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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Ghost immortality

    I often wonder this also. Ghost immortality is explained in many different ways. To me, ordinary people are ghost immortals.
  2. Staff rotation

    I mean if you are talking about the "Mongol Empire" starting with Ghengis Khan, sure
  3. Staff rotation

    Ah i see, but that would make him over a thousand years old?
  4. Staff rotation

    Just how long was Chang an admin? Before he was rotated out? Seems like forever to me that he was greeting new comers.
  5. The Power of Visualization, Daskalos and Kunlun

    A lot of the Egyptian practices combine visualization and breathing
  6. The Power of Visualization, Daskalos and Kunlun

    im suprised you didnt read the magus of strovalos
  7. philosophy is imagination

  8. Potent Systems

    Netero is an awesome name!
  9. Philosopher's Stone?

    Agreed. The philosopher is the stone. and he solidifies, into his true self. A true self that helps others realize the gold in themselves.
  10. Philosopher's Stone?

    Uroboros is often talked about in the same books that refer to the Philosopher's Stone, so maybe you are onto something.
  11. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Captured on camera
  12. Hatred.

    continual hatred for me is an emotion that occurs when my life is out of balance, i.e. it occurs usually when i have some type of fear and am not taking responsibility.
  13. The purpose of this thread is to gather information about Flouride. And whether or not people agree with the government charging money to put it in our water.
  14. Philosopher's Stone?

    I believe there is a simple explanation for the philosopher's stone. We just don't know it. Just like there is a simple energetic explanation for the Holy Grail, or the Fountain of Youth, and the Alchemic idea of turning base metals into gold. The closest explanations so far have been that it correlates to the "golden pill" in Daoist alchemy or that it correlates to the phenomenon of hardened energy in the LTD. However, both of those comparisons are still too far out there for my liking.
  15. Philosopher's Stone?

    What about the word "stone" Does it correlate to any energetic phenomenon?
  16. John Chang Video

    John Dijang is not his real name
  17. Emitting light in Shaolin practices

    You think the halo becomes physically visible to normal people?
  18. Just a couple questions(Lao Gong)

    It is possible to get marks on the palms through chi kung chi packing exercises, but I dont normally consider them a positive thing.
  19. New healer on the scene?

    I went to India and came back really sick with who knows what wrong with me. And after working with him, he explained that he got rid of some pretty intense stuff. I felt better, but I was still sick for a while, but im perfectly fine now. Im pretty confident he got rid of some stuff that could have really messed me up. Can't really give you much of a better description.
  20. Elongated skulls of Paracas Peru

    On the topic of doors, this one is cool.
  21. New healer on the scene?

    I have worked with Adam Shifman in the past, and I was also surprised with the results.
  22. Is the earth round/spherical?
  23. I was told that midland Americans accent is rather a lack of accent. been thinking about it. is there a right way to say words? Do midland Americans stick to the books?
  24. He had like 10 holes in his back, and how do you insert a sword so carefully that it doesnt puncture the tissue around the hole??