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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    I personally believe they are organ harvesting and sex trafficking
  2. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    Some people see Israel as the terrorists.
  3. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    He defines Draining the Swamp.
  4. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    But we do go there. So it doesn't make sense to me. The Zionist Ruler theory makes more sense to me.
  5. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    The Liberal side isn't Liberal anymore.
  6. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    Paying for our own wall is better than giving 38 billion to israel.
  7. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    Who ever opposes or suppresses Israel. However, it is a bit of an illusion because Israel just sucks us dry anyways. In this video Trump says he will do anything necessary to support Israel.
  8. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    The major think that I dont like about Trump is that he is willing to go to war in order to help Israel.
  9. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    "During President Barack Obama’s time in office the federal debt has increased by $9,349,949,902,134.72—rising from $10,626,877,048,913.08 on Jan. 20, 2009, the day of Obama’s inauguration, to $19,976,826,951,047.80 on the last day of 2016"
  10. Magus of Java Teachings Revealed

    his name isnt john chang lol
  11. Google offers 20 million to go to the moon

    photos from the chinese mission
  12. Yang Shen is fake teaching and True Teacher is fake too.

    A lot of systems combine meditation and wisdom. Wang Liping talks about entering the human realm and working. The Magus of Strovolos also talks about movement and relying on no one and no thing as an important basis for spiritual training. Many spiritual practices/religions associated with mysticism also adopt ideas of karma and doing good. Taoism/Buddism/Hinduism. But this is all coming from the standpoint that true wisdom is promoting kindness and good deeds while at the same time working and providing for yourself and not relying on others as a way of life.
  13. Google offers 20 million to go to the moon

    Google is clearly testing the validity of the Apollo missions, which many believe were staged by the government.
  14. The mammalian brain and the reptilian brain. If you can rest in the brain stem, you will be in silence.
  15. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    Making abortion illegal is a point that i also disagreed with trump about, but it is something that trump promoted to get a popular vote. In the debate he discusses how a baby that is about to be born shouldnt be ripped out of its mother.
  16. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    The vice presidential debates were along the same lines. Hillary's vice presidential nominee's state is in horrible debt, while Pence's state is wealthy.
  17. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    That is where you are wrong. Trump's campaign is to dismantle the government, just read his website. Secondly there is very little chance that trump will spend anything near what Obama spent.
  18. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    Lol just because you call my advocation for less government as "fascism", doesn't mean you can say i'm dangerous because i'm a fascist. You're calling the apple a grape and then telling everyone how bad grapes are.
  19. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    We are being taxed close to 40% and that money is going towards constant Drone strikes and fighting/funding ISIS. We are nothing but a constant war machine. You shouldn't fear the build-up of a war machine. The war machine has already been built.
  20. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    War machines are created by powerful governments. What we have been doing around the world for the past 16 years is just being a war machine. Obama had troops around Russian border, and then got mad when the Russians want to fortify their borders. Obama was stressing WW3
  21. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    You are the one that labels my advocacy for dismantling an overly oppressive and controlling government as "fascism". I call it freedom. The Germans quickly recovered and became powerful in the 1930s because they got rid of USERY ("making money with money", something aristotle was also strongly against.) and focused on infrastructure ("building highways").
  22. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    Lol, it is fascism that is anti-government, anti-control, and pro-freedom lol. The idea of America as it was intended.
  23. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    In the final hours before the Christmas holiday weekend, U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday quietly signed the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law—and buried within the $619 billion military budget (pdf) is a controversial provision that establishes a national anti-propaganda center that critics warn could be dangerous for press freedoms. When a government is telling you what to think, fascism that destroys government is certainly needed.