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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Wang Liping Low Level?

    Well the whole philosophy for charging thousands of dollars for spiritual teachings.....
  2. Welcome to the Machine? Organic Spirit V AI Machine

    Looking at the image... It would be interesting if they all were seeing the room from the same viewpoint. Like entering the hive mind.
  3. Welcome to the Machine? Organic Spirit V AI Machine

    Im a programmer, so im skrewed.
  4. We are coming into a paradigm where home building is almost better than buying in some areas on the world. Does anyone have experience building their own home?
  5. Defining the Left and Right

    we see things very differently.
  6. Defining the Left and Right

    You're confused.
  7. Defining the Left and Right

    Left: -Racism is a huge issue in the USA. -Minorities should receive college discounts -High taxes dont matter, and the money goes towards a good cause. -We should give 38 billion to Israel. -Funding the same groups that were responsible for 9/11 is OK. -We need to be aggressive towards Russia. -Obama did a good job. -Obamacare helps poor people. Overall: More government regulation and government funding is good. We can trust the government to protect us and spend our money wisely and choose which companies to invest in and help. Right -Obama spent 10 trillion dollars and got our country nowhere. -The war in the middle east is a huge waste and disaster. -Lower taxes promotes economic growth. -Lower taxes is better for the people. -documented workers is a better choice than illegal workers. -Obamacare is a huge disaster and premiums are increasing 80%. -No one can afford Obamacare. -Corporate powers and the media influence the government and it is costing people severely. overall: Less government intervention, funding, and taxes promotes economic growth and freedom.
  8. Defining the Left and Right

    Liberals are quick to call him a nazi, and also quick to accuse him of being too friendly with Russia, Not once connecting the dots that the Russians defeated the nazis.. I have never considered liberals as very logical though.
  9. Defining the Left and Right

    lol. u have your left and right mixed up.
  10. Magus of Java Teachings Revealed

    I'm not even sure if he is still alive.
  11. Defining the Left and Right

    I believe in compassion and the goodness inherent in man. That is why i choose freedom and the open market. You choose bondage.
  12. Defining the Left and Right

    Secondly you are destroying true freedom. Which is a free market where competition and spirit is able to create the best results and the lowest prices, and the conscious of the people promote the best products. Corruption and greed are destroyed in a free market, because someone else will exploit it. Your lack of faith in the people and fear is what causes you to choose universal health care, which are run by entities outside of the people's choice and are imposing on the people reducing their freedom and increasing costs dramatically. Premiums raised 80%..... Nothing is free, not even health care, but if you let it have freedom in the open market, prices will be a whole lot cheaper and results a whole lot better, and technology a whole lot more advanced. When multiple companies are able to do research to compete, more advancements are made.
  13. Defining the Left and Right

    Well then you are completely ignoring how humans have completely dominated this planet.
  14. Defining the Left and Right

    The land that the 300 tribal people hold, could be used to feed 10,000 people. When this is realized, yes the tribe will be wiped out. Technology is simply more efficient. It is tribal belief that they do not own the land, so why would they disagree with a more efficient use of the land for a larger number of people? Especially if they have nothing else to give.
  15. Defining the Left and Right

    Show me anywhere in nature where weakness is not exploited. Show me a weak or old animal that does not get preyed upon. Throughout all of history and throughout all of nature, if you are not worthy then you lose. Your ideals about how the world "should be" are delusional because they do not see reality as it really is. Constant change and flux. If one does not advance technologically they will be taken advantage of. This is evolution. How else could anything evolve?
  16. Defining the Left and Right

    Trump eased tensions with China, Russia, and Taiwan. The left wants people to think he is a war monger, racist, and horrible person.
  17. Standing Rock

    Love how they say OBama was blocking it. He wasn't blocking it. He was just not touching it.
  18. Glogal Warming HOAX exposed!

    Global Warming is a giant a scam. period. Yes, we all want clean water, clean air, zero pollution, trees, and healthy mother earth. But when you invest in an idealogy like Global Warming, you are just handing your money to the elite and the corrupt that enslave you. Tell me what you got from your 8 billion a year.
  19. Known scam artist back at his old tricks.

    His videos are actually informative and fun to watch.
  20. This movie was inspiring. It is about a man who had dream to walk the twin towers on a tight rope. Is there a path to finding a truly inspiring dream? What steps should one take to find their dream?
  21. What are you eating?

    sunflower seeds, day and night.
  22. After performing a service for others, you say thank you when they pay you, and they say thank you when you help them. children add excitement and eventfulness to adults lives, there is strong exchange of thank you. two partners in harmony, exchange thank you. Everything is thank you, unless a person does not participate.
  23. Life can be nothing but thank you

    There is something very special about when two people simultaneously say thank you to each other. This is a fundamental part of life. Life in harmony is symbiotic.
  24. Hoax website about paid protesters

    How about some CNN paid protesters.