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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Is "rebirth" grounds for a new account?

    True. I wouldn't imply separation either. However, it is often referred to as a rebirth though. "Being Reborn." This is often followed by name changes, immortality, etc. You have to die, to be reborn. is a famous Taoist/Christian quote. But, you don't think it is an experiential rebirth, but more of an experiential deepening, i think.
  2. Is "rebirth" grounds for a new account?

    They dont think they are a new person, they experientially become their true self. Who they think they are is the false self posting on the forum before awakening.
  3. Gravity Waves

    I think these mirrors that the lasers bounce off of are fascinating. These LIGO mirrors are specially built to detect gravitational waves. They are suspended by cords in mid air to make sure that nothing but gravitational waves can cause them to wobble. As the head of LIGO points out, they don't wobble by thermal noise, sound waves, not even quantum noise.
  4. Gravity Waves

    Posting videos about flat earth on a thread called: "Is the Earth Spherical?" is an insult?
  5. Gravity Waves

    That's fine. I really don't expect you to be able to confirm gravity waves from that experiment, it's not even possible actually.
  6. Gravity Waves

    The problem is that you are insulting people. Referring to them as having a lower understanding, but you can't even explain your own understanding when asked to.
  7. Gravity Waves

    You can't explain why?
  8. Gravity Waves

    You mean like validating without a doubt that supposed black holes are merging together and sending supposed subtle waves to earth because a laser hits a detector at a different time?
  9. Gravity Waves

  10. Gravity Waves

  11. Gravity Waves

    aye, it wasn't the best animation to show the waves. there's certainly a whole bunch of issues that haven't been covered in their press conference or literature on the finding.. not surprising to find military interests attached to it.. thats where all the money goes.. what are they up to, i think $750b a year now. mental.
  12. Gravity Waves

    Did you watch any of the official announcements? These are the top officials for the National Science Foundation making these statements, not some dogmatic newspaper. (see above post.) They are claiming it as proof that gravity waves are detected. They recorded a laser hitting a detector at a different time than normal. This image is everything. Nothing but two giant black holes millions of miles away could have caused the laser to hit at a detector at different time than normal. right? Indisputable proof! (Nature Science Foundation). No, anything that we do know about or don't know about can cause this. This is not good scientific method.
  13. Gravity Waves

    Informational videos/announcements:
  14. Gravity Waves

    MAJOR Discovery: Scientists announce finding Gravitational Waves confirming Einstein's theory
  15. Gravity Waves

    Look at it for exactly what it is. They upgraded their systems capacity to measure and noticed dependencies in times it takes a laser to travel from one point to another. What is the real accomplishment is a new level of sensitivity for their machine. The laser changes in the amount of time it takes to go from one point to another. That is what was proved. Why not just look at it for what it is? Why say that it is undeniable proof for something else? DO you WANT to believe that you know something as an undeniable fact? Is it a god complex? Is the astounding nature of our reality to much for you?
  16. Gravity Waves

    Because they worked hard and made a discovery, we would be rude not to accept their larger belief system as absolute fact. If fact, we would be bullies if we disagreed. It is not enough to just acknowledge the discovery for what it is, we must accept the larger belief system that gravity waves are absolute fact. After all that hard work and money spent, they deserve to have finally absolutely proved the existence of Gravity Waves.
  17. Gravity Waves

    What the thinker thinks, the prover proves. They wanted/needed to prove gravitational waves exist, so they created a setting in which they would expect gravitational waves to exist in. According to their thinking: When the laser beam had discrepancies it MUST be gravitational waves, as nothing else we are AWARE OF could possibly do that. This isn't science, this is propaganda. A million different things that we have no idea could exist or not could cause lasers to hit at different speeds. Lets not just say only our belief system could cause a variation in measurement. Correlation does not imply causation.
  18. you dont think the physical has a connection with true self?
  19. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Good point. Better to be more interested in the truth than good or bad. Happy go lucky people still get killed.
  20. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Well the last 20 or so comments arn't worth replying to.
  21. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    A lot of UFOs could be our own creation.
  22. Kundalini help, please?

    Interesting manitou, i dont have any advice. But if you start shaking when you meditate let me know. When I was working on my crown i started to kinda bob my body back and forth, idk why.
  23. Is the earth round/spherical?

    You are being deliberately short. but i guess that's ok, i don't expect you have much to teach.
  24. Is the earth round/spherical?

    The truth doesnt get in the way of a good story. Truth is stranger than fiction.