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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Moderation on TDBs

    Hi KenBrace, Do us all a favor and tell MPG for us that he is banned from this forum. No need to encourage the harassment of the moderators on this forum. There is a thread on your forum encouraging this. So remove it because the matter is closed, and the moderators here have much better things to do with their time. Your encouragement of people to create puppet accounts on this forum with the intent to bring up matters that are already closed is a direct violation of the rules of this forum. Lastly, i'm surprised that you personally can't see the hypocrisy of MPG wanting to come back after he insults this forum on a regular basis, constantly telling everyone he doesn't like to leave your forum and come here. Regards, Moon
  2. I ruined my moms life

    A concernable problem of losing jing only occurs from serious qi gong injury.
  3. What are you watching on Youtube?

    These guys are pretty badass.
  4. Master Jiang book

    Where can i buy the book?
  5. a call to arms for all people practicing Asian health arts

    Most people don't understand yoga well enough to represent it properly, it is even worse in India. The commercial yoga scene that is contagiously widespread in India (primarily focused to profit off tourists) is one of the most saturated and least authentic practices of yoga. Go there for 2 weeks and all of a sudden you are a certified yoga instructor master. Pay more money and maybe you will be certified enlightened.
  6. Which books sit on your nightstand?

    Good books sit on my night stand. (just kidding)
  7. They are all the same if you ask me.
  8. I prefer the buddhist approach. We need to work hard and attain awakening in this lifetime.
  9. Is the earth round/spherical?

    A misconceived view of Truth is dangerous. Being absolutely sure that you have the truth and others don't, that is dangerous. Saying everyone else is stupid, also dangerous.
  10. Is the earth round/spherical?

  11. What is IMA? I plan to do more research, but do you have any immediate tips for Speen care? Edit: IMA probably is Internal Martial Art
  12. Arguing over the internet is like competing in the special Olympics.

  13. mopai

    Actually only correct training will put you at risk to rupture your tantien. Kosta points out you have to atleast be level 2 for that to happen.
  14. mopai

    I never said all of it was incorrect, so please don't assume that.
  15. Moderation on TDBs

    Edited: This thread appears to be done. Don't see a reason to continue it.
  16. Moderation on TDBs

    deleted post.
  17. mopai

    Wang Liping was credited by Jim McMillan with being a level 35 Mo Pai master, and he certainly doesn't train Mo Pai.
  18. mopai

    Chang San Feng didn't train Mo Pai, neither did Bhodidharma. Both are credited in Kostas book with being a level 72 master.
  19. mopai

    Are you kidding? The threads are still there. and scroll down. The threads are created by mpg and titled "Mooninite"
  20. Warning the video is graphic. Willie J Dennis -(attacker) Bobby Joe Blythe (instructor) The victim cannot be found and no one knows his name. NO CHARGES WERE FILED Washington Post article "The beating you refer to was the worst of several that happened at that dojo. Bobby Joe's dojo was in a seedy strip shopping center in Dumfries, Virginia. A lot of transients hung around there. Bobby Joe and his students would take advantage of anyone stupid enough to walk into the dojo and claim they knew any martial arts. If a drunk was mouthing off in the parking lot, they would taunt him and try to get him to come into the dojo. If the guy did he would be stomped into the concrete dojo floor. It happened more than once. The guy that was filmed that you are referring to was known to have a severe mental problem. Perhaps drugs or alcohol...? He was telling Bobby Joe that he was Jesus Christ and that he was a master of some martial art. He was obviously out of it. (I know all this because I know one of Bobby Joe's former student who was at the dojo when this happened. I may be one of the first to see the VHS tape of the incident....Long story...) Bobby Joe invited the guy to show them his martial arts. Bobby's senior student beat the guy senseless. When the guys head was causing a pool of blood from his head being stomped against the concrete floor, Bobby stopped everything and had them drag the guy out the back door. Bobby Joe ended up closing his dojo due to this. A few years ago someone started up the investigation again. They could not seem to locate the guy that got beat up." Analysis of case: "It is not factual that the man they call "Kung Fu Guy" suffered from any mental illnesses. In the video, KFG talks about Jesus as the one responsible for making him a "master" in the martial arts, and because of him saying this, he is labeled as someone who is "not all there". I feel that the ex-detective (Chuck Feldbush) who was the one who initially gave this man that label is simply trying to cover up for the culprits in the dojo. It is not the first time religious fanatics (that are not crazy nor mental) make bizarre claims about some divine power being the source of whatever gifts they may possess. It does not make them crazy or mental in anyway. In the beginning of the video, KFG states that he is a Shinto Priest. To become a shinto priest is not as difficult or as complex as other religions and their requirements for becoming a priest in their organization. (Go here: One of the requirements for becoming a Shinto Priest is being physically active. Some individuals that are Shinto Priests are also skilled in the martial arts. (sound familiar?). Now that I have gotten that out of the way, I will go on to talk about the actual fight in the video. It is factual that KFG does seem to possess at least some type of knowledge of martial arts. Even though he traded blows with one of Bobby Joe Blythe's students (Willie J Dennis), KFG was NOT overpowered by Willie later on in their fight. Rather, it seems that KFG was trying to give up from fighting (could have been due to sudden fear he endured during the fight or his religious beliefs). KFG's willingness to quit the fight was his ultimate downfall as these guys DO NOT play fair. Due to the graphic nature of the video, I am highly convinced this isn't the first time the students and master of that dojo have gone off the deep end in severely beating people in their dojo. We just happened to capture footage of this one instance, but I will go as far as to say that beatings like these have occurred at least several times in their dojo. This dojo (by far) is not a school of martial arts; They seem more like a cult with students who are heavily brainwashed by their master and doing whatever he bids them to do. I am reminded of "The Karate Kid" movies (particularly, the scene's in the dojo's, except Bobby Joe's dojo is way worse). Bobby Joe Blythe is a controlled disciplined manipulator and I will go as far as to say that he and his students have actually KILLED people in his dojo (Especially the homeless that wouldn't have a family to respond back to. Therefore, they wouldn't be missed and nothing will come back to the culprits.....Sound familiar??). I don't believe in what Chuck Feldbush (retired police detective) claims about KFG. Feldbush has said many things about KFG including the fact that he saw him alive days after the beating in the dojo. Anything that was said about KFG by this man should be questioned. I believe he is covering up for Bobby Joe and Willie. Bobby Joe has TRAINED police officers and body guards in the martial arts in the past. So a cover up is logical and highly possible. I don't know if KFG is dead or not, but it is VERY strange that he has not turned up. It's VERY simple: if the man is alive, then where is he? We would have surely found him by now that we've been looking for him all this time. He would have at least been identified by now, and yet, he hasn't. One of Willie's finishing blows to this man was severely stomping his neck and head against the concrete floor. Those moves are heavily fatal. The guy delivering the blow is very aware of this, which is why I am convinced that they are used to this type of combat. These people are guilty of murdering multiple individuals."
  21. Info on Bobby Joe Blythe - Martial Arts Criminal

    You could be right, I post a lot of stuff one this forum. Sorry. I have placed a graphic warning at the top of the thread now.
  22. mopai
