
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by wudangspirit

  1. You are all delusional!

    Maybe you should spend your time searching your own ego rather than criticize. Or better yet, maybe you should continue to search for someone or something that can show you the way. You may have spent a lot of time or "wasted" a lot of time on something that didn't work for you but maybe meditation has taught you a lesson to keep searching. How long did you spend on trying to cultivate this way? Why do you think it didn't work for you? Why do you think it doesn't work for others just because it didn't work for you? Maybe it is not what we do. Maybe it is the issue of what you didn't do. Check yourself first before criticizing others. We all came here to earth alone and we will leave alone. Don't worry about what other do by criticizing them. Worry about yourself. If you are okay with yourself then you won't worry about us!
  2. You are all delusional!

    It is amazing how you have Mastered the world so freely and easily. I'm happy for you that you don't need any cultivation and can see that all of us are "delusional". How can you be so certain that you are correct? Your Tao is YOUR Tao anyway. Have you ever thought that maybe other people may know something you do not? Are you so still and content that your ego has been killed? It doesn't seem so. Don't pass judgement on something you do not understand or have taken the time to understand. By stilling ourselves in meditation it allows us to get to a point that while we are not in meditation that we can see the "real" world in front of us and take part 150% in life. Really enjoying what the world has to offer rather than judging everything and everyone with our ego and post heaven disillusionment. You're a beautiful person but you just have to realize it first. All can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness. No judgement. This is reality. Tao Bless

    This girl obviously has some issues with past boyfriends and is probably checking you out before she goes for it. However telling lies isn't good. Usually this kind of person wants attention. I wouldn't worry about the identity theft thing until it happens. Chances are she's just running the checks because of her past relationships. Don't give the situation any attention and just let it die down. I wouldn't talk to her and if you have to keep it very dry with lots of "yes" and "no" answers. Nothing to keep it going. She'll get bored with you and move on to the next prey. Key is don't pay her any attention. You cannot worry about what's going to happen or what others think if you just go about your own business. The others things will go away. Laozi actualy mentions this about virtue. If you are right with yourself you'll have no fear and not even a sword can pierce you, the dangerous of creatures will not harm you.
  4. Looking for a statue of Lao Tzu

    Laozi statues can be found all over China. If you know someone who is going tell them to look for one while they are there. I'm sure they sell them at places like Luoguantai Temple or any other temple dedicated to Laozi. I know this is a vague answer but just trying to offer up a liitle help.
  5. Is there such a thing as a Taoist Diet?

    I know that most monastic Taoists are vegetarian but as previous replies have stated will partake in meat outside the temple if they are offered it as a guest. It's polite. I just got back from my temple at Wudang and the monastics are vegetarian. I would say vegan.
  6. I think the big challenge would be language on the surface. The other challenge I see is the traditional teaching side of things. We may not be used to "not being giving credit", not being spoiled basically. I think as Westerners we are so used to being coddled by our teachers that when we meet as teacher such as this we meet a challenge thinking that this person may be brutal or even rude. Not the case. Basically a cultural challenge.
  7. A God Crisis.

    Why do you have to pick a group? Your Tao (way) is your Tao! All of the naming and categorizing cannot define and explain who WE are as spirit or person. Only YOU can know who you are and once you love that person nothing else matters because that love will show and shine on the outside too. That is why the saying "the eyes are the windows of the spirit." Give up the need to define yourself and just be yourself. This is primal virtue. Tao Bless
  8. The Best Tao Te Ching Translation?

    I know that in my training my Master preferred the Jane English/ Gia Gu Feng translation. My wife is a professional translator from China and she said it was good. However, they both also said that although it's close there still isn't a perfect translation out there. I'll go with close any day. I personally like the one translated by Laozi. hahahaha just kidding.
  9. fasting

    I do fasts once in a while to cleanse and to clean the spirit as well. It's all connected. I just got back from my temple in Wudang where I met a lady who practiced bigu (long fast on nothing but water), for many, many years. The first days are rough but you get through it. I don't recommend it however if you need to fully function in a work setting or do a lot of exercise. I think that kind of fast is best done while in seclusion. Trust me I've put it to the test. However, the juice fast is good for cleansing and add some good herbs that will build your qi, Tao Bless, Wudangspirit
  10. Taoism and alcohol

    Well non-fortified all natural, non-distilled alcohol may kill you anyway. There is a reason for the process so it's drinkable. Don't know much about it though. Actually moderation is best. If you want a drink have a drink but don't make it a habit. You're not living in a temple where you're performing purity rites everyday. However, some levels of alcohol are healthy for digestion and metabolism. That being said. If you don't want to drink, don't drink. Whatever is your preheaven nature. We had a story of the drunken immortal. Just had an affinity with alcohol. It is what it is.
  11. Just wondering if there are any Taiji practioners out there who utilize the 8 Extraordinary Channels during Taiji. It has come to my attention lately that when I get with many people of different Taiji schools or practioners to discuss our practice, they never heard of it or didn't know how to utilize it in Taiji. A few people have heard of it but they said that their teacher doesn't teach it. I found it odd because I was taught that this was a key element in practicing Taiji and doing it without utlizing the channels would be like dancing or peforming. Of course you have to learn to walk before you run so I realize that at the beginning levels we are not taught that. I wasn't either at the beginning. I'm curious to know if this is a common practice or not. Any comments? Feedback? - Wudangspirit
  12. 8 Extraordinary Channels and Taji

    Sorry for my dealy on this strand. I've been out of town. We have a simple way of doing this through a number system. However, we do use the names like Chong Mai (Belt Channel) Governing and Conception Vessels (Du and Ren) etc. The use of these is moving the energy through the right channels with the right movements. Such as Du and Ren (we will say 1 and 2) during the opening of Taiji. Also moving energy through Chong Mai during "Part the Wild horses mane". However it gets complicated when you have to utilize these simultaneously obviously as more than one channel is being activated during a posture. For instance utilizing Du and Ren (and the Yin and Yang Channels of the leg. This one is common because of the up and down motions.
  13. Taoism and the status of women

    In my sect at Wudang most of the priests are women (priestesses). They actually run all the ceremonies and daily temple administration at Purple Cloud temple. My grandmaster was also a lady held in high regard by those at Wudang. So by this I guess women are total equals. I don't know in other sects.
  14. Yin Convergence Classic

    I bought mine a while back as they are in physical publication. This series is sold as one. Very good to I may add. I would google him or look on ebay. For some reason when I looked it up I can no longer find it. I think I bought them at borders years back. I'll try and find them for you.
  15. Just wondering if there are any Taiji practioners out there who utilize the 8 Extraordinary Channels during Taiji. It has come to my attention lately that when I get with many people of different Taiji schools or practioners to discuss our practice, they never heard of it or didn't know how to utilize it in Taiji. A few people have heard of it but they said that their teacher doesn't teach it. I found it odd because I was taught that this was a key element in practicing Taiji and doing it without utlizing the channels would be like dancing or peforming. Of course you have to learn to walk before you run so I realize that at the beginning levels we are not taught that. I wasn't either at the beginning. I'm curious to know if this is a common practice or not. Any comments? Feedback? - Wudangspirit
  16. 8 Extraordinary Channels and Taji

    Hope no one takes this personally I honestly want to know if it is a common practice among Taiji practitioners. In Qigong I can see it more commonly used especially in Medical Qigong. The applications are apparent in Traditional Chinese medical settings. Thanks for the reply
  17. Yin Convergence Classic

    Louis Komjathy has a translation of this in his group of Taoist books for daily practice. Good translation.
  18. Double Posting Sorry...

    Sorry everyone. I don't know how it happened but my post was posted twice. I actually closed the window when I posted because my server locked up so I'm actually surprised it was posted at all. Can someone help me delete one of them? Thanks, Wudangspirit
  19. Why Taoism is different

    Lin, I'd have to agree with you on the virtue and moral part of a majority of practicing longevity arts and calling it Taoism. However, for those truly practicing Taoism can't help but to try and practice virtue. It is one of the main core practices of Taoism and we learn this from day one. The Tao Te Ching is written on Tao and Virtue. Thanks for bringing this up for a much needed attention grabber. Amituofu and Tao Bless
  20. RE: The Buddha Bums

  21. Wu Wei

    I like that. That is good
  22. RE: The Buddha Bums

    If you read the topic clearly I wasn't whining at all. I was merely stating a fact that some people have come to me with the same confusion that it seems that a majority of topics ore replies to the topics are buddhist in nature. I also stated that it didn't care whether or not it was buddhist in nature. I don't whine I usually just draw my sword. hahahahah
  23. Wu Wei

    The key is here that by naming "inspiration" means that it is not eternal. Naming conjures up emotion and attachment and that was my point. Defining will lead to more post heaven intelligence. I think what we're trying to say here is original nature leads to what we define as inspiration. Inspiration itself is just manifestation. So we must name it. Just like Tao.
  24. Mantras and Chants

    ChangYuan, Well I just returned from my temple at Wudang where we learned chants for ceremony. I don't know much about Tibetan buddhism but I feel that they are probably different as our are done with instrumental ceremonial orchestra and sang during the ceremony. Tao Bless, Wudangspirit
  25. Wu Wei

    I may have to disagree a bit. I think the word "inspiration" conjures up feeling and emotion. Wu wei would non-attachment to any post heaven intelligence or desires.