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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Hillary and Trump

  2. Standing Rock

    I did actually, what did i miss?
  3. Standing Rock

    It's hard for them to have a protest if the pipeline isn't on their land, and it barely is. The argument that it goes over a river that feeds into their territory isn't a strong one, considering there are oil pipelines all over the USA. The natives can win the fight, but the pipeline will only be minutely re-routed. Obama halted the construction of the pipeline in the area of the protest. Do you really think he, or any president, is going to have that entire 1,000 mile pipeline built and then say no to it, just because a minor section wasn't constructed? They will at the very most, minorly re-route it off the native american land.
  4. Standing Rock

    my point still stands
  5. Standing Rock

    well yes, but if it's not on there land...
  6. Standing Rock

    It looks like the Pipeline just barely brushes the edge of the reservation. If you scrolll down, a little under half way down the article
  7. Fake News

    It is actually scary that Facebook and Google will begin censoring things they believe are "untrue." More-so Google..
  8. Standing Rock

    Iv heard this alot actually, that we will be sending it to china. So i think its true. . we do owe them quite a lot.
  9. Standing Rock

    I guess this is a list of Sanding Rock "need to knows" An elder went into cardiac arrest because of this and a woman that was hit with a concussion grenade had to get her arm amputated today. It blew her hand apart. Some useful points for those that don't know. 1. It's a public highway where the atrocities just happened. 2. Its unceded treaty land from 1851 3. The police have no right to be there doing this in the name of the oil companies 4. DAPL doesn't have the Army Corps of Engineers permits and they're building anyway which is a federal offense. 5. Dalyrmple has stock in the pipeline worth millions 6. Protesting PEACEFULLY is a constitutional right (see first amendment) 7. What we are witnessing are constitutional violations and human rights violations in the name of oil. 8. The oil isn't even for this country. It's getting exported to China. 9. It is only creating 14 permanent jobs. The rest are temporary. 10. Pipelines always break. Nothing man made is infallable. The average is over 100 breaks per year 11. When this breaks, it will directly affect the water of millions. 12. The fires were started by what the police were shooting at the protectors. The protectors put out the fires. 13. The pipeline was originally planned to go through Bismarck North Dakota. It was rerouted through tribal lands because Bismarck was concerned about the risks to their water. 14. No politicians are coming to stop this. Quit asking where Obama is. He knows and doesn't care. This is up to us. We the people....... Fascism and terrorism courtesy of our own government. I don't know about you, but I will not be looking into my children's eyes and apologizing because I didn't try to fight for them to have clean water. I won't be apologizing saying I let the corruption of this system win without a fight. #NoDapl #MniWiconi
  10. Hillary and Trump

    You know you are going to have to get rid of every topic in Numa Sactuary that has any connotation to sex or reference any private part of the body. You also have to get rid of every topic on sexual alchemy and every topic related to sex. This thread is only the tip of the iceburg my friend.
  11. Hillary and Trump

    New York times Apologizes for being biased and not being honest during the election However, they edited this version lol! and still make it look like the original. Here is the original: where they claimed to be fair..
  12. Hillary and Trump

    Can we talk about it in the Primordial CHAOS?
  13. Hillary and Trump

  14. Standing Rock

    I think Obama just got his executive powers taken away so that this pipeline will go through and people cant blame him.
  15. Hillary and Trump

    Dang, this was a powerplay by Trump
  16. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    uninformed populous and incentivized mass media brainwashing. new york times even apologized However they edited this version and make it look like the original.
  17. Hillary and Trump

    lol facebook. do a google image search
  18. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    Obama pushes elite/corporate interests all the while pretending to be a man of the people. It is for this very reason that he has the media on his side and there is a multi-billion dollar agenda to make people "think" he is a great president. Obama is a great public speaker, and he really makes people feel like he cares about them. But the reality is much different. -Obama increased taxes across the board, he increased health care costs across the board. (aka taking tons of money from the people) -Obama increased military spending. (aka giving tons of money to the super elite). Almost gets us into ww3 with Russia because -he puts troops around the Russian Border. “NATO is costing us a fortune, and yes, we’re protecting Europe, but we’re spending a lot of money. Number one, I think the distribution of costs has to be changed.” –Donald Trump, interview with The Washington Post editorial board, March 21 “NATO is unfair, economically, to us, to the United States. Because it really helps them more so than the United States, and we pay a disproportionate share.” -Obama invests in "Global Warming initiatives" (aka giving tons of money to the super elite) "Those “global warming payments” likely refer to the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund, to which President Obama has pledged a whopping $3 billion. He’s already given the fund $500 million." “We’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars. We don’t even know who’s doing what with the money,” Trump said. -Obama gives billions to Isreal and other middle eastern countries. but the money does nothing, cause it's a big scam. All in all, Obama is pumping out as much money from the people as possible, and spending it haphazardly in sketchy programs that clearly make others rich. If you truly believe this money is not being scavenged by the elite and actually being used effectively, I would be astonished to hear your reasoning. "Pentagon loses 6.5 trillion" They arn't even properly recording where all the money is going... “We’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars. We don’t even know who’s doing what with the money,” Trump said.
  19. Hillary and Trump

  20. Career and Cultivation

    Just learn Java. Plenty of stability and lack of innovation.
  21. Career and Cultivation

    Find a job you love...
  22. Hillary and Trump

    Does anyone think investing in climate change is a worthy effort? If so, why?
  23. Hillary and Trump

    This list is actually pretty awesome! Personal favorites: * SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections. * SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America's water and environmental infrastructure These two are kinda interesting: "* FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama" "* THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator"