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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. The _real_ Buddhists are adorable!

    Bon is why Tibetan Buddhism is so fascinating. Very mystical.
  2. has Trump earned a straight-jacket yet?

    im really trying to see things from the Liberal perspective: -We should be nice to everyone, except Russia. -Racism is an extremely problematic issue in the USA, -Climate change is extremely important, -Obamacare is helping poor people, That's the perspective right?
  3. The _real_ Buddhists are adorable!

    The Hungry Ghosts are a Tibetan Buddhist concept, maybe it originated with the Taoists, but it is atleast important to them. According to the Bhavacakra This picture is way too big. But i guess you can see them. Anyways Wanted to ask you Taomeow, do you see the Hungry Ghosts as a metaphor for the human psyche?
  4. The _real_ Buddhists are adorable!

    Everything is art, nothing is perfect; thus, there is always opportunity to provoke change. In a sense, Taoism encourages arguing by not believing in absolute.
  5. The _real_ Buddhists are adorable!

    I wonder what about..
  6. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    Hire your own fake news only like 50$
  7. has Trump earned a straight-jacket yet?

    Trump entered the latest Press conference talking about fixing the disaster f35 program (one of the greatest upsets in US history), the pharmaceutical industry (completely noncompetitive and corrupt) , and bringing auto industries back into the USA (lowing taxes to attract business). Then, Trump mentioned exactly how the USA created ISIS and how fostering a good relationship with Russia would be an asset to destroying ISIS, the entity that we created. Just that 5 minutes alone is more substantial than anything Obama has said or done.
  8. has Trump earned a straight-jacket yet?

    9 trillion? Are you kidding? Did you listen to anything Trump is saying? His ideas actually make economic sense.
  9. has Trump earned a straight-jacket yet?

    We dropped 26,000 bombs under the Obama Administration in 2016. That's 70 bombs a day. Very peaceful, as Obama would say.
  10. Financial tips for the bums

    Some HOAs in Colorado are $600.00
  11. Financial tips for the bums

    oppps!! i meant condo over a house. like owning
  12. Financial tips for the bums

    why house over apartment? HOA fees can be insane
  13. Financial tips for the bums

    I was at the art museum and they had a native american exhibit. Inside was a gaint Tipi. I thought to myself, wow, and people spend their whole lives trying to pay mortgages on crumbling houses.
  14. Do you really want it?

    define enlightenment.
  15. Financial tips for the bums

    1.The idea of ownership is what generates the most money. 2. Believe it or not: Meditation. The creative mind is what has ownership. Also, Tax laws in the USA are set up to help entrepreneurs, so creating your own business can be fast track to millions. that guy is like glowing
  16. Financial tips for the bums

    ONline school is pretty legit. Saves tons of money.
  17. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    Obama is making a good speech right now, but it is hard to ignore the discrepancies.
  18. Artificial Intelligence & the Downfall

    Saying that Specialized AI is the same as AI strongly undermines what true AI is. We are talking about a level of consciousness not a dead formula. However, on the other hand, it is important to understand that we ourselves can't define consciousness or AI itself.
  19. Artificial Intelligence & the Downfall

    Obama's assertion that developing high levels of AI is becoming more available and wide spread is important. It is the same with programming, individuals in their room with no money can create websites or databases stronger than million dollar corporations. The accessibility is becoming more and more widespread.
  20. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    Most countries these days you need a passport to visit.
  21. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    It is embarrassing how the spelled wondered wrong, but maybe it is a pun? Anyways does anyone support the idea that ISIS works for ISrael?