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Everything posted by Protector

  1. Nothing could ever piss me off more than reading this right there
  2. It`s sad to look at Westerners

    It's decided, we need a new war
  3. It`s sad to look at Westerners

    I'm going to sound pretty awful but I freaking hate the "primitives" cue to stop reading lol I hate how a great project needs to be stopped somewhere because some schmucks were living "on the land" for generations. Move, damn it! A dam and an oil line are more important than culture or some crap.Look at this The way the story is framed, I should be on their side and all. But I can't stop thinking about the future. The future can't happen if all the ancient culture people are taking up space. I hate thinking that a thousand years from now we might still have to deal with this crap just because we still think that the more old something is, more valuable it becomes. "Ohhh we lived on this land for generations, and we're going to sit here indefinitely." or until everyone moves to the city They want you to care about their culture but I freaking can't. I care way more about technology than this. And it's such a cliche captain planet villain thinking that it's funny, but that's still how I am Another funny thing is that back when I was still all spiritual and stuff, I was still kinda thinking that way The difference now is that I'm going to college to learn about engineering, and the odds are, I will be kicking them off their land someday myself. If I'm lucky
  4. I write a whole wall of text about double talk and then this happens
  5. You know what they say, "if you meet a Buddha, kill him." Maybe that's why it's so hard to find these
  6. Not me, I'm so anti-spiritual that I do the opposite lol
  7. "When on the crossroads of life, use the turn signal"
  8. What are you listening to?

  9. hohohoo, I hear that truth will set you free But, what is enlightenment, indeed? Maybe it was a made up concept all along and not something that can be achieved. Something that people from stories can achieve but normal people can't. What if you met someone whom you thought to be an enlightened master but you made a mistake. Without knowing the truth you went ahead with their practice. You wanted an enlightened master and you made one yourself in their image. You wanted to do this yourself and it was your choice to go along with them. But is there really freedom in a delusion like that? How much time would you waste on them until you realize something? What if the right person was someone else but you couldn't tell the difference? How should masters be judged? What is the test to to find one? There are so many thing protecting phonies that are taken for granted. The are so powerful, but they're too humble to show their power. They are unique, but they don't stand out. They have knowledge they want to share, but they seclude themselves. I'm basically describing mo pai, but everyone is tired of talking about that lol But better than defense, they have the best offence. Imagine this, you're walking on the streets in India and you see a half-naked old man sitting by the side of the road. You see him there every day and you conclude that he has nowhere else to go. Maybe he is homeless and really has nothing. But if he has nothing, then why does he look happy every time you see him? Maybe he has something that makes him happy. If he really has nothing, than that something isn't material. He can be happy with nothing but you can be happy while having something. Being in India also fits the enlightened stereotype. And just like that you must know his secret. This is the fun part, you ask him and he teaches you. If he is a fraud, he might take something from you and leave. You are confident that you can catch him if that happens. But what if you never catch him and you take his place as the half-naked old man on the side of the road? What if you sit there and never in your life know that you've been scammed? What if someone approaches you like you once did and that person takes your place? What if that cycle continues until someone catches one of the old men and exposes the fraud? The fraud is real, but the person performing it doesn't know it. Thus we have 3 types of master: True enlightened one, Fraud one, and The Victim. The victim is way scarier than the fraud, he has the technique with no results but it creates dedication in the person doing it to keep doing it. There are so many practices flying all over the forum but can you be sure most of them are real? What if you already taught someone something that is not real? I have a few suspicions here and there but I don't want to move without knowing the truth. What is fake and what is the truth? Truth is the most important thing, but the masters can only reveal it in prose and weird double talk. What they say has two meaning and maybe more. It's not their job to reveal it, but for us to find it. All they can do is point the finger in the right direction, then it's our job to begin the journey and earn the truth ourselves. What if we are pointed in the wrong direction but find the right answer? It's right because we worked so hard to find it and it feels so good to finally have it. It's all worth it even if we were pointed into the abyss. We're falling to our death but it's still true. Other people don't understand it because they haven't been through what we've been. If only we haven't took the journey we would have known that this is death. If it wasn't us, then it would be them falling. But we're no different from them, everyone thinks they're special and would never be caught by the old man. But he's still there. BEWAAAAAAAAAAARE!!!!!!!!!! just sayin
  10. Maybe these who assume them to be enlightened are the wrong ones
  11. Who cares what they think or what words they use, the only thing that matters is what evidence they have. If you ask me, there really is one thing that they would all agree on. They would agree on being enlightened, but just because they think that, it doesn't mean that they are right. hehe
  12. Realize vs Experience of SELF

    Everything fades
  13. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I dedicate this video to everyone practicing retention lol
  14. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    I would recommend not doing any of this stuff, it took me forever to shake off jing depletion syndrome lol ok fine, some horse stance would do good lol
  15. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?
  16. What are you listening to?
  17. What happens after death?

  18. what the...

    You guys are still here? What's that about? lol
  19. Spirituality has to go

    Here's a topic I've been thinking about for a while but didn't know how to word it right So, 8 to 9 years of goofing around in spiritual circles and the conclusion I've reached is: it's useless. Philosophy: The ancient knowledge that is thought of as being valuable has long ago stopped being special and is common knowledge. It has been expressed so much through art that the special lessons can be easily be found in children's cartoons and movies. Old is not better. Masters: It's hard for individual people to have more information than the whole collective of the Internet. In the old tradition it was expected to trust the teacher until the training is complete. In the information age it is encouraged to ask what are the facts and what is the truth that these facts present. Authority must be questioned. Reality: There exists an idea that reality is a coin with a material side and the immaterial side. Some people feel like the immaterial or spiritual side is more interesting and important. Like it gives life meaning and is necessary. That side is only an illusion, the spiritual side exists only out of ignorance of the material world. So far the answer to every mystery has never been magic and it's not expected to be magic. There is a force that when expressed through a multitude of people, is called Religion, but when it's expressed through an individual, it's called Spirituality. Religion survives through the power of authority and doesn't like to be questioned. Simple spirituality survives through individual's reasoning and ignorance. Spirituality is not as destructive as religion and any negative or harmful effects are purely dependent on the person's reasoning. Spirituality might have minimal effects and I think the worst thing it can do is accept ignorance. But then, we had a guy around here who convinced himself that women are evil and the only way he can survive the evil society is by living in a cave... You might be wondering why I'm making this thread instead of letting you guys do whatever. I actually felt guilty that I would let you guys go on without considering this possibility. You probably already thought about it before, but you know, reminder! Lots of people want other people to be more enlightened so we could live in a more enlightened age. I actually think we're already there. Positive and negative are both parts of a human experience but the negative is more noticeable. Some people desperately want supernatural to be real, they wont be happy until that becomes a part of that world, but I disagree. Lots of spiritual movement is useless, especially the supernatural beliefs. I also predict a question: "How are you sure the science is right and we don't just have answers that science haven't considered, yet?" Some people are so sure about their belief in ghosts and such that they've convinced themselves that there must be a scientific conspiracy to keep away the truth. That. Is. Crazy. But mostly improbable. Lets say that you've learned of a super awesome horse stance that has super awesome effects. If it has a magical explanation then this is your chance to find out what is actually happening when you do the horse stance instead of accepting authority of a master. There is no authority in science, it is your journey to find the truth and the truth doesn't have an agenda. If you don't trust an astrophysicist then learn astrophysics. The ones who have an agenda are spiritual teachers who use tricks to get your money, they are the ones who benefit from the so-called scientific conspiracy. I predict another one: "I have firsthand experience of the supernatural and that's evidence enough for me, so sad that you wouldn't understand" OK, but I don't think that spirituality and magic powers are related even through they are often grouped into one category, even by me up there. Sadly, your one time experience doesn't mean anything if you can't explain it. You might have more then one and each one of them different, but I still can explain most of them with this example. I saw a demon summoning ritual that has a high probability of killing the summoner. Obviously not in person, or I would actually be dead. It has the same principle as many practices have for making the practice believable or real. Here's how it goes: You need to be an apprentice under a magician for say, 40 years. It takes you thousands of dollars to get the materials. You need to meditate for 3 months. You need to memorize incantations for as long as it takes you. When you do the ritual alone, you will actually see it. The thing is, the whole process of collecting materials and the wizard training over the years has been meditation. Meditation, in the most basic terms, is a way to hack your brain. Each step is a way for you to tell yourself that the whole experience will be real and that builds up stress. At the very end, when the demon is supposed to show up, you have enough stress to stop your own heart. That's a very negative practice but a good master will use meditation to make you feel more powerful and you could actually do it yourself, but I don't think many of you own caves in China. You basically can convince yourself of anything as long as you have enough chi. Chi is the energy that powers intention, but people give it too much credit at times.
  20. Spirituality has to go

    Well, good, but I think I could have helped pull you out from it just as fine. Everyone deserves to know that they can pull themselves out of these things without any glitter added I hate glitter The doctors and pills didn't do good. If the whole practice was better, I wouldn't need to talk about this and we wouldn't be here. Maybe that's what I should do instead.
  21. Spirituality has to go

    My points: In the opening post I'm arguing that everything spirituality values can be replaced. That it opens the mind to magical thinking. ex. Doing the impossible with qi gong. Simple thought can be transformed into a cult. ex. Guru's asking for money. That it's a waste of energy and years of soul searching end up where you started Lots of pretty word with no meaning. Words with meaning are long played out Complete ignorance of the objective reality, things that stay true for every person. It's a con, where you don't know you're being conned, because you're conning yourself
  22. Spirituality has to go

    Page 3 is a video with a pug in it, good one