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Everything posted by Stigweard

  1. Let us not over-indulge shall we?
  2. hello

    Welcome wrathful immortal, find a seat, how about some tea to appease your wrath How do you like it?
  3. Magic

    In my experience Tai Shi is internal qi breathing which coordinates with but is much 'deeper' than external breathing. Tai Shi follows the natural pulse, rhythm and flow of qi through the major centres and pathways. There are many different methods. Perhaps accomplished qigong practitioners like Ya Mu could share their views on Tai Shi.
  4. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Just waiting now for Sean's confirmation to get us going. Thank you once again to all those on the "Honour List" Blessings,
  5. Pleased to meet you!

    Throw some knowledge your way? There you go Welcome, find a seat, how do you like your tea?
  6. When we are disturbed by desires it pulls our energy away from our natural centre, the lower Tan Tien just below and behind the naval. For instance sexual desires tend to excite energy into the sexual organs. Here is a practical technique that I trust you will use wisely and conscientiously. Only use it when necessary. When sexual desire arises combine your breath with your visualisation and, as you gently breathe in, imagine you are drawing energy up from the genital area into your lower Tan Tien where it becomes calm. The 'drawing up' is like delicately sipping clear spring water through a straw. Do this breathing in sets of 3 until you are no longer disturbed. Blessings,
  7. Positive vs. Negative Energy Projection

    Fair enough question. I might be displaying my limited achievement here but in my experience indulging in degradated emotions and thought processes inevitably leads to energy loss in one form or another. Also, as Ya Mu is indicating, someone of coarse nature will not have the refined perception to access the higher subtle vibrations that are available to the sincere cultivator who also nourishes virtuous fulfillment.
  8. Please excuse me

    To those who use the "View New Posts" section I humble apologise for flooding the topics. I am cataloging all my previous posts and topics into one area for future use. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
  9. Positive vs. Negative Energy Projection

    True enough, however an "evil, immoral asshole" will be so full of energy leakages that they will negate themselves out of achieving True Power.
  10. A Powerful Voice Of Reason

    I believe I believe what you believe. ;p
  11. Making rain

    You live in Townsville. It's always raining there!
  12. Magic

  13. Haiku Chain

    Welcome teopakees to the Haiku corner. And a wonderful contribution you have made. Just a point for the future ... use the last line of the previous Haiku as the first line of yours knowing i will stay I accept a cup of tea Ahhh ... ain't that a treat?
  14. Just saying hello

    *Waves back* Welcome Madison, find a seat, how do you like your tea?
  15. Winnie the Fu

    SKFOCL = Slaps knee falls off chair laughing !!!! Stop it!!! I'm crying now !!!!
  16. hello

    Welcome Quan Xie, find a seat, how do you like your tea?
  17. Ello

    Welcome Paulie, find a seat have a look around, how do you like your tea?
  18. Hello

    Welcome dizzyspirit, find a seat, how do you like your tea?
  19. ^_^

    Welcome kevin, find seat, how do you like your tea?
  20. hola, hello, sa wat dee khrap,

    Welcome Javier, find seat, how do you like your tea? Or is it coffee in PR?
  21. Winnie the Fu

    Oh dear
  22. Positive vs. Negative Energy Projection

    *nods in agreement* "Individual virtues are like the individual movements in the Taijiquan form, these movements are the visible expression of Taiji, the essence. Instead of 'cultivating virtues' you should focus on cultivating or achieving your unified personal nature, your essence. Wholesome virtues will be the natural expression of this attainment. However, just like Taiji, sometimes we have to 'fake it until we make it'. What I mean by this is that through diligent study and practice of the individual movements we hope to gain insight into the essence of Taiji. Just so, by diligently and consciously practicing individual virtues we can gain insight into our true nature. Once Taiji is embodied individual movements become Wu Wei, 'doing without conscious effort'; once true nature is embodied individual virtues also become Wu Wei." From Virtue is...
  23. True enough ... there are ways to avoid this however. Which is why you shouldn't try and transmit healing/energy until you are well accomplished. It can cause great trouble for yourself and the person you are trying to help. Yes you can but this is an artificial way of doing it and is limited to your capacity of intent. For instance ... define 'good'. If you declare that only 'good' energy can influence you then your command is limited to your own perception of 'good'. Also, even though you may have declared such an intent, your own negativity within your mind can still open the door to allow unwholesome energy in. Master Ni, Hua-Ching provides a simple protection (see below) in "The Gentle Path of Spiritual Progress". However, in my humble opinion, the greatest shield a sage can have is the fullness of their own virtuous accomplishment. Then... "The mighty horns of the rhinoceros, the powerful claws of the tiger, the sharp blades of weapons, find nowhere to pierce him." These are not just idealistic words, the truth of their energy manifestation is a living reality.