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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Hoax website about paid protesters

    Paid protesters is a real thing. Just because one website is fake doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
  2. What is a Buddha?

    A buddha is a multi-dimensional being that has awakened kundalini.
  3. SQL server error

    we all get the red screen.
  4. Standing Rock

    no solar panels in sunny states much corruption.
  5. Standing Rock

    I dont think anyone is excited about coal mining, pipelines, or shale. Solar panels are much more interesting. They can coat office buildings with them now.
  6. GOOGLE is offering any private company 20 million to go to the moon and bring back quality video footage. They are also offering bonuses if the team can go to the Apolo mission spots.
  7. Google offers 20 million to go to the moon

    did we land on the moon though?
  8. But can you disprove mo pai?'re stepping into the unknown with confident feet i think.
  9. Inauguration Events

    The mass media could probably start their own country if they wanted to. Just imagine them starting some movement to get people to succeed the usa. The only problem is land/location. So it would have to be done digitally and without regards to location.
  10. Inauguration Events

    The USA was actually less racist before Obama took office.
  11. Glogal Warming HOAX exposed!

    Climate change is indisputable. Like breathing in and out. Global warming however, is up for debate.
  12. Inauguration Events

    CNN clearly trying hard to get that assassination
  13. Inauguration Events

    I'm hoping that Trump is boasting the military strength on inauguration day as an effort to not get assassinated, and not to try and provoke war like Hitler, probably inadvertently, was doing with all his big public military exercises. Because showing off one's military is just begging for war.
  14. Inauguration Events

    Let not the government and media divide us through race, color, or belief.
  15. Inauguration Events

    The left is violent this time around. The media has them hyped out of their brains and operating on racism ideologies. It is amazing they can't see the people that own the media are just manipulating them into fear-based mental states. Really racism a major issue? Yeah lets push that while taxes are through the roof, obamacare is corrupt as shit, and we are just throwing our money away in the middle east. There are people with power that are causing us to lose our freedoms and haphazardly waste our money to make them richer. Yeah, keep focusing on racism and pretending Trump rallies are full of violence and hatred.
  16. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    Clinton's scams are being brought to light.
  17. Trump's bazi chart

    What do you mean by enlightenment?
  18. The _real_ Buddhists are adorable!

    It would be interesting to read/write a comparative study on this.
  19. The _real_ Buddhists are adorable!

    Ah, see I thought you were referring to Earth Immortal, Human Immortal, Heavenly Immortal from Taoism.
  20. Sit Rise Test

    im in my 20s, and that was tough.
  21. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    It is interesting to me that Trump said he openly supports Obama's "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act" I guess Trump is afraid of people calling him a Russia supporter or whatever.
  22. The _real_ Buddhists are adorable!

    "graphic diagrams". any examples? Just a guess, but maybe the nei jing tu diagram? What about sixth chakra experience? Do they all have this in common?
  23. multi vitamins

    most vitamins have less than a 10% absorption rate. Use Source Naturals
  24. The _real_ Buddhists are adorable!

    Is this like something that happens? Like a sensation or experience? Can you explain?
  25. has Trump earned a straight-jacket yet?

    I think Trump's demeanor is what really kills him. He is always acting and talking like everything is problematic. While Obama is cool and collected and talking about visions for the future.