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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Are Humans Solar Powered?

    THe crown chakra is a gaint blossoming flower. It is no suprise that people who engage in concentration eat less.
  2. Transgender Problem

    I honestly think the recent surge of transgender and gay/homosexuals (if that is the right word, don't want to be offensive.) is a natural response by the earth to regulate the rampant growth of the human population.
  3. Transgender Problem

    Just like I cant walk around pointing a gun at people. Sure one person might not be bothered by it, but the fact that most people would be bothered by it, I can make a reasonable assumption that I shouldn't do it. Yes, I am making a generalization about everyone, but it isn't an ignorant one.
  4. Hello friends, I own multiple business/initiatives (nothing substantial), and for me it is important to track expenses for tax reasons. (Your expenses are basically tax deductible.). Anyways, I built this small online application for myself to keep records of the expenses for each different company so that I don't have to go through my bank statements at the end of the year. Its simple and easy to use. And I will keep improving it. If anyone else would find it useful, let me know and I can create your own log-in and password.
  5. Trumpcare

    links? #DalaiTrump
  6. Transgender Problem

    its all sunshine and hugs til dudes start walking in the womans' bathroom.
  7. This is of course my opinion. A psychic attack, i get an odd feeling just talking about it, is when a person has their 6th chakra open (yin and yang has fused) and they can manipulate their energy outside of their body. From this a persons thoughts have a more material existance. Simply thinking about doing something, the person can feel it. If one were to think about hitting another person, they will actually be being hit, but only by subtle matter. And this will have very little effect on them. However, if one began to think about hitting them self. They would be able to feel it, and they might even fear the thought itself. This is called madness. Psychic attacks are for the most part mind over matter. If you don't mind, it probably doesn't matter.
  8. EPA under Trump WH

    Water quality definitely went down the last 8 years. Many people refuse tap water these days. I hope someone asks a relevant question when they interview Trump. Like, "Hey Mr. President, have you noticed that many major universities have unanimously declared fluoride a neurotoxin?" It is good, however, that Trump is a strong proponent for clean air and clean water.
  9. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    IF you define Fascism as "the merger of government and corporate power." Obama would be the pinnacle of fascism under that definition. Then we are actually moving away from Fascism. This is the breaking point. Google/wiki actually defines fascism as this though: "an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization." Which is, in my opinion, the incorrect definition and a sign of corporate corruption that is still prevalent today. But the definitions of words change based on how people use them.
  10. Is America trending towards Fascism?

    The thought that America is moving towards fascism is the pinnacle of absurdity. An assertion presented only to manipulate. We had a president who was African-American that raised taxes and increased military spending, created a monopoly in the health care sector, and gave 38 billion to Israel. Now when someone who happens to be white (Donald Trump) that notices the corruption and wants to do something about it. The (owned) mass media calls him racist and fascist in order to divert people's attention. Luckily Trump ended up on top.
  11. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy pretty sure government agencies own facebook too. That's pretty much what Obama's presidency was, the continuation of the degradation of US citizen's rights. People waive american flags at trump rallies for a reason.. But as populations grow in size, people need to be organized more efficiently, so it is in a way natural that we are losing rights. Trump's claims are true, but they are much less meaningful than they were in the Watergate era.
  12. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    The idea is that if you have nothing to hide then you are ok. This guy wants to deny the progression of the investigation.. which is no surprise.
  13. Obama's attempts at undermining American democracy

    Wire taps happen on every american all the time. We constantly data mined. Plenty of engineers are talking about it on the radio. There is no doubt that Trump's calls were recorded. Same with our calls and online interactions.
  14. Mass spell against TRUMP by witches

    The Tepaphone?
  15. This what having no compassion looks like

    I spilled my water, in justification, my carpet is wet. Why do you think the lives of people who do good things and work hard generally improve? Is it God's grace? Or a quantifiable justification? You know, If someone goes and runs into a wall really hard, I personally don't think the wall will have sympathy. Is that a fault in reality? Or a fault in the individual for not grasping the nature of things?
  16. This what having no compassion looks like

    Any concept based on reality has a basis of Justification. Karma. Religion. Doing good deeds. Even from a purely mathematical perspective, justification is simply cause and effect.
  17. Mass spell against TRUMP by witches

    The spells cast on Hitler were interesting, and the supposed lodge he was apart of.
  18. Mass spell against TRUMP by witches

    It's better to be sorry that they got offended. Rather than to be sorry for offending. That way a person doesn't apologize for expressing themselves.
  19. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ)

    It doesnt make the actions and responses by the police OK
  20. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ)

    Who says it is a small part of the population? Millions and millions of people supported the standing rock protesters, they might not have travelled to north dakota. The oppressive government and corruption is another issue, but many people simply cant go protest!! I myself included.
  21. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ)

    Im not just targeting the police. Im targeting the whole system that has been systematically intensifying. Police officers are public servants. They certainly don't act the same way they used to. If you want to dig deeper, which we certainly shouldn't, atleast not here, many laws in place arn't actually laws unless we prescribe to them.
  22. Gate of Palmyra

    The Egyptian ones were cool The ones in Rome were built after military battles: like prizes.
  23. The right to protest (ie: issue in AZ)

    The problem is that the police will start "crowd controlling" by doing things that are seriously not OK. Like maybe spraying water at people when it is freezing cold out. These types of "people management", especially when the crowd gets too big, instigate "unpeaceful responses" from the people. So the people are really at a huge disadvantage.
  24. Rely on no one and no thing. Movement External truthfulness is internal truthfulness. True self is true life. Nothing is completely true.
  25. Wang Liping Low Level?

    Just raising the question.