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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Ghost immortality

    I never spoke of any training methods or paths.
  2. Ghost immortality

    Well if you train you will have experiences that give you an understanding of each phase. It is very clear when one becomes a human immortal, when one becomes an earth immortal, and when one becomes a Spiritual immortal. There are many commonalities between systems, and those who train will see them. It is very much a science. You also claim to be a student of Wang Liping. And claim that he is a Great Master. Well his 2nd Book Ling Bao.. Explains very clearly exactly what the nature of a ghost immortal is. They arrive at the three islands with no name and then have nowhere to go, so it's back to rebirth. Why haven't you read it? Pay thousands and thousands to go to the seminar and haven't read the book? His teachings on mastering the body and quieting the mind are also very clear!
  3. Ghost immortality

    Well one thing is common throughout Buddhism, Hinduism, and Daoism, and that is that enlightenment is the only way out of continual rebirth. Those claiming ghost immortals are beyond rebirth is completely flawed. Is there a second path for ghost immortals to escape the wheel of rebirth? No, only those who follow enlightenment get to escape the wheel.
  4. Ghost immortality

    lol. well then.
  5. Ghost immortality

    From my perspective you are misleading others. So you are saying that ghost immortals, after death, have yang?
  6. Ghost immortality

    That is where we disagree, those who have mastered their mind can call upon it when needed and use it as necessary. They don't get lost in it like normal people who are constantly in a sleeping state because of it. Furthermore, if you study the evolutionary capacity of man you will find that western science is disproved quite frequently. Western science holds a fundamental stance towards human evolution that is primitive. Lastly, the Question of "How" to master the mind is approached differently by different schools.
  7. Ghost immortality

    By mastering thought, attaining silence. This is how one achieves grace and magnetism.
  8. Ghost immortality

    Self-mastery is the Daoist Spiritual Immortal. Ghost Immortal, Human Immortal, Earth Immortal, Spiritual Immortal, Celestial Immortal. pure yin ----->>>> ---------->>> ----------------->>>> --------->>>> pure yang The spiritual immortal has the ability to heal disease, where as the others dont heal properly because the body is not at full potential.
  9. Ghost immortality

    The goal is certainly to go beyond thought, it is in the sense of mastering the mind. Master the body and mind, and the conscious experience goes inside-out.
  10. Ghost immortality

    Being a ghost immortal, is considered improper practice and guidance because they do not get very far at all. It is like wanting to be an MMA fighter and quitting after the first match. It isn't because they have made some fundamental flaw and are stuck that way, like they somehow did some special practice wrong and now can't go back. The lost ghosts on earth are indeed the same as ghost immortals. Human Immortal is still nothing special either, as many people are expected to reach this stage during the prime of their life. A ghost immortal certainly can't train and reach higher states after death either. They have not attained what the Daoists refer to as "houtain fusion," so they are pure yin and have no creative potential. They are basically floating memories with some type of grudge because of their past experiences. If a master goes into a temple or home and their are ghosts he will banish them. Houtain Fusion is only attained at Earth Immortal, and even then they are not beyond rebirth. They can just stick around fully conscious for a long period of time after death, but they will soon have to leave too. It is the word "immortal" that throws people off, but every sentient being is an immortal according to the Daoists, because they have a soul. Freedom or Enlightenment is the only way to transcend spinning in the wheel however.
  11. Ghost immortality

    I wasn't referring to you in the second post. Mostly to everyone in general. I can see how it could be misleading though.
  12. Ghost immortality

    A ghost immortal is not a spirit. Only an Earth immortal can be considered a spirit, and even they are not beyond rebirth. Ghosts immortals are eventually led back to the light whether they like it or not. To say they are beyond rebirth is completely dubious, because they are in a place with only one door, and they will be forced through that door regardless of their will. Trying to force ideas of "special training" and "deviated training" as the only process of evolution is completely absurd, you don't observe the actual processes of correct training.
  13. Ghost immortality

    Ghost immortal is actually very low and is indeed attained by many ordinary people. To assume that special training, or deviated training is necessary, only leads to misunderstanding.
  14. Dim Mak

    The purpose of this thread is to understand the exact nature of The Death Touch, also known as Dim Mak. Dim mak (death touch) is an ancient martial arts move that consists of striking certain points on the body to cause illness or death. The points are usually called dim mak points, but they are also referred to as vital points and pressure points. This move is usually connected to the circulation of life force, also known as chi. Everyone is encouraged to share information, history, and models/diagrams relating to the move. However, discussion about the validity of the move should be kept minimum. Any comments not directly sharing information related to the move will be deleted. I will probably hide comments that I dont view as valuable towards understanding or learning the move.
  15. Dim Mak

    Video and Discussion on Dim Mak Is the Dim Mak Real? Written By: Da Shi Xiong Matt Talbert September 8, 2008 Dim Mak is Cantonese term and is known as Dian Mai (點脈) in Mandarin Dian means to press and exert pressure and Mai is a reference to the blood vessels. This literally is to press on the blood vessels. This is more commonly known in Traditional Chinese Medicine by the term Dian Xue (點血) which also means to press on the blood vessels and should not be confused with Dian Xue (點穴) which means to press on the cavities and references acupressure points. Most of what is considered Dim Mak is not just a single point on the human body but a collection of points. There are numerous points that can severely injure, debilitate, or kill an opponent. In Chinese Kung Fu these points would be taught in a system of martial knowledge known as the Poison Hands. In classical poison hands there are 108 points that are taught that can cause serious injury. 36 of these points can cause death while the other 72 points can cause unconsciousness or permanent injury. Most of these points, if struck with appropriate force, can not be recovered from and the individual will die within a few days or perhaps a few weeks. If these same points are struck with mild force they can cause permanent debilitating injuries if they are not immediately treated with the appropriate herbal remedies. Most of these points are specific points on the various meridians found within acupuncture. These points often seem random to those who are unfamiliar with the theories behind acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Other points are much more common knowledge. Hitting someone very hard in the temple is fairly well known as a potentially fatal strike. The temple is considered one of the 108 points taught within the poison hands. Those struck by one of the 108 points, often would die without seeming to have any external injury at all. This is because many of the points, those that lie on certain meridians, often cause severe damage to internal organs. Other points directly cause damage to the internal organs causing internal bleeding. Most people struck by the Dim Mak did not die immediately as the stories would have you believe. Many would die in a few days to severe internal injury, others would appear to recover their health and then perish several weeks later. For those not initiated in the information of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it often appeared that these people died under mysterious circumstances. For most people just a touch would not be able to deliver the amount of power necessary to cause such severe injury. Ancient masters were more likely to effect such impressive results with a mere touch, but it did not happen overnight. To be able to effect such results masters often had to have mastered the skills of the Iron Palm. With fingers and hands hardened more than bricks and metal, and a deep understanding of internal power these masters could hit points with seemingly little effort. A master that was very accomplished in the Iron Palm would also likely have had a deep understanding of Qi(氣). This would allow them to project their Qi into an opponent. With just a touch, the master could project his Qi into vital acupuncture points disrupting the opponent’s Qi and damaging internal organs. The Dim Mak is not an easy skill to master. The body must be trained so that the hands can deliver the strikes to the appropriate points and must be both tough and very accurate. The spirit must be cultivated so that the exponent can direct his Qi to the appropriate areas of his body and be able to project it into an opponent. There is also a substantial amount of knowledge that must be learned. Theories of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine require years of study but are essential for knowing how to properly affect the points. Not only must the points and the consequences of striking them be understood, but the exponent must remember which of 12 major meridians are active during what time of day, during which seasons so that the most effective points can be acted upon.
  16. Ghost immortality

    Mt. Shasta California. That place was interesting for feeling in-between worlds.
  17. Philosopher's Stone?

    Im curious why it is called the Philosopher's Stone? What does this correspond to energetically? What does a "stone" have to do with becoming a golden immortal? The only thing I can think of is that the person themselves are the stone, and they are pounded and pounded into becoming a diamond or enlightened. That wouldn't make sense however if one views the stone as having the ability to turn base metals into gold, or mundane people into divine beings. Ideas? Opinions? Edit: Emphasize the word Stone.
  18. Ghost immortality

    I disagree. And no i did not say that.
  19. Ghost immortality

    Well if he thinks ghost immortals are outside of reincarnation then his school isn't legit. All ghosts have to be led to the light.
  20. Ghost immortality

    According to your belief system...
  21. Ghost immortality

    Only Spiritual Immortals and Celestial Immortals are beyond reincarnation. Even Earth Immortals and Human immortals are still stuck in the reincarnation cycle.
  22. Ghost immortality

    lol, you assume that i havent
  23. Ghost immortality

    I disagree.