally, the people on this forum would contribute teh most valuable content... Ideally, i would know the first thing about programming computers... ANYTHING would be better than nothing! edit: I WOULD SO TOTALLY BUY THAT SHIRT IF I HAD ANY MONEIES!!! But on another note, i am a member... free T-Shirt? LOL Edited edit: BHUY < BUY
  24. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    OMFG MH KEEP YOUR PROSTATE OUT OF THIS! Or was it a colonoscopy?
  25. How is your Tao?

    "My" Tao *Is*. When asked "how are you?" I respond the same: "I am." For the truth in the matter is that i do not know HOW i *am*, as i have answered literally. However, i can tell you what i think i am feeling! But now i am faced with a similar question with which there is no literal interpretation... The Tao isnt "mine".