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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. mopai

    the Mo Pai thread died. Some thought it wasn't possible.
  2. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    According to the cover-up story. The government is expected/required to know what it is.
  3. iS IT immoral to own a business?

    I see your point, but i'm curious if you think it is moral
  4. UFO Thread - Sightings/Information

    Here is the current theory on the light flying over california. I dont believe a missile can travel that slowly however.
  5. Beyond the spiritual heart

    i usually compare the blurry sphere of light with the current chakra that is being worked on.
  6. there is no stock market in heaven

    whats wrong with the stock market. it allows poor people to become rich if they develop the skill.
  7. My friend recently opened my eyes a little more with some interesting information surrounding the supposed assassination of Osama Bin Laden. There are no photos. The only one that supposedly existed was immediately destroyed after the president saw it. They disposed of his body at sea. (This is strange, and doesn't allow any confirmation of the body whatsoever.) All of the seals and combat personnel involved in the killing are dead. They either died in a helicopter crash or died strangely. These are supposed to be the most elite combat people in our country, you would think they would be a little more resilient to death. So there is absolutely no actual reason to believe that we killed him. Besides "faith" in our government. Please correct me if i'm wrong. MSN article:
  8. Qi gong feats

    There are a lot of videos of feats, but this guy is one of my favorites.
  9. Balls of light, that he refers to as mental spheres, are mentioned in Liping's book, Does anyone know of other similar occurrence of these mentioned in any other texts that you have read?
  10. Wang Liping's Mental Spheres

    Just for clarification, I believe the Indians refer to nine miniature chakras between the 6th and 7th major chakras. Is this similar to the nine palaces you are describing?
  11. can you help me with my iron crotch training

    I'm confused.
  12. can you help me with my iron crotch training

    Hello, Is Iron Crotch generally used for increasing jing? What is the purpose of the exercise?
  13. Atlantis

    There is a book that talks about its location. Ill update this post when i find it.
  14. mopai

  15. mopai

    People have told me that the photo of john with one hand up and one hand down is the position for level 2. I believe Kosta refers to the levels without the letters, so there would be a stronger possibility of it being 2a, but again hypothetical.
  16. Atlantis

  17. mopai

    I think you are right. But, hypothetically I believe 2a can be done in a seated position. Considering Kosta didnt make it to 2b, it would be interesting to know his ideas on 2a.
  18. mopai

    I wonder if the level 2 teachings taught by Kosta differ from the ones taught by Jim? Some people mention a seated exercise for level 2. (and i'm not talking about the meditation practice.)
  19. Atlantis

    my friend Joe Eigo is always talking about atlantis..
  20. mopai

    Kosta left the school at level 2a right? I forgot.
  21. Master Jiang book

    Thank you. Purchased.
  22. Wang Liping's Mental Spheres

    Well what is interesting is that they are clearly visible. In his book he conjures "mental spheres" which are colorful balls of light that swirl around him. This actually reminds me of a historic incident that happened in London where strange light spheres where circling about the city. If I find a article on that ill post it. Im curious is there are any more incidents or references to them, i'v never come across anything besides the london thing. Mention of thought-forms is very common, but i'v never heard them referenced as being visible to normal people. He writes it out to be more of a result of cultivating and reaching the Tao. So it would have no use in assisting one towards reaching the Tao.
  23. mopai

    You think transcending reincarnation is only done through the practice of alchemical techniques?
  24. Moderation on TDBs

    shouldn't this thread be in "forum and tech support?"