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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. It`s sad to look at Westerners

    I think he is just upset because he isn't making money off his music. So he blames "western civilization." Becoming a successful artist isn't a walk in the forest, it is a heavenly trial: privilege and time aren't enough.
  2. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    Nope. Let's see... Obama took away choice with regards to healthcare. He raised taxes. He took away Americans rights, they could be detained without due process. He took away the ability to refuse vaccination. He almost started ww3 with Russia. He did a lot more, I just cant remember it all. Trump is undoing all of that.
  3. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    Obama is a corporate communist prison builder.
  4. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    Trump stands for the American flag as it is intended. #Dalai Trump
  5. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    People become so "social" under socialism that they start eating each other. Shame on the sociopathic capitalists for wanting freedom.
  6. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    right before all the Russians were ordered to their death in ww2. Look at the way the government treated the Russians in ww2. The government pillaged its own people and left them eating each other. They had to turn to cannibalism to survive. But yet, people don't learn and think, hey!, if we give all the power to the government everything will be ok!
  7. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    "China's government may be communist, but its people embrace capitalism. WhileChina's government may be officially communist, the Chinese people express widespread support for capitalism. Roughly three-quarters of the Chinese (76%) agree that most people are better off in a free market economy." The last 35 years of China's growth can be strongly attributed to them transitioning into Capitalistic ideals.
  8. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    It is fear that makes people want socialism and communism. They want everything to be handled for them, and never want to exercise their spirit. Unfortunately, Socialism and communism only works with the assumption that those in charge are not corrupt. And when those in charge turn out to be corrupt. It is all over. More Capitalism combined with Democracy is the greatest form of government this world has probably ever seen. "According to a disturbingly pleasant graphic from Information is Beautiful entitled simply 20th Century Death, communism was the leading ideological cause of death between 1900 and 2000. The 94 million that perished in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe easily (and tragically) trump the 28 million that died under fascist regimes during the same period. During the century measured, more people died as a result of communism than from homicide (58 million) and genocide (30 million) put together. The combined death tolls of WWI (37 million) and WWII (66 million) exceed communism’s total by only 9 million. It gets worse when you look at the lower right of the chart—The Natural World—which includes animals (7 million), natural disasters (24 million), and famine (101 million). Curiously, all of the world’s worst famines during the 20th century were in communist countries: China (twice!), the Soviet Union, and North Korea. "
  9. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    I'm curious how European Socialism is warding against monopolistic corruption. How they are promoting competition. . You do know communism has led to much more deaths right?
  10. Trumpcare

    Americans arn't forced to pay for obamacare anymore
  11. Trumpcare

    Well it is pretty easy to apply for. im thinking about applying for it myself, even though there are members in my family that would gladly pay it. There is a more do-it-yourself feeling to using federal aid.
  12. Trumpcare

    Its not hard to compare currencies. Its also not hard to estimate education costs. Every school has a base charge for their education. We can ignore all the government aspects, because not all students apply for federal aid. Sure we wont get the most accurate figures, but they will still be somewhat accurate when doing a cross-country comparison.
  13. Trumpcare

    I bet USA has the most expensive schooling costs when it comes to being a doctor
  14. EPA under Trump WH #DalaiTrump
  15. EPA under Trump WH

    As the human population grows, wildlife has less places to live. especially when you're talking about them being commonly visible.
  16. Defining the Left and Right

    Democrats Communism over freedom Republicans Freedom over communism
  17. Trumpcare

    List Price
  18. Trumpcare

    Can anyone find a website that lists the cost of medical education by country?
  19. V is for Vegetable

    I became a vegetarian after visiting india for 2 months. Sometimes immersing one's self in different cultures helps them redefine "normal." And yes, I will stand by my statement that Americans eat too much meat. Out of all the countries in the world the usa ranks 8th in obesity. Meat takes a long time to digest, so it makes sense.
  20. V is for Vegetable

    I think leaving the USA can help people become more vegetarian. People in the USA eat a ridiculous amount of meat. Like every meal.
  21. Viktor Schauberger

    9 minutes in the first video he discusses how water doesn't flow straight, as many believe, but bends and curves to pick up momentum
  22. Viktor Schauberger

    True! i added the first video, i believe they discuss what ur mentioning.
  23. Viktor Schauberger

    Some say he was kidnapped by the nazis and worked on Die Glock