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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Trumpcare

    Then explain how these countries governments interact with their healthcare providers. Surely the government doesn't simply provide all the healthcare, the governments are somehow working with the healthcare providers in a fair manner that is promoting competition in the market.
  2. Trumpcare

    Competition in the market place is the only thing that forces companies to have low prices and drive themselves to make better products. If you were always on top, you would get stagnated. It is true for all things.
  3. Trumpcare

    The only explanation for why healthcare is so incredibly expensive in the USA is lack of competition in the marketplace.
  4. Trumpcare

    Trump clearly makes the point that Americans have close to One option.
  5. Trumpcare

    What "things" are you talking about?
  6. Trumpcare

    He discusses how capitalism and economics creates wealth and how the government is the problem.
  7. Trumpcare

    The USA is corrupt that is why it ranks low. Back in the 50s we had the highest standard of living in the world. We could manufacture goods for cheaper than China because we had technology.
  8. Trumpcare

    That's the first problem, is you are limiting the market to Humana and Blue Cross. There should be thousands of initiatives competing against each other. I would assume Humana and Blue Cross are getting special privileges from the government that is making competition difficult and stagnating the market place. (corruption).
  9. Trumpcare

    Well and certain companies become "selected", and the companies that are "selected" are not competing so they don't perform well and also raise costs. It is like stagnant water. Lockheed martin is an example of this with the F-35 program.
  10. Trumpcare

    Only competition in a free marketplace can reduce costs.
  11. Trumpcare

    The stronger and harder that the media are against Trumpcare, the more effective it will be. (cause the media is insanely corrupt) #DalaiTrump
  12. V is for Vegetable

    Ultimately there isnt a separation between meat and vegetables. From certain perspectives we even look like them.
  13. V is for Vegetable

    Been a vegetarian for a long time. I also avoid milk. Avoiding meat prevents one from becoming tired and allows them to stay in concentration consistently. The food is lighter. That is probably the major reason I dont eat meat. I have noticed my joints are a little wonky, so fish oil might be a good supplement. I might try eating raw liver though. Supposed to be amazingly nutritious.. http s://
  14. What is the Art of Peace?

    Sometimes the battle, and the war, and the value, proving one's self, creates peace externally and internally. The way.
  15. Transgender Problem

    I raised the possibility that it was a natural response from nature to curb the rampant growth of the human population. Then the discussion evolved into whether or not it would be existentially permissible for humans. agreed. it was the first example of over population i could think of.
  16. Transgender Problem

    So biological processes in nature don't occur if your heart doesn't agree with it? Sorry, but nature is far less forgiving. I can tell you that the over population of wolves in Canada has led to them being shot down from helicopters. That's a fact. To say that there are zero implications for over population of humans because it doesn't agree with the "purpose" of humans. That's just absurd. And yes, that is what we are talking about.
  17. EPA under Trump WH

    Truth still prevails. And now we wash our hands.
  18. EPA under Trump WH

    Companies have a reputation to keep, especially in a competitive market. It is the government that decides "too big to fail." I think energy taken from the sun is more sustainable for the earth than energy processed from the earth, even if the initial components are harvested from the earth. Deforestation is an interesting concern... As technology increases paper for information is being replaced. Just look at Kindle Books. Or online websites instead of the news papers. Wood used for heat, is also replaced by more efficient solar/ wind technology. Or how about new implementations of geothermal heating? Using the earth's heat? The advancement of technology is curbing the destruction of the environment much more so than the EPA ever has. And the advancement of technology is in the hands of independent businesses.
  19. EPA under Trump WH

    Solar panels are $100 each. Tesla can power most homes with a battery for $5,500 The new Tesla car only costs $30,000 it can run for 5 hours and only needs to be charged for 30 minutes at a time. It isnt the EPA or any government agency that is going to save the climate. It is the millions of companies that are competing for a better world. Trump is lowering taxes and making the economy work again. This destruction of greed impowers millions of businesses across the USA to be more efficient and have more capital for research. When the government takes a majority of the money, these millions of companies take a hit and we evolve slowly. The government is the impeding force. Fear has led people to a poor society, poor water quality, and ridiculous deficits. You tell me how the government can invest money more efficiently than the super intelligence behind a free, competitive, and open marketplace. You cant. Your answer is null.
  20. Transgender Problem

    Well that is what would possibly occur. These are serious issues people have.
  21. Transgender Problem

    You gotta cover all your bases.
  22. Transgender Problem

    I don't know what the purpose or meaning of their existence is, and i don't think it should be implied that it is simply tied simply to reproduction.
  23. Transgender Problem

    So your saying if a guy walks into a womans bathroom a majority of woman would be OK with it? Especially bathrooms with mothers and young girls? I think woman would get uncomfortable if they saw a large man follow a little girl into the same bathroom. I dont have anything against men and woman sharing the same bathroom, but im not a mother. And I know plenty of non-transgender males that would be uncomfortable with that situation.
  24. Transgender Problem

    How so?