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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. people can make their spirit form become physical. This is what I believe Jesus did at the cross. It was never his real body being nailed to the cross. This is also mentioned in other books as well. Yeah both sides of the chest like that is fatal. damage lungs or heart valves.
  2. The tube idea doesn't make sense. they would have to insert the swords with machine like precision.
  3. A lot of people in europe think that we (americans) didnt go to the moon. I myself am skeptical. Why dont we have any bases?
  4. "Mirin Dajo was a very religious man and some media outlets labeled him a "Messiah." His sideshow displays were often concluded with a lecture and a message of peace. During his act he took to being impaled by three hollow skewers. He would then pump water through those skewers to become a human fountain. " If he was a yogi, it is possible he left his body and the body you are seeing now is his Tulka, or materialized spirit form. Seriously doubt he attained celestial immortal.
  5. Mooji explaining energy work with relation to self realization Daskales student explaining energy work with relation to self realization
  6. Staff rotation

    Thanks Brian, Soaring Crane and Chang. I thought you all did well.
  7. Yin Through Synthetic Material - Yes or No?

    i think grounding is important.
  8. Removing Chakras

    In many cases it would be better to remove the chakras from your belief system
  9. The Significance of Thank You

    "Thank You" Does anyone think that this phrase has some significance and should not be thrown around haphazardly?
  10. Removing Chakras

    I agree with your ideas. The removal of chakras is a big step forward.
  11. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information
  12. The Significance of Thank You

    what does it mean to thank someone?
  13. What are you watching on Youtube?
  14. it would seem that the majority of people are associating kundalini with self realization. However, it seems strange some people would make that assessment but also agree that this is wrong: "Practice X will cause effect Y, where Y= realization."
  15. Owning a business structure that results in profiting from others work? Keep in mind, you are being paid for setting up the business and organizing the effort. Is this immortal? Is it possible to create balance?
  16. flouride - putting it in the water

    Interesting viewpoint: "Ingesting Fluoride in large quantities on the regular is agreeably bad for you, but having it in your tooth paste or for a moment to rinse your mouth is actually good for your teeth as Fluoride binds with the calcium in your teeth to make them stronger. Also, note: City Water has been "Fluoridated" but it does NOT contain "Fluoride" it contains "Fluorine" which is 1 atom different than Chlorine, which is a antiseptic and kills bacteria, which is why it is used in city water. Non Flouridated water would be an even bigger issue for us than not. The whole debate over Fluoridation is for the most part....hyperbole from people who don't understand science."
  17. Do we live in the matrix?

    Well i disagree with the OPs idea of the matrix. But i do believe we live in the matrix as intended by the movie which is an allegory. Here is something that is informative.
  18. Opinions? Krishnamurti on Self-Realization

    Personally, I think he is dead wrong. But that is what I want to think.
  19. mopai

    Filing the LTD, and even qi packing is common. But id say gathering yin and yang in the lower dantien is rare, and then fusing them there.
  20. Nerding out over Star Wars

    It would take a lot of time and energy to convince people Jar Jar was a villian lol. However I am also a believer.