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Everything posted by Stigweard

  1. Samples of FU

    That was really interesting Mak Tin Si. When I gazed at the symbol below my heart centre opened and I immediately felt a wonderful warmth through my chest and abdomen. I looked away and the sensation stopped then I viewed it again and the same warmth flowed through me. How would you explain this? A central part of my practice is golden light attunement. Would this explain my sense of resonance with this Fu?
  2. I'm not sure what time it was when my intruder entered my room. I only remember awakening to sense it's inky presence oozing into my room. There was no shape as such, just a glutinous oppressiveness that poured its way into my room and descended on my prostrate body. It was the summer of 1996, I was staying in a seedy men's hostel just near the CBD of Rockhampton, Australia. This place used to be a pub (public bar) and the hallways still echoed of a hundred years of debauchery. My tiny room on the second floor, lacking any form of cooling to speak of, opened up onto a verandah from which I had a unique view across the road to perhaps the nastiest, foulest pub in town. This pub was frequented by the towns' urban aboriginals and many were the nights where I was serenaded by a chorus of vulgarity, violence and the midnight screaming of police sirens. Only a week before the events I am about to relate I had a box office seat to a mini-riot which left a stream of blood trickling into the gutters. On this particularly hot night, that left me gasping in my room like it was a furnace, I had decided to leave open the french doors that opened onto the verandah trying to catch the non-existent breeze. After endless minutes of sweltering listlessly I managed to plunge into the reprieve of sleep. My first waking instinct, when I was pinned fast to my bed, was of course to panic and scream, but before I could even gasp this incredible weight had estinguished my speech and severed my very ability to think. I say "weight" but it wasn't a physical weight as such, more like a density that tore its way through my mind and sunk it's tendrils deep within me to assault the sanctity of my soul. I can't say how long I lay there, helpless, I couldn't even think let alone contemplate the passing of time. I do know I struggled desperately but in vain because every avenue my mind fled down was slammed shut by my unyielding captor. But then some unknown part of me surged forth. My mind was flayed and stripped bare to reveal something deeper, something filled with an incredible raw potency. I was like the Earth itself with its crust sundered apart to release the primal magma of its core. In an instant my awareness flew to my lower Tan Tien and my lower abdomen erupted in a explosion of pure light. I felt my adversary convulse above me which gave me my chance for escape. I surged this pure light out to my hands and I blasted the full potency of my being into my foe. It flailed in protest, yet still I sent forth torrents of the unquenchable light. Finally my intruder routed, releasing its hold on my mind, fleeing back out of the door. Immediately I was up out of my bed streaming my light before me, nothing could resist my advance. I got to the door and sealed the portal with the light from my hands, creating a impenetrable web of light. With incredible relief coursing through me I turned around ... only to behold my own prostrate body, eyes closed, sweating on my bed, a full fifteen feet from where my awareness 'stood'. I jolted awake on my bed, bolting upright with a startled cry. Confused I looked around my room, back toward the door where I had only just been standing, but it was eerily normal. Then I noticed the sensations in my body. My hands burned furiously, waves of Qi pulsing out of them, my lower abdomen was vibrating tempestuously and I could still feel the 'little sun' that burned there. Out of instinct I got up and repeated my cleansing process. Sending streams of light from my hands through my room and out the door and then once again I sealed the entrance way. For hours I stayed awake, journalling as much as I could remember. And as the dawn broke that morning I gave sincere and hearty thanks to my teachers and to all the qigong and nei tan I had learned up to that point that had helped me win freedom from my midnight intruder. ----------------- Edit: Added year of event. Corrected some grammar.
  3. A Gift of Appreciation

    It can be confronting to have someone publicly tell you that you are full of crap. I run seminars on healthy sleep. Night after night I meet people who are suffering with varying degrees of sleep deprivation caused by a whole host of different health issues. Mostly people are compassionate to each other as together we explore what we have to do to improve our sleep. And then you have people like Joe. Through the course of the seminar I discuss the things that impact our sleep, things like stress, temperature, hygiene, posture etc. And as the seminar progressed Joe became more and more sourly, glowering at me over crossed arms and whispering comments to his daughter sitting next to him. Usually I let this go, most people will politely talk amongst themselves at times. But I sensed that Joe's behaviour was causing some distress with the other guests, so the next time Joe mumbled in the corner I politely asked, "Sorry what was that?" He paused for a second, seeming to size me up, and then he let rip. "Mate," he proclaimed with a scowling tone, "I've been listening to what you been saying but the human body is the most adaptable thing in the world. Just look at the soldiers, I was a soldier and we never had to worry about the crap you are going on with. We slept on the hard ground night after night and just look at me." Taken a little by surprise, a little offended at being told my comments were "crap", and keenly aware of the eyes of all the other guests watching me, my first response wasn't the best: "OK sure, I appreciate what you have said Joe" I said, "But what kind of condition is a soldier's body in by the time they hit 40?" Several members of the audience voiced their agreement with what I had said, but I had made a mistake ... I had begun to argue a point and this is exactly what my friend Joe was looking for. I had also indirectly criticized him. "Mate I was a soldier and I am fine, fit as a fiddle!" he retorted, his scowl deeping. He was digging himself in for a fight. Fortunately I found my centre again, took a breath, and forced myself to think clearly. And I realised that here before me was a battle worn old man who felt totally unappreciated and who felt that he had to fight to win that appreciation from others. Someone whose sense of importance hinged on getting one up on someone else in an argument. With that sliver of clarity I said: "You know Joe, you are absolutely right. The human body is the most adaptable thing in the world. That's right isn't it?" He responded, "Yes it is." "And you know what Joe?" I asked, "You should be congratulated and admired. You went through the hard yards of being a soldier and look how well you have come through. Mate, good for you!" He was stunned, a look of total bewilderment puzzled his face. I was perhaps the first person to show him genuine heart felt appreciation in years. "Well I guess I was lucky," he mumbled. "Yes mate," I followed, "You were lucky and not many of us can be as lucky as you are. Good for you that you have done so well. And for those of us here tonight that aren't as lucky as you we have to do everything we can to load the dice in our favour. Would you agree with that?" "Well yes I suppose so," Joe answered. "That is what tonight is really about," I said, "It's about finding out how we can load the dice in our favour so that we can enjoy better sleep which of course leads to better health. Would you agree with that Joe?" He answered, "Yes", and was happy for the rest of the night. --------- So the next time you find yourself heading toward an argument with someone stop and ask yourself, "How is it from this person's point of view? How do they want to be appreciated and how can I give them that appreciation in a sincere way?" You will be amazed at how smoother and harmonious life will become for you.
  4. Hi from Santa Fe

    Welcome ralis, always good to see practitioners come online. How do you like your tea?
  5. Haiku Chain

    but my cauldron's full. Of yummy hot chocolate Dipping body parts
  6. Hello Bums

    Welcome marbles, no one here but us chickens. How do you like your tea?
  7. Haiku Chain

    ..temperature art Icy sculptures in the snow Melted by the sun.
  8. 2009 "Tai Shui" Solution (Anti-Jupiter)

    Peace Anabhogya-Carya. In his heart and mind Mak Tin Si sincerely believes what he is doing is true and correct. Let us rejoice in the gifts he showers us with and find appreciation for the diversity he brings to our humble community. If we do find ourselves in disagreement with his words or his methods let us demonstrate the virtue of our innate nature and make the sincere effort to understand and appreciate the other persons' point of view before we assert our own. Let us not try and tear down those who we believe are placing themselves above us because by doing so we are only trying to place ourselves above them. Let us not be so attached to our own importance that someone else's actions gives us offence. Let us learn from Abraham Lincoln when he said something on the lines of, "Do not criticize them. If we were in their position we would be exactly as they are." And if you do feel moved to try and change someone's actions or behaviour let us do so gently and with a loving approach. Let us learn from the great oceans who win the benediction of all the rivers in the world by placing itself below them. Blessings my friend,
  9. Hi from australia

    Yay more Ozzybums! Welcome snowdonx, find a seat, how do you like your tea?
  10. Sleep Paralysis or Demonic Possession?

    Thank you Ya Mu, your summation resonates with my own.
  11. Sleep Paralysis or Demonic Possession?

    Obviously I was quite shaken by the ordeal, and I was changed irrevocably. Up until that point in my life I had been searching quite intently for proof that there was indeed more to my mundane existence. This was both a confirmation for me as well as a warning to pull my head in a little and devote more of my time to my foundation training rather then looking for cheap thrills. It has also spurred me onward to become intimately acquainted with the awesomeness of the being that arose within me. You do know how to make a chap feel special don't you Indeed Cheers my friend ... The tunes of "hotel california" certainly would be a fitting theme track to the interlude You could be right ... who truly knows the truth of such mysteries? It would be an interesting doco to see if you ever remember it I am honoured that you appreciated it You are perhaps quite right. The majority of people don't achieve their full potential until their back is in a corner and a sword is above their heads. Thank you for sharing your experiences JackSquat, we take from any experience what is for our highest good and over the years we will continue to find more and more levels of meaning and knowledge.
  12. Sleep Paralysis or Demonic Possession?

    I want to thank you Mak Tin Si for your kind consideration in this matter. I am certain that your services are highly beneficial. I am also quite certain that the good spirits that guide and protect me, the 12 years of cultivation following this event (which does include Fu Jyeo), and the force of my innate nature has been more than sufficient in nullifying any adverse effects of my encounter. If you are motivated by compassion perhaps you could light an incense at your altar in my name. I will do likewise for yourself. Blessings my friend,
  13. Hi

    Welcome APD, find a seat, how do you like your tea?
  14. Haiku Chain

    reborn food of love chocolate's my favourite mmmm ... hot chocolate
  15. Taiji ~ Death Touch or Healing Hand?

    Thank you for this Xuesheng, I appreciate your etymological insight. Being a westerner I am grateful to learn more of the authentic origins of the art that I also enjoy.
  16. While in the World

    Firstly your statement of 'hearsay' is quite right. It is possibly true that none of us have lucid awareness of the beginning of Universal life so anything we comment on here is alot of conjecture and theorising. Even so models and mental pictures can be helpful in pointing our minds in the direction of truth. So with the spirit of philosophising in order to lead us to experiential awareness let us explore... Is it? The discovery of Tao through Taiji for instance is one of integrating the mind, body and spirit; unifying movement with the breath; coordinating the left and right, the upper and lower, the front and back; stringing together the 'pearls' to generate intrinsic strength and fluidity etc etc. Inner peace can come about through collecting all the dissparate emotions that pull us out of our centre. Internal alchemy involves fusing the five elements and unifying the Kan and Li into the Golden Elixir, the Sacred Immortal Medicine. Whilst I agree that self-inquiry and examining one's beliefs can help to a certain degree to resolve the limiting and seperating elements of ones mind, if we only insist on questioning aren't we always creating seperation between who is asking and the subject of the inquiry? I have heard that resolving the contradictions of the mind cannot be resolved by the mind. This would like waging war in order to create peace. Surely the questioning mind must resolve it's dichotomies eventually and dissolve into pure awareness? Do you really think so? If this were so then I would be a completely ascended master right now. True it is that I believe that all the energy I need is available to me right now, the fact remains, however, that I am not right now soaring amongst the Heavenly Clouds which is proof enough for me that there are indeed parts of myself that require a touch of the Divine Glue. It is my understanding that our spiritual ancestors, in their endeavours to resolve this very same issue, have passed down to us practices like of qigung, nei dan, doa in, etc, etc, so that we can harmonise and integrate the dissparate elements of our being in order to recreate the model of wholeness exemplified by our understanding of Tao.
  17. Haiku Chain

    dreaming of flowers enjoy the beauty but not tear up by the roots
  18. A Gathering of Immortals

    I appreciate exactly what you are saying. We have indeed thought 'big' as you will see through this thread What the process now is about is to start identifying an action plan to head us down the path, and, as you will witness by participating in this process, pin-pointing the hurdles first does actually get things going. The next step after this is to creatively solve those hurdles/obstacles and these solutions become the action steps or goals needed to be fulfilled. Now there are two ways to identify these hurdles. The first way is to stand where we are now and project our minds down the road toward this goal and see what are the very first obstacles we will encounter. Then what is the next one after that, and then after that as far as our forethought can take us. The second step is to imagine that we have just achieved the goal in hand and then 'look back' down the path we have traversed and identify what hurdles were the last ones we encountered, and then the ones before that and so on back along our imaginary path. Returning to the list then: - Lack of money - No idea where to establish it - Don't have a committee - a group of people that are going to do it for sure and make the decisions - Don't have clear objectives in place - Don't have a architectual plan for the facilities - How do we be self-supportive within the community in terms of food, resources, and money - What teachings will be available - Is it a Taoist complex or a Buddhist or eccletic - Which teachers will be on residence - How do we motivate people to get involved - Where do we start - How do we let the greater community know what we are about - How do we be 'in the world but not of the world' - How do we make sure the intent stays pure and this intent is passed down from generation to generation ??
  19. A Question For The Ladies

    Indeed ... Well who is first then? Who wants to link up with the Taoist God/Goddess of their dreams? Come talk to the Stigmeister!!
  20. A Question For The Ladies

    Hi mwight, just to stimulate your hope ... my wife is an avid seeker and is a great source of inspiration and a provider of diversity for my own perceptions. She is not into Tao per se, her interests lay more in astrology and druidry but we have many areas that do overlap and our conversations are a treasure to me. I see us more like two galaxies that are entwined in a cosmic spiral dance. I have heard Ni Hua Ching say that one must be the patient fisherman and in the meantime one must cultivate oneself to make the bait more attractive Having a beautiful partner provides blessings and challenges, just so being single provides blessings and challenges. Both can help and hinder the true work of the mystic marriage and intercourse of the polar opposites within ourselves.
  21. Hello

    Welcome, Bridget, find yourself a seat, how do you like your tea? There are a few Kunluners here abouts, have fun with it now
  22. A Gathering of Immortals

    Excellent suggestions Orb, thank you. That takes one of my points to the next level. Obstacles and/or Hurdles: - Lack of money - No idea where to establish it - Don't have a committee - a group of people that are going to do it for sure and make the decisions - Don't have clear objectives in place - Looking for more here ... remember just the obstacles or hurdles at this stage. Again the goal is: "By 2018 we have acquired, through self-sufficient means, at least 100 acres of fertile land on a mountain with living water and have constructed temples of cultivation, education and arts facilities, housing for teachers, students, and community members, and have also established the means for communal sufficiency in the form of permaculture farming, commercial ventures (eg. cafeteria, grocery store, relevant small business etc.) and light industrial ventures that adhere to ecological and right livelihood practices." What are the things that we have to get around to get here?