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Everything posted by raimonio

  1. Yo, wachado?

  2. External + Internal Martial Arts

    I agree completely that meditation and all spiritual work would make a hardened MMA guy a tad better, the gained awareness alone would be a massive ally. There is however a clear distinction between a Tai Chi guy and a Boxer for example. Like you said, the energetics and all. It does seem weird at best, from a statistical point of view, that none of the western practitioners of Internal Martial arts seem to have the goods. It is always some master on a mountain, despite the fact that the westeners have practiced for years. It is also, from a statistical point of view, weird at best, that this argument has not made anyone to act if their training actually has worked. I mean winning the argument would be so easy, if you had the goods. Walk into a gym, mop the floor and leave. End of debate. I find it very dubious that there are thousands of practitioners but none of them have the goods and if they do, that none of them does anything? From a statistical point of view the odds of having atleast a few guys willing to end the debate would be 100% with these numbers. I would like to believe, but looking at the situation I find it very hard. With Qi Gong healing for example, there are endless amounts of people saying that it actually cured their disease etc. That is basicly the equilevant of a guy walking into a gym and mopping the floor. If you just stay home and love the energetics, do the movements, it does not mean you have proven it to work as a martial art in a real situation.
  3. Sheeeet, I always get those names mixed up. Usually it happens in my head but now here, how embarrassing
  4. Michael Lomax, the teacher of Stillness-Movement is a lineage holder if I have understood correctly. It is a legimate lineage and the transmission is a crucial component of the practice IMHO. It is as real as it gets. Michael's teacher Wang JUEMIN was one of the great Qi Gong masters of his time and he learned from all the great masters of the time before him Before I went to a workshop to receive the transmission I did not even believe in energies, I was very sceptic. Because of all the unbelievable hype surrounding the practice I decided to give it a try thinking something in the line of "if this doesn't work, then I will never believe in energies". When I received the Gift of Dan Tien there was no doubt that energy existed, the sensation was so clear and so powerful. I started at the same time as Sinansencer so I haven't finished my 100 days, yet the practice has already changed my life. My life was a mess and everything felt like a struggle. I have cronic fatique syndrome etc. With the practice everything has become possible, I can actually manage trough the day. It gave me that little something. Before I tried Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Zen-meditation, Stillness-Movement without transmission, they did not change the situation. Such is the power of a genuine lineage. Ofcourse Stillness-Movement and the Gift of the Dan Tien Qi Gong works just like any qi gong or meditation, but I do recommend going to a workshop. S-M makes you calm and relaxed, opens your energy channels, makes you feel extremely good and balanced. It moves your life torward harmony. But the best part of the practice is the stillness, or should I say deepness. It takes you very deep. Its amazing how I have been practicing only for a few months and I can already be without a single thought around 30-40minutes of the 1hour that I am doing daily. I haven't even started to grasp how deep the practice goes. Hearing from the more experienced practitioners I have lightyears to go and there seems to be no end to the level of deepness you can go. They talk of magical worlds and other dimensions, spiritual beings and teachers. So when you do S-M its like "This is awesome and the longer I do this the more awesome it will be"
  5. External + Internal Martial Arts

    Well for me its all the same whether you shoot Qi balls out of your arse or just hit your opponents with fists. What I am asking is whether anyone has actually seen an internal martial artist mop the floor with a MMA guy like you claimed they would. Have you seen that happen? Has anyone?
  6. Okay super weird question here about jing

    Haha I think we have a winner
  7. External + Internal Martial Arts

    I have never seen an internal martial arts master demonstrate his ability in a real situation and never heard anyone seen it, not on youtube, not in real life, not anywhere.. anyone? Has anyone here who has practiced internal arts for a long time ever been in a ring with a MMA or Boxer guy who trained for the ring for many years? Have you truly made it work? Can you easily floor these guys? On second thought had to edit the rant, I'm all for believing this, would be nice to have some proof though
  8. Immortals (Xian Shi)

    By far one of the best threads ever What do you guys think brings forth spiritual Immortality? There are so many different views on the matter. Theres the Mantak Chia view, that you must come up with an immortal embryo, on the other hand Michael said in his workshop that when your energy body reaches Dao and merges with it or something like that, then you become Immortal. And now I've read people saying basically that enlightenment = also Immortality. Do you believe that Immortality could simply be a natural outcome of any basic practice taken to a level high enough?
  9. Just read the Gospel of Thomas, I think my draw to Christianity ended with it, because I realized how hard it is to trust the church. I truly wanted to give them a chance but nahh, now I'll get back to where I used to be, despising church and praising the eastern arts Gnosticism and the Gospel of Thomas are not with the church though
  10. So do you guys believe that the holy spirit is the same as the universal energy of Dao? If a Christian would start practicing Daoist Alchemy would he when gathering energy be gathering the holy spirit? If a Daoist master became Christian and let the holy spirit in, would the holy spirit already be there?
  11. East-West mind difference

    Yes I agree, Christianity has failed in many ways. But there are people who have been able to practice it as it should've been and for them it is a massive heart-opener. My grandmom being one, she is like the best person on the planet, but also sees herself in a very healthy manner, no guilt and so on. I've started to do the Buddhist Metta prayer and it has been great, now I feel like my practice is whole. Been contemplating on Christianity aswell, for some reason I am feeling drawn to it Never gonna stop being a Daoist Buddhist though.
  12. East-West mind difference

    So what would a heart-based practice look like? Or is it just getting into your body? I've always thought that becoming aware in your body is a grounding practice. Or would it be to become aware of your emotions? Funny thing is, Christianity is all about opening the heart
  13. What do you guys do for your career?

    Many people on TTB seem to be some kind of computer guys, no pun intended I'm a nerd myself, I've just never gotten into programming and all that stuff Also I've noticed that it is common for a people who work with computers to be interested in spirituality, same goes for business-people.. Might be wrong, a subjective observation I'm studying social sciences, dunno what I'll become.. hopefully a writer
  14. East-West mind difference

    I've had similar thoughts and observations. We are a head-based society, so to balance things out we should not start from head-based practices. More grounding and emotional based stuff in the beginning would do a alot. I've witnessed many westeners make this error and they seem to be denying they have a problem with it, despite the fact that it is clear they are not making progress, infact in many cases they are taking steps backwards and coming up with new problems. Its like they are clinging to it because it is supposed to work. That is why I personally love Daoism, it doesn't make me spaced, but centered and aligned with the Dao
  15. Water and Fire

    It seems like mine and Sinan's thoughts have been aligned, I've had similar questions in the past few days, could you give me the links aswell GrandmasterP ?
  16. The best way to learn Taoism

    let us kneel before the reincarnated master, you know the taoist way of dealing with a troll would propably be to either ignore it or to laugh.. but if the offending hits a sensitive spot it is a hard one
  17. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Wish to share my experience with DDJ and shamanism. When I was a Buddhist I interpreted DDJ as philosophical talk or talk about enlightenment, as such I considered it a poor description compared to other available material. There was a "naturalistic" vibe to it which was nice, but still a poor description of enlightenment imho. After I became a Daoist and started practicing Stillness-Movement I took a new look and was really surprised to find out that DDJ was actually describing to me in great detail what I had already experienced during my meditation, the Dao. I have come to the conclusion that although DDJ is philosophical and even political, it is also in some parts (the ones where Dao is described) a literal take on the experience of Daoist practice and experiencing Dao. I can definitely agree with the shamanistic aspect of it, but I think its just that Daoism and Daoist practices are very shamanistic. Anyways there are certainly chapters where the actual experience is described and there is nothing philosophical or political about it.
  18. she's the cool girl and your the nerd huh? been there man.. I have also been on the other end of the stick and when younger, played with girls emotions who's "social status" was lower than mine. You must understand that anything your feeling is not real, its just a manifestation of the social scale and a natural occurence within that realm. Imagine a majorly rich guy, he would only have to talk once to a poor girl (if the poor actually thought like that about money) and she would have all kinds of major emotions while the rich guy would be going "Oh, meh, boring". The point is, your emotions in this situation are not yours, they atleast to me seem to be like an automated reaction of hanging out with "the cool" chick. The only reason she has given you attention is because she thought you would then fall at her feet and give around 100 as much back. Othervise she would've come trough. We are on a spiritual forum. Expand your consiousness to realize that the whole thing is just bollocks. She is an asshole who is trying to abuse you. Ditch her, you will become strong and it will feel good. Just dont make a scene or get emotional, do it in a gentle wise manner, maybe only inside your head. Become the true master you were born to be. These shallow people are but retards who every now and then stumble on our way, but of who'm we can easily get rid of. Just let go. You have the DAO watching your back, some bums too
  19. The Kali Yuga ending

    Hi, I just read a very interesting article about the Yugas which claimed that the Kali Yuga would be ending in the year 2025 (other point was made for 2012, we'll see about that very soon). It also states that at the end of each Yuga there is always a catastrophic incident which basicly wipes the whole planet clean and then we have to begin civilizations from scratch. http://www.viewzone.com/kali.html What do you think?
  20. The Kali Yuga ending

    The argument in the article I posted was similar to Clarity's, that the calculations were not accurate. Is there anyone on the scene who has done extensive research on the subject? For me it seems there are just as many opinions that there are different scholars and gurus. It is quite hard to come to a conclusion based on such varying knowledge. But to me it seems like the 432 000 years of Kali Yuga does not seem plausible. I mean basicly they just decided that the original duration of the Kali Yuga should be lenghtened to that, doesn't sound right
  21. The Kali Yuga ending

    Yes there are many aspects to our current state. On the other hand we have so much information going about that it might be enevitable that at some point it generated a huge pressure that exploded and made a change. I believe that pressure is the thing that has been described in this thread for example. People feeling that there is something wrong with the system, I think this thought and feeling is widely spread. Even every day common people have this feeling now days. It is bound to result in a reaction at some point. We simply have too much information about the things we are doing wrong and the information is spread freely. I for one am really hopeful. The climate change.. Occupy wallstreet movement.. Dwai did you read the article? What do you think about the arguments?
  22. Pure Yin Black

    you know if the trainwreck people would believe in something like this they would come to accept their existence in a better way, the same thing applies in how other people view them.. as it is they hate themselves and other people hate them aswell if they would be seen as the carriers of bad karma it would be a positive attitude
  23. Past lives

    hehe good one Grandmaster Is it that everyone has thousands of past lives? I've always wondered whether there are old souls and new souls or whether everyone came to existence at once.. Sinansenser interesting, maybe one day youll make a visit You have cool past lives I wish there was a past life reader nearby, I would be eager to know of my past lives
  24. hahaha good post like the fact that men have literally abused, plundered and downlooked women for thousands of years has no effect on anything, it was actually the women who wanted it, their fault right?
  25. You have to also take into account the question whether idiots should be treated well or bad. I would say that the more genious you are the more compassion you have for the idiot and the better you understand the reasons why you should treat them as equals. If you treat an idiot well he will learn good values and get a good vibe of the world, after that he will start spreading the word. So from a practical point of view having an attitude that sees geniouses as somehow higher does not really work or result in anything good. As humans we are all equal and this is the only way we can all one day become geniouses. It might take a few lifetimes though