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Everything posted by Protector

  1. Religion

    Jewish Torah is first five books from the bible, Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy They count as the main cannon and the rest of the books are guidelines to help understand the first five
  2. Webomicssss

    DURRRRRRRRR The kinda known by some people Kevin Bold is 30something cartoonist who draws comics and stuff. This is his kinda biographic comic where stuff happens. It's readable and stuff. Fun fact: wow, so much info up there
  3. the power of now

    Wow, this now is powerful... and it's gone...
  4. Webomicssss

    There's an urban legend that Endling is bringing back Ever After
  5. Religion

    Talking about Abraham was kinda interesting There's a bunch of people who make fun of him for doing literally everything God asked him to Except this one time where he made God do what he wanted, but everyone keeps forgetting about that...
  6. Religion

    and one again the topic of discussion shops being interesting and everyone starts talking about the language instead
  7. My Little Pony

    It's not over... it's never over... GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
  8. The opening move is also the essence of soft style martial arts, in a way. The hard style always wants to do something first. They need to bring their arm up, get ready, and then make a swing. The soft style doesn't have preparation phase, it always expects to get attacked and when it is attacked, it just reacts. When the opponent gets into a fighting stance, you just raise your arms and while he already thinks he's going to hit you, you have your arms in the way, It's kinda like iaido. If both fighters have the same speed but one of them is soft style while other is hard, soft one will always be in the best position in the beginning just because it has first priority. Before striking you might want to receive the force first and then make things more complicated for the other guy. In kung fu, they like to start with a half step, instead of going head on they go to the side and then attack. If in the beginning you start circle walking, you will do the same thing and avoid your opponent to the side. The opponent will most probably run straight at you and so it's best to raise your arms to deflect and get out of the way. But they might expect that hmmmmm
  9. You can beat anyone if you master the opening tai chi move
  10. If it really has a bat flattery then try to start it again at night
  11. The moon is beautiful tonight

    Everyone... please pull your pants up...
  12. Interesting dream I had

    I had a dream once where I went to school and when I came back home I woke up and had to do everything again for real, does that count?
  13. Can I change my dispy name?

    There was this dog... The dawg was barking at me... I gave him a chicken bone... We became friends... There's something we can all learn from this...
  14. I already have the mail from that Nigerian prince if that's what you're talking about
  15. Webomicssss

    I've mentioned it before so here's a proper introduction It has been one of the oldest and legendary webcomics out there. It's so old an legendary that the only info you can find on it is on Wikipedia. The site itself is kinda broken and can't do most things it should be able to do so if you want to read it, you need a separate link to the first comic which I'm going to deploy in 3... 2... 1... But even though the saga of Mac Hallians is over, there is still yet another webcomic out there that is like a sequel (what's up with webcomics and sequels, that's supposed to be reserved for movies dammit) AND IT IS CALLED THREE PANEL SOUL Each comic has three panel max and it's a lot more artsy Fun fact: You're never old enough to be old enough
  16. Why isn't the world in harmony?

  17. Qigong may also benefit people who ride bikes, like to eat oranges, and people who ran out of chocolate milk
  18. Why isn't the world in harmony?

    Just because bad things happen, it doesn't mean the whole world is out of balance. People always tend to remember the bad stuff better then the good stuff, the bad things will always stand out in the memory. It's hard to think of something from the good category that would rival a school shooting or something. Also, the good stuff is always small things while bad things are big with enough importance to be on the news. And just because the good stuff and the bad stuff have a different impact that doesn't mean that there's the same amount of both of them to create a balance that we can't see. Last century was full of wars that were way worse then what happened before them. It was also the time when people started to get tired of all the fighting, now that they could actually see what they were doing. It didn't create balance but it was a logical conclusion after seeing war in pictures and video. There's also a logical reason why wars and major bad things happened, be it some rich people behind them or conflict that was building up for too long. It's not the loss of balance, it's time to feel the hurt again and people to live in the world the way it is now, even if we can imagine a better one. Maybe after some time we will have everything better for everyone or maybe we will have to wait longer. Even if the whole world explodes, it wont change the way the whole universe is. The laws of the universe are too powerful to overthrow for some greed and suffering, we got this far because we were following the rules. People are a lot weaker then these laws and that's why a lot of things are possible for us, like leafs flowing down a stream. Being smaller we can appreciate the bigger things like the whole world around us. We are also in a perfect position to change the world because as far as a person knows, everything revolves around him. There are a lot other people out there but different experiences create different realities for us. Some of the things we experience are not very desirable but they happen anyway. A leaf will fall off a tree and will get swept away by the river, that's it who cares. Unlike leafs we maybe don't want to be in a middle of a forest fire and get destroyed. Our destinies are different from leafs and a lot harder to predict, but they still follow the course of nature. You get the job you wanted, good, you don't get the job you wanted, bad, we still flow down the river.
  19. Why isn't the world in harmony?

    Why do people keep saying that the world is out of balance, it's getting annoying
  20. my gawd... does this mean... all this time you were actually watching TV?
  21. What are you listening to?

    Then here's a song about love, everyone likes songs about love and everyone writes songs about love So much love around but you can never have enough Here, have some
  22. What are you listening to?

    For the football fans
  23. Webomicssss

    Another one of these smart ones "Edmund Finney's quest to find the meaning of life" is about Edmund Finney who wants to find the meaning of life. It's by Dan Long, he was being published in MAD magazine and I hear he still is. I don't know, I don't read it. The comic itself has some of that very fancy funny humor where the main character is smart, in theory, and random people he meets are crazy. Fun Fact: I keep forgetting about this one It also might become a favorite of a few people here, but I don't care