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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Hillary and Trump

    I also heard that Obama passed a last minute executive order about mandatory vaccines.
  2. Hillary and Trump

    omg. I hope this article isnt true.
  3. Hillary and Trump

    I cant believe the government just offers all these food stamp programs and they dont even connect any type of required job assistance program with it? Like if youre on food stamps, and able to work, you should be looking for a job. When I lived in California, it was rediculious all the young kids running around with their EBT cards.
  4. Hillary and Trump

    We could let way more in Legally while we are deporting.
  5. Hillary and Trump

    You really think we will just magically deport them all?
  6. Hillary and Trump

    The art that Podesta has in his house is so creepy.
  7. Hillary and Trump

    Some discussion
  8. Hillary and Trump

    Instead of a wall, how about some advanced radar systems with night vision and laser beams that paralyze or incinerate trespassers. I mean we are supposed to have satellites and missile defense systems, how difficult can a border scanning system be?
  9. Something about Hanuman

    This quote sounds like it believes in Enlightenment
  10. Its kind of crazy of how much influence saudi arabia has on HC sorry... find your center of silence by doing what you love.
  11. Hillary and Trump

    how the clinton foundation spends money.
  12. Hillary and Trump

    The Clinton Foundation robbed Haiti! They build the Haitians Soccerfields! In otherwords they spent 3 million dollars on some cut grass with some bleachers...who knows where the rest of the money went.
  13. Hillary and Trump

    Its pretty obvious they only opened the case so that they could finally close it before her being president. So that she looks good coming into presidency. This government is so corrupt it's insane.
  14. Standing Rock

    Oil pipelines are bad. BUT bottled water companies. THose are the worst. ALSO the USA gives a ton of water to Nestle, who arnt even an American company. ... ... ..just so they can sell it back to us?
  15. Standing Rock

    So is it true that the mainstream media is ignoring the issue? I dont own a tv CNN articles are kind of silly. I seriously doubt someone would travel all the way to Standing Rock and not be an ardent supporter.
  16. Ignoring the signs and pretending everything is perfect is a certain degree of ignorance. Just 60 years ago over 60 million people died. Best to observe and adapt accordingly.
  17. Hillary and Trump

    political posts are usually obnoxious, but this one is pretty accurate.
  18. Hillary and Trump

    Powerful Words
  19. Top persian art book

    How does the Dragon Gate path not strive for transcendent states?
  20. Hillary and Trump

    A lot of his ideas are pretty good though.
  21. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    I also believe i have a state of enlightenment. What helped you gain a temporary enlightenment experience in high school?