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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    LSD. And people that deny the mind expanding potential of drugs are looking at reality with black and white goggles on. That being said, I dont advise the use of drugs.
  2. Why do people go bald?

    long hair is a privilege in this day and age, a time when most occupations reject it.
  3. Why do people go bald?

    ? really?
  4. Why do people go bald?

    A few members on the forum explain how Qi Gong practice has resulted in hair regrowth, do you see this as completely out of the question?
  5. Why do people go bald?

    I asked a friend, about this topic, his response.. "There are many reasons 1. Genetic 2. Stressed 3. Gravity 4. Exposure to sun rays, glare & all the elements 5. Psychic & panic attack 6. Too much headache & thinking 7. Lack of minerals & vitamins 8. Excessive used of chemicals, shampoos, artificial colorings, preservative etx.. 9. Overwork 10. Drugs abused 11. Abused treatment 12. Matted hair 13. Split end 14. Lack of Cleanliness 15. Breakdancer on head 16. Disease 17. Exposure to harmful rays ( emf, gamma Rays etx) 18. Diet 19. Hygiene 20. Lack of rest. And lots lots more "
  6. Why do people go bald?

    I'll go first. Many people state that hair is an extension of your nervous system. A system connected with feeling. One of the most common areas of balding is the Prefrontal Cortex of the brain. (Image of Prefrontal cortex) The Prefrontal cortex is the section of the brain responsible for feeling and personality. Numbness in the forehead is a symptom of Prefrontal cortex damage. (brain damage). When I think of something with no feeling or personality, a drone comes to mind. So is balding the result of a lack of expression? Or spirituality? Lastly the front part of the brain is also considered the seat of consciousness. It is considered the seat of consciousness both scientifically and spiritually. "The part of the brain that controls consciousness is the frontal lobe. Other activities controlled by the frontal lobe include problem solving, decision making, emotions and control of purposeful behaviors." In Hindu religions concentrating on the "Third Eye" or PreFrontal lobe, is a way to expand consciousness. (Hence the dot - Bindi, a locus of happiness) ============================================================== The next major area that is common for balding, is the top of the head. The crown. Also an area commonly associated with the halo. This could also have spiritual connotations. ==============================================================
  7. When was the Monday through Friday work schedule invented? Is it just an idea to enslave people, or does it have some sort of divinity associated with it?
  8. Facial Hair

    If hair is an extension of the nervous system, it probably has some significance. But the significance can't be a big deal. I think it is a privilege to be able to grow one's hair. Most men are not allowed to grow their hair.
  9. I dont understand how people can write that Dzogchen is not about perfecting. But yet Dzogchen can have all of these rainbow body achievements and developments that their practitioners strive to achieve? Dzogchen is based on Padmasambhava who attained rainbow body and apparently shrunk. So if everyone wants to achieve what he achieved, but yet there is no achievement... so then they are all already great masters and the practice shouldnt exist? Is Dzogchen self defeating? "Dzogchen is widely translated as “Great Perfection”, but this may imply a perfection that we strive to attain, and this is not the meaning of Dzogchen. Dzogchen is explained as Ground, Path and Fruition, and from the point of view of the Ground, it is the already self-perfected state of our primordial nature, which needs no ‘perfecting’, for it has always been perfect from the very beginning, just like the sky. It is uncreated, yet spontaneously accomplished."
  10. Would like to read this when i have time...
  11. Ah you're right. They were brought to Tibet by Padmasambhava. I always thought it originated there... The Indians tend to claim everything... "According to the Nyingma tradition,[8] the primordial Buddha Samantabhadra taught Dzogchen to the Buddha Vajrasattva, who transmitted it to the first human lineage holder, the Indian Garab Dorje (fl. 55 CE).[3][8] According to tradition, the Dzogchen teachings were brought to Tibet by Padmasambhava in the late 8th and early 9th centuries. He was aided by two Indian masters, Vimalamitra and Vairocana.[9] According to the Nyingma tradition, they transmitted the Dzogchen teachings in three distinct series, namely the Mind Series (sem-de), Space series (long-de), and Secret Instruction Series (men-ngak-de).[8] According to tradition, these teachings were concealed shortly afterward, during the 9th century, when the Tibetan empire disintegrated.[9] From the 10th century forward, innovations in the Nyingma tradition were largely introduced historically as revelations of these concealed scriptures, known as terma.[9]
  12. Hunter X Hunter

    Amazing show! The creator was heavily influenced by his own studies into the occult.
  13. She is quite extraordinary and paints a unique picture for those interested in Tibetan mysticism. I did a presentation on her in my Tibetan Studies class back when I was in school and my teacher simply couldnt accept that she actually went to Tibet.. even though their are hundreds photographs! Her writing on the "Gomchen" are interesting. The Tibetans whose job it is to sit in meditation day and night...
  15. King Tut's meteorite knife

    It is curious about why exactly they went to Tibet? What is your opinion? Did you ever hear they hired monks that could kill people in meditation? (just something I heard...)
  16. If you look at Bhodidharma's direct teachings they are simple meditation. Similar to the Golden Flower. I doubt the Zen people have it wrong.
  17. Thread deleted.

    "Truth is in the eye of the beholder."
  18. Is the earth round/spherical?

    I like how he debunks the boat going over the horizon thing.
  19. I recently wrote a book on spiritual development, basically an accumulation of my personal research. Considering it is self-published, it isn't easy to find an audience. Would anyone be interested in reading it and writing a review? (i can send you a copy.) (Writers, Lawyers, Doctors, Journalists... haha jk!) Note: This could possibly be reworded into a pinned topic by itself for all other authors in the spiritual genre. Basically this thread is to ask people that are interested in self-published spiritual books to read them and write a review.
  20. Topic: Spirituality - Book Reviewers? Free Book

    Awesome! There may be a lot of authors on this website that could benefit from a thread like this.
  21. Why do people fall in love? I'm thinking it is so that they have a connection between them that is strong enough to keep them together while raising children. This also implies that sexual intercourse can be a modality to create a love connection between two people. In my experience of love two people are so connected that logic doesn't hold as strong of grounds anymore.
  22. prison-rape

    IT is actually heartbreaking to say this, but prison could have been like this since the beginning of time. Almost like natures way of destroying the ego. IDK but sometimes the world functions as it does with a purpose. IDKK that being said,.. IM WITH YOU THOUGH!
  23. Cultivation bottleneck.. can you help?

    well its interesting that you have activated the upper dantien without connecting the lower dantien to the upper dantien. Can you describe your meditation experiences? Having a cultivated upper dantien, you should be able to raise kundalini to your head.
  24. Shen/Silence Came First?

    What came first, silence or shen?
  25. Shen/Silence Came First?

    can you recommend any reading material?