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Everything posted by Protector

  1. My Little Pony

  2. Feeling Energy

    What do you feel when you touch metal like that?
  3. Drain, compress and charge

    Ah right, that is very different, I just forgot to quote neichuan since some of the stuff we've done was similar This one sounds more like that first stretch from 8 piece of brocade
  4. My Little Pony

    Hey I found a video about the best pony
  5. Drain, compress and charge

    Was it kinda like this?
  6. The Cool Picture Thread

  7. Does Magic Exist ?

    I remember the time when I was a teenager and I was reading all them magic story stuffs *strokes totally real beard* It is said by bored people on abovetopsecret that more then 5000 years ago the Earth's name was actually the Atlantis that everyone was talking about. Some sort of a disaster happened and so only a bunch of people was left with the ancient knowledge. Some say it was a flood and so the survivors who found land were around the mountainy area in west Asia place. From there the knowledge was separated in two and half of these people went west and others went east. Western people were these Egyptian guys and eastern were the nei gong and Tibetan guys. Eastern dudes mainly used the power found in themselves and made themselves stronger while westerners used outside help that was easier to do but it made them weaker and they had to pay after their death. The End
  8. Taoist Approach to Dating

    Woah! This thread again, IIIIIIIIIIII'm outa here
  9. World of Debt?

    Look at China gooooooooooooo
  10. New music craze "Dubstep"

    I hear pop music is good too but no one expects you to think the same way after listening to lady gaga
  11. My Little Pony

    There's still so much to do, like covering the complex history of the background characters
  12. Taoist Anarchy Organization

    Nothing to compare it with
  13. My Little Pony

    Guess what scientists are doing
  14. Taoist Anarchy Organization

    I don't want to go into detail with chi cultivation since my favorite way is copyrighted
  15. Taoist Anarchy Organization

    I already made 5 Imagine that T.A.O. is the information you spread This whole thing is completely different from what normal people are used to, why change? They will and let me tell you why... Even if you make up rules, they will be broken and there are always will be leaders There are always leaders because EVERYONE is a leader but even when you make every single person a leader, one will still be on top even if you keep hacking away the top of the pyramid with your rules and freedoms. And the biggest problem with this THING is that it's so hard to do. It's so hard to do because it goes against the natural flow of things. It's uncomfortable and no one is used to it and it's definitely not the thing everyone wants. Because if it was, it would have been in place this very instant! People want comfort and like chi, that follows less resistance and looks for the closest path, they will do what requires less work to do. THIS is the extreme, this will only take place when other paths are closed and this is the only thing that's left.
  16. Taoist Anarchy Organization

    Stop giving reasons why your own plan wont work, I wanna do that
  17. My Little Pony

    Oh memecenter how I emotion you so...
  18. New music craze "Dubstep"

    nuuuuuuu it doesn't suck, you just didn't hear this song, yet and this I presume
  19. New music craze "Dubstep"

    Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude That stuff has been in the music thread like... since PAGES ago Last year even
  20. The myth of the eight-hour sleep

    How about this insanity? Being awake 22 hours a day, awesome
  21. Taoist Anarchy Organization

    Call me Mad Max
  22. Taoist Anarchy Organization

    Anarchy will be the perfect breeding ground for the potential leaders and will give a chance to these who couldn't become a leader outside of anarchy. In a society where everyone helps each other, the one who helps the most will be given the most power by these who he helps, and who he helped will in return become his followers. These followers will give him power and trust and will start following him and he will make the rules. These gangs will take up arms and start wars and soon the anarchy will fall. In fact, I might want to lead a gang that will take over all the other territories and I don't see anything that is going to stop me in this anarchy plan. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  23. Taoist Anarchy Organization

    They don't have the right but they have the ability
  24. Taoist Anarchy Organization

    Nop... Leaders will ruin everything
  25. The Cool Picture Thread

    The world must know