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Everything posted by Stigweard

  1. Shaking / spontaneous motion poll

    I am intrigued by the whole spontaneous qigong method. I have to admit I am influenced by an early Tai Chi teacher who told me to ignore the shaking and let it pass when spontaneous movements occur. However I do practice wuji taiji, which is a spontaneous freeform expression of taiji movement. There is no shaking involved at all, just fluid movements that sync with the breathing and flow of qi and inspiration (arguably the same thing). If this fits the scope of this poll then I would be happy to vote. Let me know
  2. sales ethics

    Good o ... so what do you want to buy?
  3. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Actually, seeing that the figure is CAD$310 and the donations will be in USD the converted figure based on current currency rates is USD$255. It gets easier and easier. So we have: Stigweard $20 Froggie $10 (I will make up the difference up to $10) MPWay is down for $10 because I have promised to refund his money if it doesn't work Total: USD$40 USD$215 to go ... YAY! Go team!
  4. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    How about this then. If you donate and Gossamer doesn't get acceptable results I will personally refund your money. Under these conditions are you willing to commit $10 to the venture? I respect your decision and your point of view.
  5. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Good for you Froggie. Let me know what you can donate and I will make up the difference. Excellent! So come on then ... who's next to register their commitment?
  6. Stigwerd Check Your PMs

    All good I think a cup of tea is in order. Ahhh ... that's better isn't it?
  7. Internalize Teachings

    I hear what you say. It can happen so often. I am trying a new study technique to ingrain the books I want to learn. I am basically making audio books of them. I wouldn't have thought it would take so many attempts to record one chapter of a book correctly Then I have the audio recordings of myself reading the book and I have them on my iPhone Seems to work a treat!
  8. How To Guard Ones Dreams

    I appreciate your sincerity in what you say. I do agree that specific 'spells' would have a vibrational aspect to them that would transmit the true intent of the originator. However, I will bring to notice the works of Master Ni Hua Ching who, throughout his books, has gone to great lengths to translate many mantras, like the Golden Light Mantra, into English. English also has "YI" intention and the art of understanding it is called etymology. If one understands the Yi of Chinese and the Yi of English, as Master Ni has taken the trouble to learn, then authentic translations can and have been made. A question for you ... what is the true purpose of all the spells, fu, rituals, etc in traditional Taoism? Aren't they there as tools to discover union and full expression of one's innate nature and the union of personal nature with universal nature? So again, the point of what I am saying is this: The Yi that surges forth from one's personal nature is the direction that all good traditions and teachers point. And you certainly do not need to know a specific language to discover union with your own innate nature.
  9. How To Guard Ones Dreams

    You are right that, to understand the deeper meanings and intent of what the Chinese sages have written, one must explore the true meaning of the language. May I respectfully say that you are perhaps being a little on the dogmatic side by insisting that if it is not in Chinese then you can't access the power of Taoism. I suggest that what is truly important is the Intent flowing forth from one's own true innate nature. This Intent supersedes all distinctions of language or cultural flavours. With the force of this intent any mantra, spell, invocation etc. flowers into it's full power regardless of the language used.
  10. Hello

    Welcome shishir Peace, find a seat, how do you like your tea?
  11. Hello Folks

    Welcome Makoto, find a seat, how do you like your tea?
  12. New Member

    Welcome farmerjoe, find a seat, how do you like your tea?
  13. Question about spirituality and scientific testing

    You and I are definately going fishing together!
  14. Wandering inward Rope vines through the canopy Returning to shore
  15. New kid on the TAO

    Welcome indeed Truthbound, find a seat ... though you may prefer to hang out on the verandah ... nice view of the stream. How do you like your tea?
  16. I want to post!

    Welcome MKQ, look forward to sharing your contributions. How do you like your tea?
  17. Haiku Chain

    can I have some more? More?! Did I hear you say "More"? Darstedly urchin!
  18. why have YIN and YANG

    Thank you by the way for your clarifications.
  19. Haiku Chain

    Yes, no or maybe. Or me, myself and Irene? Past, future, present.
  20. Why do you exist?

    I'm with you on this one ... did someone say "Honey? Yum!"
  21. why have YIN and YANG

    My Chinese is not so flash so I will try and find you the characters Unless someone else here can help. This is close but I believe it means energy transmission 能源輸送
  22. Question about spirituality and scientific testing

    I hear you ... though may I suggest that perhaps you are missing the point a little?
  23. Question about spirituality and scientific testing

    Well pointed out and well argued. Indeed it is that because this particular study did not use double blind protocol then the sneaking possibility of placebo does creep in. Good job! I shall keep digging through the data