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Everything posted by 林愛偉

  1. Every week is a new one. Thursdays 8pm
  2. Master Nan Huai-Chin Dead at 94

    Having control of one's death isn't apparent at the exact time of death, but in preparation long before hand. To the discriminating mind, a death due to illness is worse than a death due to "natural causes" In either case, it is death nonetheless...comfort and discomfort are unimportant, and are based in the discriminating process of the conscious mind. It is not the wisdom mind that is stuck in ideas of comfort. Perhaps his death due to disease is showing people that the idea of Buddhas and Immortals being some type of mysterious, uncommon manifestation is simply superstition. They come and go, and as they come and go may be as mundane as the animal dying int he street, turning to maggots a few days later, and stinking up the street. It is quite a normal thing. Also, the idea of a "natural death" is also a misconception. Death, and all its myriad appearances, are constructs of the mind. How big is the mind? Where is it? Once one finds this out, they will realize that everything is simply thus, and thus is simply everything. The riddle is understood by investigating non-duality. In doing such, the "doing"of investigation must not be viewed as a "person, an I" doing the investigating. Just letting it be, reveals it all. In terms of controlling one's death, it means to have already jumped off the cycle of birth and death, and realizing the state of coming and going as one pleases. All of the romanticism about life and death, coming and going as one pleases, is very much a fantasy, not real at all. It is very simple. When one is no longer caught in their mind cycle of their karmic influences, they can plant the seed to come again, and leave at a time they wish. Everything in between is just extra, experiences, etc. Those things variate from being to being, and do not dictate a definitive marker for how things should be done.
  3. Hi Mandrake, Can you explain what you know of Mai? Perhaps the Chinese character, for I am not sure what you are referring to. hahaha Thank you :-) Lin
  4. New Interview with sifu Lin Aiwei

    Glad to see that the show is well taken. Any suggestions as to topics are appreciated. Peace and Blessings! Lin
  5. Taoist Monasticism in China Today

    The movie "Hero" showcased Qin Shi Huangdi, not the Yellow Emperor (Huangdi). :-)
  6. Thanks for the good words. I took down your request, its good to go.
  7. Anymore suggestions? The show is airing now. Next episode will be on Thursday night, 8pm. We already covered about 9 shows in advance. Peace and Blessings, Lin
  8. Oh, hahahaha great to know. Thank you, I just received it :-)
  9. How is the audio? My microphone wasn't doing too well, so there may be some cracking, and or interruptions. After I believe the 3rd show, the audio is clearer, because I bought a new mic. hahaha I can't hear it from here in China, the site to download doesn't open for me for the mp3
  10. There is nothing against the laws of China with the information there. I'm still deciding where I would want to establish a cultural center, I have not done so just yet.
  11. http://www.tsoidug.org/dizigui

    Di Zi Gui is a very good piece of education that children should learn. Adults even spend their time learning it as well. I used to teach it in my cultural center in NY. Planning on discussing it with my students in China as well.
  12. Can I ask what you are referring to?
  13. Hi Guys! I was away for two weeks, and didn't have much of an internet connection. The show will be airing this week, I posted the link in my first post in this thread. I will take down your suggestions, and begin preparing topics or combination topics on these ideas. Thanks, and keep them coming! The more the merrier Peace, Lin
  14. haha good idea! Usually points like this are spoken of briefly in conversation during the show, but I will work on topics including points like this and other ones too, as a full topic idea instead of a passing point in conversation. Just for starters, the term "living beings" refers to anything that had once lived, is living and will be living in the future. Whether they point to humans, ghosts, spirits, gods, etc, is irrelevant only because one can only conceive of living beings as long as they have affinities with them. Example, one can only believe humans exist because the conditions to be aware of humans only exists strongly in the point of someone's life. Existence of other living beings is dependent upon the capacity to realize if they are "real" and the capacity of one's affinities with them. Will do, this would be a somewhat full topic in and of itself, along with "living beings", actually it is a topic that can be combined with "living beings" because merit and virtue is accrued by living beings and intent to transfer to, or benefit, living beings is practiced. What happens when beings die? HAHAHAHA Holy crap! That would definitely have people running to cut my head off. Okay! Will do...they would have to spend a lot of money to find me in China. It is a good idea. The only problem is I don't read works other than Sutras and their commentaries, and the occasional Daoist scripture here and there. I reference to Sutras, but books by cultivators, or translators I do not. The reason is I don't have the time to read them, and those I have come across, which I don't recall their titles and author names, I wouldn't suggest as a reference. haha I would leave it up to the cultivator to find what they have affinities with and with someone's good and wise advice, determine if the reading material they find is indeed beneficial. This way, I don't lead people to wrong information, and or upset authors and their financial escapade.
  15. Tough celibacy question

    A good herb to help with the "jing-leaking" problem is : Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan It is like an astringent, and keeps things in, for the kidneys.
  16. Are there any healers here?

    This is a very sweet and welcoming thread, full of good information. Really good work here. When I was 13yrs old, I began experiencing consistent pressure and flowing heat in my hands. The inner voice was advising to concentrate on non-discriminating focus, and apply the hands to wherever there is dis-ease. At that time my mother had a golf ball sized tumor on her ovaries, that inner voice guided me to go to my mother. So I ran to her, had her lie on the couch before her doctor's check up, and told her give me 5 minutes. She did, and in 5 minutes she began telling me that she felt a pulling and squeezing in the place of her tumor. (She refused to take any kind of medication for any sickness) She was just about to visit the doctor for a check up on how big the thing was getting, so after 5 minutes she had to get up and head to the dr.s office. I told her just 5 more minutes and it would be gone. She said she couldn't wait and then took off. When she returned home, she said straight up, she didn't know what I did, but the tumor had shrunk down and went from malignant to benign. She said the Dr. was shocked as hell, and my mother said she didn't say a word to him. At that point, I put the instances together and began further cultivating this practice, deepening my practices for this cultivation and becoming aware of Tuina and Dian Xue through meditation practice and teachers which came through meditation. I was seeing friends and their friends when they were sick, classmates and strangers. When I was 20 or so, I decided to find out what Reiki was, took all their levels, and even taught it for a short time, but later found that it still just wasn't enough.It wasn't to be the sole practice, I was just curious as to what it entailed, and soon after came to certain ..."realizations" about it that I didn't see fitting, as well as it not being enough to do the deed. (not to be discussed here, lol) From my early teens to mid 20s I treated many "patients", ranging from colds, to sprains, to asthma attacks, asthma itself, broken bones, cancers and comatose. Now, I don't even bother unless the person is really ready to commit to healing. Most have wasted their energy, my efforts and "time", and only reaped short term benefits due to their lifestyle habits. There is so much info out there on hands on healing, all speaking a generally similar point, feeling an unconditional love for those who you would be treating. As a young teen, I began investigating the many books out there, but couldn't get past the first few pages, cover included. Sometimes, the most profound thing shouldn't be fluffed up to become something too mysterious and new-agey, and a great lot of those books kept repeating themselves chapter after chapter (after skimming through it), not even touching on true methods, but more fluffy universal sparkles and berries just to make it seem more and more spiritual. So I stopped checking out books, and further applied myself in personal practice, learning to further cultivate it. Funny, I am just beginning to write a book on cultivation, and as much as I can speak of about it..and one thing I told myself was..."remember all those old new agey books and all that smurf-berry nonsense they spoke about?...Let's not do that." HAHAHAHAHA Anywho, I really enjoyed skimming through the posts in this thread, and such compassion felt from everyone compelled me to share a little, which is what I hardly do with my personal early practices. Thanks for that every one. Peace and Blessings, Lin
  17. Liver qi stagnation

    So much good advice, and still perhaps something more in depth should be done. Adjusting eating habits, drinking habits and possibly relax a bit, take it easy and don't do so much physically exerting exercises. Sometimes with liver qi stagnation, qi gong may cause more wind in the body, than before and irritate the liver, causing more liver problems. The twisting and turning of Bagua Zhang is beneficial indeed for the middle jiao, yet it may also be strenuous on the middle jiao if indeed the middle jiao is weak. A result may be knotted qi in the middle jiao, liver qi stagnation, digfestive problems, qi not settling down, yang qi rising, etc. Some drinks to stay away from: any sweetened drinks, coffee, red teas (black teas), Cold drinks as well. Teas that can be beneficial: Any flower teas, especially rose, jasmine, and chrysanthemum. NO SUGAR! WARM WATER IS GOOD TOO! Flavors to stay away from: Any heating flavors: No Hot and Spicy stuff, fried foods out of the question, oily foods no good. Chives, Leeks, Garlic all heating and stimulate the liver. ( in liver qi stagnation, its not a good stimulation.) Enjoy!
  18. "Well, generally there is Single-Minded recitation on the Buddha's name while sitting, standing, walking and lying. Visualization methods of Amitabha in and as your body, sitting atop one's crown, sitting in one's dan tian, sitting in one's 3rd eye. Bowing practices of holding the name, but keeping the mind free from false thinking. Its simply single-minded recitation, with the concentration on calming the heart, removing negative influences in the body and mind, and turning one's senses inward." Some specifics are just method details of the practices. For example: Buddha Name Recitation: Recite in mind while Inhaling to the abdomen, keep focus at the dan tian, Exhale while sending the vibration from the mouth to the pineal gland (heavenly eye, third eye. Keep the mouth slightly opened, eyes slightly closed. One can send the recitation to the entire body, or specific places like the chakras, dan tians, organs, etc. A whole body practice is putting it all into one zone, so its kind of better. Then there is simply just reciting, letting it come from the abdomen, dan tian, and just letting it do its work. As for imagining one's environment, etc being the Pure Land, I wouldn't suggest it because it will present a false image, and will be difficult to break later on. Let the awareness of the Pure Land being every where permeate your consciousness. Eventually, where you look, things may seem like a Buddha, or may have a more brighter hue of light around them. This isn't the Pure Land coming here, it is us realizing that the Pure Land is a general name to the fundamental way things truly are. When our false thinking begins to subside and gets further along that route, we begin to see this world as it truly is. I recite it in Chinese Amituofo, sometimes in the sanskrit Amitabha. When I first received Guan Yin's name for practice, I received it by the sanskrit Avalokiteshvara. So I go both ways.. hahaha Depends on how I received the names of those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas do I recite their names. Peace and Blessings, Lin
  19. Wonderful comments, beautiful questions! Thank you for your considerate remarks Well, generally there is Single-Minded recitation on the Buddha's name while sitting, standing, walking and lying. Visualization methods of Amitabha in and as your body, sitting atop one's crown, sitting in one's dan tian, sitting in one's 3rd eye. Bowing practices of holding the name, but keeping the mind free from false thinking. Its simply single-minded recitation, with the concentration on calming the heart, removing negative influences in the body and mind, and turning one's senses inward. There is also the Thrice Yearning Ceremony used to offer a method for those in the hells who have the chance to come and listen to the Dharma in hopes that they awaken and can leave that realm. Also for those ghosts and demons and whatnots roaming the earth, passing by the way place causing them to suddenly hear the bell at the ceremony and draw them in to hear the Dharma: Also for those in physical bodies here on earth or elsewhere to come and cultivate merit and virtue in speaking the Dharma and offering up the merit and virtue from it to living beings of the 10 directions. (It gets very deeper than this. Maybe one day I will share a few experiences from this ceremony) Yes, and the only reason is because those beings seem to still revolve on the wheel of birth and death, so its a designation of observing the outcomes of those other practices. In this sense, we can see that if those who have affinities with their specific traditions can only hear those principles, then why not utilize those principles to have them turn their understanding in a direction that allows them to practice what they will, and at the same time create affinities with a Buddha or Bodhisattva. For example: Amitabha Buddha appeared in the past, as the god Agni (God of Fire) to those who worshiped fire. Once he taught the methods of fire cultivation, etc, those beings were born in the desire heavens where Agni was present, and once they got there he would reveal the previous expedient as just that, and then take the cultivator to another level. Its like, use one thing to get to the next place, and then further steps are taken to go even farther on the path. The religious methods on this planet are indefinite, and thus are expedients to get living beings back to their original ways. Many distort those teachings on this planet, but hey, that's people and their afflictions. Their strongest point would be that within the Pure Land, there are no afflictions, no negative body, mouth and mind karma, every where is the constant reminder to cultivate, and everywhere radiates the unobstructed virtue and wisdom of the original nature. It will be utterly impossible to not attain complete enlightenment there, become a Buddha and return as a Bodhisattva to anywhere there is an affinity to go. I like this question In truth, the strongest practices are only as strong as the cultivator, the weakest just the same. There can be one who attains their goal within only 1 recitation, or one application of single minded investigation of the Buddha's Name. Yet, it may take another 60 yrs to get anywhere in that practice. Buddha Name Recitation is a strong method, not because its reciting a Buddha's Name, only because its function is to allow the cultivator to directly focus only on their original nature: which is just Limitless Light and Limitless Life. The most common is the Buddha Name Recitation, and or while, Walking the Buddha Circle ( HAHAHAHA) Basically walking around the Buddha while reciting. Different traditions utilize some of the practices I spoke on as an answer to one of the above questions. Peace and Blessings, Lin
  20. Taoist Third Eye Training?

    Your practice sounds good. As for your comment on my statement as a low level ... Not at all. Before a person decides they want to stimulate, activate "open" their third eye, training is required before hand. This training should be in line with the experience and proper teaching that will guide the practitioner to not attach to states, not "assume" they know what they see, and to not create more ideas of a self. Opening the third eye just because it seems interesting will allow the cultivator to either not see/feel anything at all, and or see and feel things they are not prepared to recognize...as something true or something false. Wisdom teachings are necessary to help the cultivator understand what's real and what isn't. Not the "real" in terms of what is based on the conscious mind. Opening the third eye doesn't mean one attained any state of enlightenment, nor does it mean they have the slightest bit of wisdom. Hence, what they see is what they see, what they conclude to what they see is totally based on their own thinking...If they have a bit of wisdom, then they wouldn't conclude what they see and feel to their own thinking (false thinking). For example: (only an example don't think its true) I may see one of the Dragon Kings, and may have a conversation with him, but that doesn't mean that he is the end all be all of wisdom, powers and it doesn't mean his state if the greatest. I have met some who meet beings along their path, and simply cling to them due to lack of wisdom. Some feel things, or experience states that when they come out of the state, spread the news of their "accomplishments" and make themselves out to be some sage, when in fact, they haven't even come close to spelling it. Its all due to lack of wisdom, lack of proper guidance. Maybe I should have elaborated on my post previously. All in all, things are as they are, what we assume them to be is illusory.
  21. Taoist Third Eye Training?

    When one "opens" their Third Eye, what they see is what they see, what they conclude to what they see is totally based on their own thinking.
  22. A Book on Yong (Wing) Chun

    Greetings, I just finished writing a small book on Yong (Wing) Chun. I took my notes from the last several years, sifted through them, and took some information I felt important to share. This is only one book, for I didn't want it to be too long of a text, 79 pages is brief, but to the point for now. Its available for free. Thanks for the help, Vortex, with the pdf. I was finally able to format things correctly. A new documents has been uploaded, and is all ready to go! Peace, Blessings and Thanks! Enjoy!!! Yong Chun Same Door.pdf
  23. A Book on Yong (Wing) Chun

    Thank You so much! I have to check it in my home computer, in my office they don't allow adobe reader to be installed
  24. Taoist Third Eye Training?

    Very true, very true. With that practice, things just come naturally.
  25. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    Stigweard doesn't have to have any other affiliation with the organizations in question, except to establish a feasible proposal which attracts the scientists to consider performing such tests. In light that they are scientists, and this is research, they have the funding to put up the cash, and the desire to add one more thing to their resume, experience and future portfolios. This has nothing to do with getting your point, and everything to do with what the organizations involved will actually do if such tests are "passed", and if they are not, at least those scientists will witness what is happening; with no explanation scientifically that can possibly rationalize what is happening. They can only say that they don't have the efficient machinery to test such a phenomenon, and thus will be in a purgatory of thought, left with their mouths wide open. To me, that is worth more than 1.5 million, and by no means a waste of time. I personally don't care if its a scam or not, I am most happy seeing "skilled" individuals willing to show their stuff, displaying the confidence and integrity of their developments.