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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Trumpcare

    See im thinking Hillary's charities are shutting down because she doesnt have as much political influence.
  2. Trumpcare

    Republicans Freedom over equality Democrats Equality over freedom
  3. Trumpcare

    Well some people prefer to pay less for lower quality food. That is another choice that is available.
  4. Trumpcare

    The pharmaceutical monopoly has tight grips on "medical standards."
  5. Trumpcare

    Well now you're getting into a whole new cookie jar.
  6. Trumpcare

    It's humorous how the democrats think they are fighting against the one percent and the upper class, but then they play right into their hands. They don't quite grasp what people will be in charge of these giant programs that organize mass amounts of people. (CEO's of major corporations..) And then they lock themselves in legally and bind themselves, only watch as the monopolistic greed continually increases their premiums and crumbles their lives. It is actually very similar to an HOA.....
  7. Trumpcare

    When people get sick from a product it becomes a great press story. Then they stop buying. Chipotle had to do some major efforts. Jack-in-the-box i think just diminished.
  8. Trumpcare

    except corporations lose customers if they lose quality. So they are held to a standard or else face consequences. When the government messes up, only the people suffer, because they have no other choices.
  9. Trumpcare

    Why didn't the Congressional Budget Office predict Obama losing 10 trillion dollars? Oh yeah, because they can't predict anything accurately. I'm also seriously concerned with whatever "experts" predicted that Hillary's economic plan was going to be successful.
  10. Trumpcare

  11. Trumpcare

    Government DID cause that.
  12. Trumpcare

    "There are people who gain from this legislation ... " wow, you must not realize how people are gaining from Obama care. Whose pockets do you think all the money is going into? People have close to one option, and the premiums go up over 80% each year, and you dont understand why?
  13. Trumpcare

    Tell me how many people could be given hospital care and treatment with the 38 billion dollars Obama gave Israel. (In order to give money to specific US corporate owners).
  14. Trumpcare

    those estimations are always crap.
  15. Trumpcare

  16. Trumpcare

    Actually you can drive without insurance in any state because you have "a right to travel." You don't need a license plate, insurance, or even a driver's license
  17. Trumpcare

    So you have to just give them $30,000? and they dont give it back? and they get interest on it? what a scam.
  18. I guess the direct question would be whether or not humans evolve into taking more creative roles in society.
  19. Trumpcare

    i keep editing my post. Not to imply you agree with all/any of my additions. (edit!)
  20. Trumpcare

    ""Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," declared philosopher George Santayana. The U.S. “health care cost crisis” didn’t start until 1965. The government increased demand with the passage of Medicare and Medicaid while restricting the supply of doctors and hospitals. Health care prices responded at twice the rate of inflation (Figure 1). Now, the U.S. is repeating the same mistakes with the unveiling of Obamacare (a.k.a. “Medicare and Medicaid for the middle class”)." "Both have claimed "physician supply can create its own demand," which means increasing the supply of doctors and hospitals will just motivate them to convince "ignorant" consumers to order more unnecessary and expensive health care. During the 1970s, Frank Sloan, a Vanderbilt University health care economist, explained the success of the most influential pro-regulation health care economist, Uwe Reinhardt: "His theories are highly regarded because he is so clearly understood. Unfortunately the evidence for them is not good; it is not bad either, it is just not there. And it would be a shame to see federal policy set on such a poor, unscientific basis." Since the early 1900s, medical special interests have been lobbying politicians to reduce competition. By the 1980s, the U.S. was restricting the supply of physicians, hospitals, insurance and pharmaceuticals, while subsidizing demand. Since then, the U.S. has been trying to control high costs by moving toward something perhaps best described by the House Budget Committee: “In too many areas of the economy - especially energy, housing, finance, and health care – free enterprise has given way to government control in “partnership” with a few large or politically well-connected companies” (Ryan 2012). The following are past major laws and other policies implemented by the Federal and state governments that have interfered with the health care marketplace (HHS 2013):" Figure 2: Health Care Spending in U.S. by Sector from 1960 to 2005 (Source: US Census 2013) Spending on prescription drugs didn’t accelerate until after pharmaceutical monopolies were strengthened in 1984. Spending has increased even less for administrative, net cost of private health insurance and nursing home care, and not much at all for dental, structures, equipment, public health, other personal and professional care, home health care, research, non-prescription drugs and durable medical equipment. Since the 1980s, the government has used its buyer monopoly power, through its Medicare and Medicaid programs, to effectively set price and quality controls (e.g., underpayments) on physicians and hospitals (Stagg-Elliot 2012). For the same purpose, the Federal and state governments promoted the concentration of private insurance into buyer monopolies (e.g., HMOs).
  21. Trumpcare

    hmm, wonder why... they didnt corner the market did they? "The cost for two EpiPens ranges from less than $100 in France to just over $200 in Germany. In New York City, a two-pack retails for $615 to $650, according to prescription drug-price tracker GoodRx. The product cost only $57 a shot when Mylan took over sales in 2007." The government gets in the ways and says, "only this company can produce this!". Because of heavy influence (a product of rich capitalists). Soon later, every aspect of healthcare is controlled and run by select companies and people (those that have influenced our democracy), and everything costs a shit ton for the people, because they have no choice. Why do they have no choice? Because the government destroyed the free market. Obama's idea of universal health care, was an honest and good one, UNTIL he started giving special privileges and contracts to specific companies.
  22. Trumpcare

    "This thread is revealing in that as a species we are divided by myriad problems and working together is not a very strong point. Many of which are based on money and more money." Well most Americans are brought up with the idea of "making it" or making the most amount of money possible. It is well established in our very public education system.
  23. Trumpcare

    So lets just give more money to the government, seems to be working...right? It doesn't actually matter how much we give the government, because the government can spend money it doesn't even have.
  24. Trumpcare

    Malpractice insurance is so high because it costs so much to treat any additional illness they might contract/receive during treatment. Therefor the cost of malpractice insurance will lower in tandem with everything else.
  25. Trumpcare

    The majority of physicians arn't making the money. They are pawns in the game too. I know plumbers that make more than doctors.