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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Under Trump
  2. Questionable Journalism and Fake News

    So what is an example of a fake news story that threw thousands of people off? Just one good example please.
  3. Under Trump

    Love how he talks about corrupt pharmaceuticals and the shitty disaster f35 program.
  4. Under Trump

    I think he was just explaining how they were so fed up with the mainstream media
  5. Under Trump

    he mentioned lowering business taxes to 15%, but he didnt mention lowering personal income taxes, like he used to, im hoping he doesnt change his stance on that either. It's clearly not smart to call your fans vicious after everything that has been happening, who knows why he would say that..
  6. Under Trump

    42 minutes and 10 seconds.
  7. Under Trump

    Trump needs nothing from Putin. He won fair and square. Hillary has no spirit and was barely even on the campaign trail. Trump was doing 2-3 speeches per day and travelling the country. He doesn't need anyone to hold his hand, let alone Putin. Secondly Trump has studied the geopolitics extensively. He didn't walk into his presidential campaign without being prepared. If you watch any of his interviews about the middle east situation he can hold his own and is well informed.
  8. Under Trump

    yeah, that's it.
  9. Under Trump

    k im just blocking you. It is clear to me your input is not valuable for me.
  10. Under Trump

    The government cant even account for how it spent 6.5 trillion dollars. That's reasonable?! How about the pentagon spending 500 million, just to lie to you? Do you really need the government to hold your hand Ralis?
  11. Under Trump

    Im also curious how Obama/Hillary's plan even works for the economy? High taxes on businesses and people, some how these companies are supposed to be competitive with the governments support? So the government chooses which companies are the best and not the competition of the market place? Im seriously concerned how your ideas for our country even make any logical sense. What urge do US companies even have to be revolutionary and innovative, to have spirit, in the world market place if a higher government is crippling them and giving other "favored companies" payouts and advantages. Are you familiar with the term "corruption"? What about Obama supporting "fake news" censoring? You also want the government to decide what is true for you?
  12. Under Trump

    I'll be waiting for your explanation how Double our national debt and war with Russia is better than a wall and lower taxes.
  13. Under Trump

    That's hilarious. You clearly have a shoddy understanding of Trump.
  14. Under Trump

    Do you have any logic or are you just a troll?
  15. Under Trump

    I think you are blind to the fact that Obama almost doubled the national debt. He was also putting troops around Russia and causing them to threaten war with us. So yeah, nuclear ww3 and double our national debt. vs. Trump? War with Russia and double our national debt and lower global education rankings?
  16. Questionable Journalism and Fake News

    efforts by facebook and google to limit information will only cause people to migrate and use other websites. By not doing a good job, these major companies are going to help other companys rise to power
  17. Under Trump

    are you kidding? It is hard to find an aspect of our country that has gotten better since obama.
  18. Under Trump

    its not a personal attack. You wrote this: "I guess you just can't wait for Trump to be sworn in. Don't come crying when this guy turns out to be the opposite of what you are wishing for." Which has no logic behind it or reasoning
  19. Under Trump

    Has anyone brought forth legitimate proof that Putin was behind Podesta's emails being stolen? There were hundreds of computer hackers around the world trying to help Trump, doesn't mean Putin was behind it, it just means people want to stand up against a corrupt and enslaving political agenda.
  20. Under Trump

    Your OBAMA did nothing but ruin our country, but yet you still think he and Hillary are actually fit to lead. All of their policies are garbage and only further enslave people.
  21. Under Trump

    You have zero logic
  22. Under Trump

    Obama is claiming no foreign country should interfere with elections while Hillary was givin millions for her campaign from middle eastern countries.
  23. Under Trump

    Obama Vows Retaliation for Russian Election Hacking In an interview with NPR, President Obama said the US will "take action" against Russia for interfering in the presidential election. "Some of it may be explicit and publicized; some of it may not be," said Obama. "Mr. Putin is well aware of my feelings about this, because I spoke to him directly about it." US intelligence officials concluded Russia was behind the DNC hacks months ago, and Obama has ordered a full report to be completed before he leaves office on January 20.—NPR News THis is also garbage. We need to get Obama out of office as soon as possible...
  24. Under Trump

    "Facebook to Work with Outside Editors to Flag Fake News Facebook has promised to crack down on fake news by using third-party fact-checking editors. Working with five media organizations, including Snopes and, Facebook will label fake news as "disputed" and demote stories in the news feed.—VICE" wow facebook is working with SNopes to label fake news. Such garbage.
  25. kangen water

    its alkaline water. Anyone try it? Here is the website: