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Everything posted by froggie

  1. yeah, one way without adding a balancing point of equal measure is very likely the best way to go. When you eat something you don't eat just vegetable oil or just protein or just plants you eat the most healthy and nicest and balanced of all what is the Bruce Frantzis' Water Method by the way? And where could i find it? Thanks
  2. Hey guys, what do you think of things like:〈=en-GB;lang=en-GB#92 look at the other 'items' too, there are some interesting things there, right? Also in line with the thread about making people's "tail" loose again, correcting the atlas bone, preventing certain kinds of disease by having good ergonomic furniture? real relaxation versus not so good relaxation and recouperation, etc? Apparently the seats are also good for meditation and the neck things also (neck straight and relaxed, etc, more energy, etc.) Good subject, no?
  3. It's time for new desks i reckon
  4. why start MA threads here?

    Well that is exactly what i thought also. I agree with most of the people's thoughts here. And like martial arts and Taoism are related etc imo.
  5. Thanks. The more one knows the better it is. imo. it's as simple as that basically. Now only to find out how to live over 120 just so you can learn even more?
  6. Pretty interesting diagram With the major yin and yang channels, some important points, etc. note: it's a reasonably big picture, over 350 KB
  7. Pretty interesting diagram

    Another perhaps interesting one, witch chakras such as: indu chakra, manas chakra Any comments about either by the way?
  8. I can't remember if i asked this before, but does anyone know the theory behind John Chang being able to move a chopstick through 2 inches of wood?
  10. The Power Of The Mind

    i think the video is on google;aq=f&aq=f# and by the way the film Ring of fire - East of Krakatoa, the film where John Chang also is in is also on google
  11. I don't know if it's a correct form, but here is one: KpMUMy9i-QA and it's from this user, who maybe has some other nice videos also and here is the same one as a file
  12. as far as i begin to understand there are also 2 'selves', one is more or less unconcious and concious at the same time, and tries to do things by the mind and what it has learned, this is the self that is dependent and helpless and looking for the outside to help it. the other is unconcious and at the same time concious as well and can do things that the one with only the mind can not do, it can do things like control the heart rate and breath, feel energy, decide what it wants to feel, etc. this is the self that is independent and can provide for itself and isn't dependent on the outside. it is really more in control of the self than the other one is, the other one is more like helpless and controlled. both are 'real', but they can not both be operating at the same time, because that could maybe be too conflicting. maybe we could call them ''states of being'', those particulars selves. the second mentioned self seems to be dormant for most people at this time.
  13. I'm looking for a 365 day Mayan calendar, paper or software. And i'm looking for a 13-month, 28 day so called Natural calendar, paper or software. Any tips?
  14. Wim Hof and others

    Wim Hof and others. 10 videos in the playlist. It's a tiny bit sensationalist, but there are some new parts in there i believe.
  15. anti-energy drinks
  16. You mean lao gong as from the acupuncture point ?
  17. Care to go deeper into the subject? Are there references available in book or dvd form or so also with some practises or so and even more thoery about yin yang gong and 'yang gong' ?
  18. Dangerous Meditation

    it shows and tells me that they are not really capable at all. it's probably just a facade and words and they tell you something fancy and you do the work and get whatever results you may be having. you might as well not go there and learn things better on your own (or a real teacher (who wouldn't have to turn anyone away i'm sure, because of being accomplished in that way) and simultaniously saving the expense (of money etc) if someone doesn't dare to take responsability for what they are teaching, then they are no teacher at all imo. it seems more like a business plan than a service.
  19. Anyone here a scientist?

    I think it's made with this device:
  20. it would be a fun excersize? and friendly for kids also?
  21. Anyone here a scientist?

    it's interesting. i thought however that the ormus was actually the white powder that is 'secreted' through the top of the head of people who have the top of their head open (like phowa, in tibetan.) and that this powder was found in pyramids because it was a place to do these kind of things (call it exersize or initiation or whatever) in groups. the powder of course van be gathered, and shaped into any form. anyway, that was my idea about it. as far as the rest goes, i don't know. it could be either and it could be and/or .... it could be that they are related anyway. if it has those properties (what was it again? transducer? antigravitic?) it could def. be beneficial. Gold is in seaweed also and if i remember correctly it can be used by the body also indeed, and in fact i think it's the pineal that likes to make use of it. i know ..... it's a bit of a meltingpot gathering of information... are there also other options perhaps to gather more information on this, besides what you just asked? maybe some other experiments that wouldn't have to involve expensive machines? Has it been tested with plants in a controlled environment for example with and without o.r.m.e. simultaniously? edit: i forgot apparently the pineal itself likes to be in a 'transducer place', when it gets 'calcified' it loses its 'potential', according to David Wilcock. (See his videos on
  22. sylvia browne

    Her psychic skills seem to be centered around a lot of money, probably a little bit too much, like her help would be exclusive only to those with money and not at all to ones who don't. i don't think that is a good idea. it's not like one with money is per say a better human being and deserves more than one without, right? though ofcourse many other things may be a factor also. I do think that these kind of things and skills are important though, contrary to what some on this forum may be thinking, speculating and writing. And also that there are many people who can do these things as good, and some may even be better. There are also even chatrooms for this kind of a thing, many are free or cheap or based on donation (IF you want to) to me it seems that the 'quality' and skills of someone has no relation to what they may be asking in return, so to speak. All of that said, i was more impressed about how psychic James van Praagh is than Sylvia Brown, just as a slight comparison. It's not all bad in my opinion though .... it's kind of fun, at least, and actually pretty helpful at other times probably too. It's just too bad some 'predictions' have to be wrong. For whatever reasons. I'll have to leave it open so far actually edit: oh, maybe overredundant to say but of course there are also ego driven psychics and also practical jokers and those sort of things. but that aside, psychic functioning is as real a anything else out there imo. It may in fact generally speaking be underexplored, intellectually, socially, physically, philosophically, and so on.
  23. Dangerous Meditation

    But it's only as dangerous as you make it. (or better said: there is nothing to fear when you have nothing to fear about. (etc.) and warning of fear and talking of fear creates (more) fear all by itself. Fear creates fear, and many other things. (represion also creates fear, belittlement also creates fear, denial of developement also creates fear. underdevelopement also creates fear. and to top it off: some people profit by making other people fearful.) p.s. having said that, (and know a bit about it) the unconcious mind is not that big of a deal, if the rest is in the right place also. (you know, your feelings, your ways of usual thinking, etc). take it fwiw
  24. Pine pollen

    Anyone ever used pine pollen ? it's used in TCM
  25. does this demonstration look exaggerated and acted ? WKtK-ifyasc is this simply one of those ''do as i say, not as i do'' things? (in this case believe what i do is the real thing, even if i'm just setting you up and faking it) or am i maybe missing something and should it look like this when its the real thing actually brought forth ? the do as i say, not as i do scenario seems real enough (100%-pun-intended) from a commercial frame of mind though, (or something of that nature) right ? but should it really be allowed or not ?