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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    The president certainly has influence.
  2. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives
  3. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    Calling Trump fascist is interesting. He believes in the traditional America. One based on a pure understanding the constitution, with the rights to bear arms and freedom from government. One of his core tenants is "for each new piece of legislation, two are removed." ( He is dismantling a meddlesome and intruding government. ( So his fascism is actually anti-government. And if you are anti-government, then it is fascism representing freedom.
  4. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    Unconditional giving is certainly a great thing to strive for. But, when you give to the government, the people suffer. "The people starve because those in authority over them devour too many taxes; that is why they starve. The people are difficult to govern because those placed over them are meddlesome; that is why they are difficult to govern. The people despise death because of their excessive labour in seeking the means of life; that is why they despise death." -Lao Tzu more here:
  5. Standing Rock

    Someone tried to tell me Standing Rock was over. It is NOT over. They are still protesting.
  6. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives
  7. For the Dumb Liberals, Especially Progressives

    This statement always baffles me. Trump said the media is corrupt, so that is playing on people's fears? Meanwhile, the democratic side's entire campaign pushes propaganda aimed at fears around racism and war. They make speeches about woman being abused under Trump, even though Bill Clinton rapes woman. Trumps entire campaign was economy based: fixing insane trade deficits, lowering taxes to attract business, securing borders, and limiting government spending. He is extremely fit for the job. Hillary Clinton offered zero change, after following a presidency that doubled national debt. Hillary's entire campaign was based around exploiting Trump by pushing fears of racism and Trumps locker room insults towards woman. That is why she didn't win. It is all incredibly hypocritical, and to actually buy into the statement quoted is insane.
  8. Longmen Pai Training Information?

    jiang fusion and wang liping fusion are the same.
  9. Longmen Pai Training Information?

    but then you watch john chang and kanzawa sensei videos...
  10. Trump's bazi chart

    I did Trump on a website and he had some wood and metal The only inputs that were used was gender, name, and birthday.
  11. Under Trump

    big money lost!!! are you kidding the entire mainstream media was against trump HIllary's entire campaign was paid for by rich corporate powers.
  12. Spiritual Warriors

    Developing the physical body seems important if you want to spend a lot of your time in meditation.
  13. Easiest way to open and loosen hips

    regular meditation in simple cross-legged will open the hips. After about 8 months I was able to do full lotus.
  14. Under Trump

    right and left definitely existed in this election.
  15. Under Trump

    I dont understand how democrats are so fixated on sexism, racism, and foul words, especially in the modern age. It all seems like bait to me.
  16. Under Trump

    all he has to do is stick with his game plan.
  17. Under Trump

    Instead of blindly disliking Trump, try to use logic.
  18. Under Trump

    Obama doubled it. So Trump wouldnt have to just raise it higher, but add 10 trillion to even come close to Obama. And yes avoiding war with Russia is a good thing. We have close to a 400 billion dollar trade deficit with China. Changing the way we trade with them is more than a good idea.
  19. Under Trump

    DHS hacking Georgia
  20. Under Trump

    the whole fake news thing is dumb when the left side was the one pushing fake news.
  21. where is JoeBlast

    is he back yet? I noticed you guys locked the only thread where people can debate his absence.