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Everything posted by michael245

  1. The Legend of Greatshift

    I don't like sinfest's first response,it was kind of mean
  2. In the Chat place right now..Goku is cool,please pray to his statue,he will save your soul.//sarcasm//
  3. No I am not joking.,joking about goku YES..But about being an atheist,no.
  4. Tell me about it dude,I'm an atheist now and I definantly don't believe in fairy tales...Goku seems like he has a good idea : )
  5. What will be the future earth society?

    Yes, we do own land and we own guns too!!!!.In order for the zeitgeist or the venus project cult members to go around the world and confiscate other peoples land and start a resource based economy ,they in fact would need a big military to succeed in conquering because nobody would ever give up their personal property.
  6. Wow,how serendipitous,you have no ego but you also go see a psychiatrist.What did your psychiatrist say about your cognitive dissonance?Next time you waste money for a psychiatrist,just private message me instead and maybe I can give you some good advice...: )
  7. The entire world is obsessed with money and sex,thank heavens most people aren't obsessed with christianity.lol
  8. Personally I think The Venus Project is a extremist orginization..They claim to be peaceful,but their own fantasies for the world would cause alot of violence against them...They want to take everyones land away from them so they can have a resource based economy.....Who are the people that are going to enforce this concept on people?Nobody,not one group of people would succeed. Nice hippie fantasy though.
  9. What will be the future earth society?

    In my opinion the Zeitgeist has some truth in but it has b.s.in it too, but the venus project will never happen.For those who don't know what it is,these people want to take everyones land away and start a resource based economy.They would never be able to do this to the world,because people own guns and those people would never let their own land be taken away by a few internet hippies,in other words it would cause major violence. `
  10. What will be the future earth society?

    In my opinion the Zeitgeist has some truth in but it has b.s.in it too, but the venus project will never happen.For those who don't know what it is,these people want to take everyones land away and start a resource based economy.They would never be able to do this to the world,because people own guns and those people would never let their own land be taken away by a few internet hippies,in other words it would cause major violence. `
  11. Wow!Here is more conspiracy videos people might be intrested in. Here's a good video on CIA FBI cointelpro,shills,provacateurs Here's a good video of ALEX JONES using his FBI COINTELPRO` provacateur tactics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY8mQSCPMrg&feature=channel_video_title
  12. "It takes one eye to find a conspiracy,but it takes two eyes to find a SHILL"
  13. I don't buy the new ager conspiracies on youtube.The History channel in general has been infiltarted by new ager shill theologeans.
  14. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "In order for you to become a masterbator,one must spend alot of time hanging with the other monkeys under the tree."(quote frome michael245)
  15. Anybody can create youtube videos full of conspiracies,and other people that watch those videos will passively believe them as truth.
  16. Draw chi from sacrum into prostate.

    Letting it travel to the penial gland is better.LMAO
  17. Hello

    Hello everyone just here to chitchat about tao : )Had trouble registering,please disregurd other account..: )
  18. Apocalypse Culture

    "nothing lasts forever".I personally don't think the world will end 2012,only the age.