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Everything posted by raimonio

  1. I just watched the second episode of "the Magical Egypt" where it is argumented that the egyptian culture and artifacts are infact atleast ten thousand years old. So they were these great magicians and spiritual masters who knew about the mysteries of our existence. I've also given thought to the concept of early heaven and the idea that we are moving torward the later heaven. That is what I picked up somewhere, it is the view in Taoism right? So from that perspective the major sociological change becomes understandable, even a natural occurance. Its like during the last few hundred years or more man kind has been awaken to a whole new kind of existence within the mind. We have taken a direction torward rationalism, when before that must've been nearly impossible, it was all about the spiritual aspects and direct connection with the otherwordly. Because of this the academics regard our previous existence as primitive and retarded, when infact they we might've been wiser and more advanced the truth to be told. We did not need machinery etc. because we were in contact with the truth naturally. All of these scientific "breaktroughs" would propably look retarded and unneeded by someone who is in contact with something greater. Why would someone waste his time thinking rationally and creating machines if the material world is only a fraction of the whole existence? This is all just speculation. I dont know if I have a particular question in mind but I would like to hear what other people make of the situation. Where are we headed? Is it harder to walk the path today? I mean theres more information and the teachings are more attainable by the common folk, but does that make up for the change in conciousness? Is there any good in the way we percieve reality today in terms of spiritual practice? Is there any literature written about the subject? My rational mind has found a new obsession
  2. the Early Heaven and the Ancient Egyptians

    I've had similar thoughts. I feel the idea of trying to go the esoteric way properly as very unpractical because of the lack of genuine lineages and masters. Its a shame really, that the information is so scattered. Although there must be some guys who have got to the higher levels with these practices. If something works for some then hey, they should do it Welcome to Tao bums on my part aswell MERCELESS ONE, I watched a few episodes of the spirit science, although it had alot of information I felt like I already knew it. Also it seemed a bit too new-agy for my taste. A good source of information about the spiritual stuff nonetheless.
  3. Stillness-movement and trauma therapy

    Lately my practice has started to change alot, I've had these hinches of shifting, its really interesting. Like a magical world inside you. Especially when I manage to be quiet in the mind, although sometimes it is really hard, in which case the letting and allowing comes handy because fighting yourself only makes it worse Nice to see you here Ya Mu
  4. the Early Heaven and the Ancient Egyptians

    Thnx for the advices, will look into them next week while doing a fast
  5. If theres a divine force behind this whole thing then WTF are you doing on a random internet forum raging about it? Or is this just about YOUR patience?
  6. I also believe that the demons would not be/should not be dealt with trough anger.. so as long as we dont kill or torture them and the angels are in charge then im with you
  7. I started in the university this fall and we've had a few lectures about the political systems of this planet. I have a few questions. If this kind of a system were to take place who would be the one to decide who are the demons and who are the angels? Who would be wielding the power? Are you aware of the fact that his has been tried before around thousand times on this planet? No totalitarian political system has ever worked without resulting in an even greater system of slavery and exploitation of the population. Although it may seems as this capitalist system we have now is the work of the demons, and I believe it is, it is still an improvement to the old slavery system. The point is that we are not angels and Buddhas, if you were to give totalitarian power to anyone it might work for a while, but eventually the demons would get in. Look what happened to the church, can't see no angelic touch in the holy wars and inquisition. Many wars have been fought in the name of god. The problem is that if we as people decide to have a totalitarian system of justice run by the angels and Buddhas, the demons will appear as ones and gain control. Back to our capitalist system. Marx saw that our political system has gone from pre-communist society (the tribes where all was good) to feudal society (where the kings slaved the general populace and noone had a say against his will, there was no freedom of speach) to capitalism (where the fact that you are speaking like this in a forum and arent crusified is a miracle compared to the feudal society) and he theoretisized that the next step in the political evolution of man kind is to become a socialist society, after that an after-communist society (where we would be truly free). The thing is that the socialist countries in the world have not really been the kind of socialist countries that socialism was intentend to be. Instead they have been ruled by vicious dictators and basicly everything has been done the wrong way. This was not how Marx envisioned communism. I hope that Marx was right and we evolve into a working socialism/communism next. But I must remind you that the fact that we are talking on this forum is a miracle, if you see how life has been for the past 5 thousand years. I think that for us to return into the original tribal system where everyone were equal it requires the mass-mind to gain more awareness, which I believe is happening. We will be going back to that system, but with greater knowledge and awareness, taught to us by the mistakes we have made in the duration of our recorded history. With the invention of the internet and free speech it is only a matter of time, the only thing that worries me is whether we will be fast enough. The planet is dying because of our behavior and we might wipe ourselves off before we've learned.
  8. What is the Average Age of a Tao Bum

    Fun thread seeing the difference between the nerd-equipment and experiences trough the ages I'm 27 now and was also a nerd when I grew up. I was at third grade when Windows 95 and the internet came to the wide public. Before that I used a DOS computer. My father was an engineer and always refused to buy me a nintendo saying "Computers are the future!" and he was right lol. I was of the computer game generation who did not use unix or do any such nerdiness, but devoted his whole life for playing games online. I mean we did use IRC as means of communicating within the game-scene and that was actually the difference between a nerd and a normal person back then. Dont know if IRC was used outside of northern Europe though. Anyways, I was definitely in the minority back then. Now days its just crazy, everyone is online many hours a day and most of the guys play games online. I was in the first generation who got to grew up online IF you wanted to, the generation that came after me is the generation who grew up online without the possibility of other kind of life But you know my childhood was still spent in a world of normal telephones and without internet, so I do remember how it was like. It has been nice to be born in the juncture point of the great change just as it must have been awesome to be in the generation who did it
  9. stillness movement - self healing

    Well I'm a major beginner in the system but I have already witnessed a great deal of the self-healing aspect of S-M. First of all, I was not able to do sitting meditation before the workshop because of my cronic fatique syndrome. I've now done around 1-2h's of S-M every day for a month and it has really had an effect on everything in my life. My emotions have stabilized, I have a general feeling of wellbeing in my body, I've come more relaxed and aware in my body and mind. I have more energy to do things and many of my social paranoias and other psychological symptoms have basicly gone away. I am by no means fully healed but there has been a clear change within the month of practice. At first the movements were crazy for me. The energies were bouncing wildly all over the place. Now the nature of them has changed and the movements are more coherent. Its like my energy channels have opened so much that now my whole body moves as a whole, instead of random spasms here and there. Also I've started to feel the chi, simply because there seems to be so much of it in the dan tien area. It feels so good to just observe while your body and mind regenerates itself. Every session you feel better and better while at the same time you know that it will get only better. It is pure awesomeness I'm eager to hear from the more experienced practitioners
  10. I had totally forgot theres a personal practice section, I will be stalking you sinasencer Interesting idea having a journal, I hope that one day I could raise the amount of practice I do and maybe then I could do a journal, I dont know we'll see I'll def think about it
  11. Nice amount of practice you got there The more experienced practitioners are saying it is not the movements that matter, that it gets more subtle as you practice and that there are worlds to venture which are hard to describe. I would imagine reaching states like samadhi could be a natural side-effect even if it isnt the goal, although the progress as I've understood is different for each? In my practice the shaking has toned down and I've started to have moments of stillness, nothing major conciousness-wise though. One day I felt like I was infront of a gate of some sort, sometimes I forget myself to the practice, it really depends on the day how it goes. It is interesting to hear about the experiences of other people
  12. To not impose your will

    I've been paying alot of attention to this matter for the last three weeks. It has been eye-opening to spot all the situations where you go into the mode of selfishness and imposing your will. When I've spotted it my level of conciousness has increased dramatically in those moments and I've been able to switch the wrong pattern off by using my intention to drop it. Over the course of a few weeks the occurance of these moments has lessened. Spending time with the people who generally summon this problem within me has been much more enjoyable. It almost feels too easy and good when it works, you can just glide trough situations feeling content I think this particular topic can be approarched trough any religion. Humility is one of the main aspects of all.
  13. Fasting

    I did a 3 day water fast few months ago to cleanse my body. The cleansing process took a giant leap forward because of the fast. The results were amazing. I am planning to do another one, this time for 5 days next month. It is interesting because now there will be meditation (nei kung) aswell. I think its a good plan to start small too. There are people who have actually died during a long fast they could not handle. If you start small you get the gist of it and learn to know your body and its limits, it also gives your body time to adjust to fasting in general. Isnt it the case in some of the Buddhist temples that they eat only once a day? Thumbs up for White Wolf
  14. Stillness-movement and trauma therapy

    Okay, I had to know about the Buddhist awareness thing just to make sure. Now I know: This practice cannot be compared to any practice and the only way to find out what this practice is, is to do the practice. Got it I'm really looking forward to experiencing all of this. I understand how it may be frustrating to try to talk about it when it cannot be talked about and seeing some random guys trying to figure it out trough terms they've learned before I like to do S-M very much and do it 1-2hours daily and like I said it has already turned my life around. I was not able to do any sitting meditation before the workshop so I'm more than all good (especially now that my intellectual mind has been beaten!). I have also read the forum and heard the 1hour regime, which you are adviced to do for 100days before you make your mind. There are however individuals who have problems with 1h S-M sessions. I have talked to one of them and been asked whether it would be okay to do the Gift of the Tao movements instead. Or half hour of S-M half hour of Gift of the Tao etc. I feel that it would be a shame if some people stopped doing the practice because the 1h feels overwhelming, on the other hand I understand if the energy received can only be kept with 1h of S-M daily. I would not be asking this question unless this was a real issue for some. Now ofcourse I could just tell this person what we both have heard about the 1h regime, but as it seems making through the 100 days feels impossible, I feel obligated to bring this up. I think I should advice this person to contact the source if the troubles endure. Thank you for the answers and patience
  15. Stillness-movement and trauma therapy

    Thank you, I do belive I have alot to release I think that getting over of actual traumas is a long process and can happen "on its own" if you get the love and care that you need, although if your down in the gutter it can be a hard task to get. Psychotherapy is also strong, but it costs. Theres been a few people talking about going above & beyond with S-M, is it comparable (yet again with the similarities!) to Buddhist awareness? Where you sort of take yourself away from the equation, look at it from a distance and realize "hey, this is stupid, I'm just gonna let it go" ? This is something that has actually been happening to me lately in between the practices. Ish asked whether the gift of dan tien will evaporate if you dont practice. This is something that people seem to be wondering. I have a friend who was in the workshop and asked me the same, havent been able to give a clear answer. I think Michael said that it will, but it would be nice to know how much you need to practice to keep it? What if you dont do the 1hour a day regime will you then loose it? I understand that there is the possibility of you saying something that isn't true, but there is still alot we can learn from you and other more experienced practitioners. Beginners can have such big misunderstandings and delusions about the practice.
  16. Stillness-movement and trauma therapy

    I read your post snowmonki and was amazed. I mean I knew already that S-M isn't the same as this trauma practice what we see in the video or any freeform qigong for that matter. Also knew that it is actually a neigong practice. The similar looking movements though did strike my eye and made my intellectual mind go crazy with theories. But now I'm glad that I made the post, because your response was definitely worth it It opened my eyes in a new way, I feel like the experience from the workshop was somehow renewed. You know you can only absorb so much during one (my first) workshop. I did hear all of this there and understood it on an intellectual level, but now I feel like I've truly got something. I admit I thought that the movements where a sign of something and was proud of myself to have them, now I feel like a fool. It seems that there are mistakes to be learnt from. The mind gets a head of things. I've only been doing this for a few weeks and while it has already turned my life around I do not think I have grasped the real implications of the matter. Michael said in the workshop that he still gets new information from the practice (the lineage). Now I understand that I wasn't ready to get that information back in the workshop Thnx for the lesson, I better get back to that book and start reading, then sit down and start BEING
  17. Revision Stillness movement haha

    I've also noticed that I could do the movements basicly anywhere. Like on lectures I sometimes accidentally start to tremble a bit and then I need to cool it down. Today I was driving car and tested if the movements would come and they did. Its like I got an instant access to them wherever I am and no matter what I'm doing. Its also funny that you can have them while concentrating on other things at the same time aswell. Would be funny to do S-M all day long, ofcourse it propably isnt as effective as in meditation
  18. Yea! It was something I have never experienced before. The first day was so-so, but the second day for me was like a psychedelic trip. Because my studies began on monday I had to leave after the second thay. And you know what? A miracle has happened. You see before the workshop I could not do sitting or standing meditation. It took me 50 minutes to get the movements going and because I have cronic fatique syndrome, my body could not handle keeping up the posture. After the workshop, I woke up 7am went straight to sitting meditation, did it for 1hour no side-effects whatsoever. Next day same thing, except that today I also did 1 hour of standing meditation later. Now I can access the movements right away and when they get going its not taxing for the body, infact I feel more energetic afterwards. So the workshop changed everything for me Come weekend I will start experimenting with Gift of the Tao.. This is beyond awesome, doing spiritual practice has always been my greatest dream. Thnx to Michael and Brion, who projected their chi into me my life has started to turn around. I'll certainly hold on to this chi and build it up with practice Words are not enough to describe how happy I am
  19. Huge Painful Hemorrhoid

    My friend healed his hemorrhoids in two weeks by starting to squat when taking a dump. He had been suffering them for years on and off. Theres a really good and long article about what squatting does to you and why its so good. We are naturally meant to squat while taking a shit. I know it sounds ridiculous but our body has actually adjusted to that over the course of our evolution and it is actually harmful not to do it. All these western medicines are not dealing with the cause, just the effects. http://naturesplatform.com/health_benefits.html Peace out.
  20. I've only been doing this for less than two weeks, So I am indeed a beginner I can imagine that once your powers of energies have increased everything becomes easier, but atm I cannot get the movements going while lying down. Even when sitting I have to really focus on my intent to get them. Sometimes when I feel lazy the movements either don't come or they are weak. While lying down I simply cant generate enough force behind the practice and it is harder to sense the chi involved.
  21. Yea that makes sense, I've noticed that I don't get the actual movements while lying down
  22. btw, thnx for the tip raindowvein on lying down stillness-movement. I've been doing stillness-movement for the past week and after I started doing it lying down things got alot easier. You're absolutely right, its so much better for a guy who has CFS/ME to do it while lying. Maintaining a good posture is too much for my body atm to be done on a daily basis
  23. Actually I'm from Finland, so I welcome everyone aswell
  24. Thnx for the answers, was very curious! I agree very much on the fact that no qigong can be a magic bullet, if for example you smoke daily, eat only fast food and spend all your leisure time playing video games. I have cured all of my other illnesses (severe depression, anxiety, candida, IBS.. etc) trough dietary changes, herbal supplements, lifestyle changes and psychotherapy. CFS is the only thing that seems to linger. I believe this is a really good starting point for qigong practice, now that I've cleared all the other things out of the way The DVD wont be possible atm. Could try the stillness-movement meditation however, read the book and alot of people have talked about it here.
  25. Read the book and got many answers from there. It seems like most people with the program are having all these experiences with energy and healing, its really inspiring to read. Also the thought that you can practice basicly anywhere sounds awesome. I have thousands of questions running trough my head. Time will tell