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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Under Trump

    this is pretty funny
  2. Under Trump

    I really hope that guy in the video isn't serious. the comment section is funny though: Nov 7. "There is literally no way the Elections could be rigged" Nov 9. "Russia rigged the elections" Come on guys.
  3. Under Trump

    all we(USA) do is interfere with other country's elections. What do you think spreading "democracy" in the middle east means?
  4. Under Trump

    this is probably the worst video i have ever seen.
  5. Under Trump

    kind of interesting
  6. Apparently engineers are still coming together and saying it wasn't what we think. People say Trump wants to do an investigation. Not sure where anything like this will take us though, sometimes forgiveness is simply the best way to move forward.
  7. kangen water

    seems a person has to be an expert in chemistry just to know whether or not its a good product.
  8. kangen water

    some people think kangen water uses toxic methods to turn the water alkaline
  9. Rainbow Body....a matter of karma?

    Buddha left his ivory tower and found balance with nature.
  10. Rainbow Body....a matter of karma?

    its all wisdom and poems till john chang shoots electricity up your spine
  11. Thoughts on Wu Wei

    follow the path in a practical way, but then realize the mystical stuff isnt fake either.
  12. How to deal with people who won't stop arguing?

    When people argue to be right, and it is uncomfortable, i just leave the room. Sometimes arguing to be right is productive and can lead both people to greater insight. My friend believes the world is flat, I have actually learned quite a lot of things from arguing with him that make me question my own beliefs. Sometimes people you would never associate with will surprise you with how they think. Sort of like mixing yin and yang to create life.
  13. Energy and Superpowers!

    There are also people that dont mind working 8 hours a day. They have a house and great jobs, and children. They love eachother and are very happy going to work and going home.
  14. True news vs fake news

    Anybody else find it curious that we're hearing about Russia's interference with our elections, only after Jill Stein's recount amounted to nothing?
  15. True news vs fake news

    Is this fake news? I seriously dont know. Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terrorist videos snopes is garbage...
  16. Sometimes, I get an odd feeling. Like it is disrespectful. Just wanted to do a poll to gauge other's position.
  17. What caused the Twin Towers to collapse?

    I did ... but you know, conspiracy engineers arn't always right.
  18. A Dream of Angus Oge.

    The last video is interesting. I wonder what the commentor would think about the lower dantien rupture injury? This is where the lower dantien leaks.
  19. Energy and Superpowers!

    buy land, work remotely. only answer i can think of.
  20. Energy and Superpowers!

    The governments of CHina and the USA heavily research psychic abilities. Apparently people can make physical objects teleport.
  21. where is JoeBlast

    maybe split the thread next time, so people can continue to give input.
  22. Tao Bums Dating? (possibly?)

    TDB dating would be tough, we dont have enough users, and we would attract the wrong users... but good luck on your quest..the path to finding love is a mysterious one.
  23. Logic, the prerequisite of all truth

    "The truth is that all truths are true." nice. we make our reality.
  24. True news vs fake news

    It isn't hard to realize that the media has literally been purchased.