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Everything posted by wudangspirit

  1. An informal report on the Taoist summit, Beijing

    So did you buy the tapes? hahahah just kidding. Good report! Seems that the summit wasn't run by any real Taoist priests from China? I'd be very disappointed. Sometimes you do not have to "go to the mountain" when the mountain is already in front of you. www.wudangtao.com Sorry had to plug my master. hahahahh
  2. If I am so cultivated.... why am I tubby?

    Way to go Darin! No ego and a man who knows himself. Don't look back and keep going forward never to get back there again! Tao Bless Man!
  3. Training in Wudang

    Master Yuan Xiu Gang's school. He is the 15th Generation Zhang Sanfeng disciple of Zhong Yun Long. I'm a little biased because he is my kung fu brother but it is the best school. My Master Yun Xiang Tseng (www.wudangtao.com) is Master Zhong's lineage brother of the 14th Generation and he tells me that if anyone wants to train traditionally that is the best school now. My Master was taking private lessons there for a while but now is back here in the US. Don't take my word for it. You can also visit David Wei's website wudangwenwu.com That will give you some insight as well. Master Yuan's website is www.wudanggongfu.com If you go tell him his younger lineage brother (Zhong Xu) under Master Yun Xiang Tseng sent you. Good luck!
  4. Not about how slow. It is about how correct.
  5. Wrong thread. I think you are responding to the one above or below this one
  6. Life is Absolutely Meaningless

    You are absolutely correct! According to Taoist practices you learn the concepts and practices and they take you to a point beyond return in the void. You end up realizing eventually that you give up the NEED for concepts because it is manifested from post heaven intelligence. However, you still need to see and don't see until you have reached that point of becoming immortal. Which is the point of know and knowing nothing of nothing.
  7. I think you are on the right path then and no need to go beyond the truth of your own spirit. Internal Cultivation "alchemy" is a 24/7 practice. It allows you to tame the emotions and in tern that allows your energy to become higher quality. When that happens your spirit develops a higher quality as well. This is what is meant by Transmute Jing to Qi and Qi to Shen.
  8. I just became enlightened!

    However, you can get it pal
  9. John Painter

  10. Reversing the traditional teaching methods?

    Yep, a marketing ploy. There is a reason why things are taught a certain way. It is not to say we can not make improvements but principles are principles. Standing Pole teaches the student to center their attention inward and allows the mind to center itself on rooting in spirit and body. Essential for Taiji practice. Taiji walking drills allow for the student to build the legs and better balance. The short forms allow the student to get a foundation for the movement in a more fundamental and simplified way. The longer forms allow us to refine and sword allows us to project our energy outward more and become more aware of the energies around us. Of course these are also all connected to the martial side of things as well. However, if the students jumps right in to fighting and sword without a foundation they will get hurt and frustrated that they cannot fight well. They will not trust that your teaching is doing them any good. Stick with basics and principle and do not sacrifice them for marketing ploys. That is a waste of your time and qi.
  11. Further Internal Alchemy Question

    More spiritual development. It seems you may have made some self progress but you still have strong attachment to your desires. Taoist cultivation practices will help you practice non-attachment. Yes we are human and have desire but attachment to desire will lead to depleting your qi. Although you may have made some progress, how much of it is manifest? How much is real? The goal of Taoist cultivation is to transmute Jing to Qi and Qi to Shen and Shen back to Tao. You cannot expect to go back to Tao if you still have attachments to desire. What you could be experiencing also is manifest. In other words holding back so long then letting go. This is physical not spiritual development. However, if you are in stillness the motion will flow without attention. This is Wu Wei. Tao Bless
  12. SOme phrases I want your opinion on?

    Right. No secrets. Those who want to learn and can learn (have the virtue) to learn the truth will learn it. You do not need a teacher but you need a teacher. You need a teacher to guide you. But you need a good one. This is someone who has walked the path and can offer incite and teachings from experience. However, you need to give up the "need" for a teacher in order to be taught. Otherwise you manifest what this teacher is teaching you rather than actually learning something.
  13. Taoist Immortals

    Yes, Taoist immortals exist. There are different levels of immortality. Immortals on Earth. Heavenly Immortals and Immortals that go beyond all and return to Tao. All levels are real and attainable. Maybe some people do not believe that but then why practice Taoist Alchemy for Immortality? Only those with common affinity with Tao and have Virtue will attain immortality.
  14. Truth, What Is IT?

    Not beaten to death and in my opinion right on! In Taoism we talk about virtue and manifestation. When something takes human form that is no longer truth. Truth comes from Tao. It can only be experienced and know by the perceiver. That is why "my Tao is my Tao" and "your Tao is your Tao". We all know the TRUTH as it relates to our spirit. The conscious mind and post heaven intelligence always trys to shape this into form. Then it become a manifestation. Tao Bless
  15. What did Lao Tzu teach

    These are part of the internal alchemy of the Tao Te Ching. Not by name but by function and procedure.
  16. Tao Te Ching

    Well I like the Jane English, Gia Fu Feng translation. My Master is a Taoist priest from Wudang. He said it is the closest one. But he also said that there isn't a great one yet. My wife is a professional translator/linguist and is Chinese. She said that version is good as well. However, she said there will never be one like the original because the Chinese language is structured in a way that will bring much more meaning. Tao Bless

    Jing is important in all cultivation. It is your generative energy from your parents. It is important to store jing so you can transmute it to qi and then to shen. It is about quality and quantity. You're born with a certain amount of jing and qi. There are no shortcuts in cultivation. The key is you want to build up enough because you will undoubtedly leak from time to time. This all starts with stilling your spirit. Practicing non-attachment. When desires weaken you are able to live longer and acquire quality and quantity jing and qi. Do not worry about "how much can I". Fix your intentions on training in stillness.
  18. Difficult situation...

    Gotcha. Okay. Makes sense. I guess you just have to see the situation for what it really is and if you are accepting of it to a point where it doesn't really bother you then you can grow together. However, I hope he has moved on beyond being careless and having one night stands. If he has great.
  19. Chinese language questions.

    They all speak Putongua (mandarin). It is the national language. Of course each region or area will also have their own dialect. In the north you'll here a lot of "rrrr" endings. Especially Beijing. In Taiwan they speak Taiwan dialect Mandarin and other stronger dialects as well. In the Fujian Shaolin temple they will speak Mandarin but if you travel around they will speak Fukienese. Sounds different and is. At Wudang they speak Mandarin but they also have their own dialect but only will speak that to those who know it. Sichuan also has their own when you go to Emei mt. In Guangdong they speak both Cantonese and Mandarin but the regional language is Cantonese. There are also dialects of Cantonese like in Tai Shan. My wife is a Chinese Linguist from Guangzhou. If you want to know any more or get something translated let me know. Wudangspirit You are seriously misinformed. In Shaolin they speak Mandarin and in Chen Village. The Southern Temple in Fujian they may speak Fukienese but most will speak Mandarin since the monks there are made up of monks all over China.
  20. Difficult situation...

    Good to hear that. One thing that I am questioning in your statement.... If it was over over then how did you come to see the changes in him? So really it wasn't over over. Just looking at the facts. I am not trying to get you to break it off because it seems you do love him that was never a question. However, the emotion of love can sometime blind us.
  21. "Living Life as a Taoist?" (How can one do so?)

    Ther are NO short cuts in Taoist practice or getting anywhere fast that is for sure!
  22. Difficult situation...

    The biggest lesson in Taoism is see situations for what they really are. If you love him that is good but his bad judgment has created a bad situation. One thing to consider is this. I am not sure if he ever considered getting back with you while you were separated but if he did then why would he put himself and you in this situation? That is something real to look at. If at the break up point the two of you said you'd work on yourselves with the intention of getting back together at some point, not to sure his intentions were good if he could risk losing you permanently over a one night stand. His friends and drunkeness didn't make him do it. He made his own decision. Something to also think about.