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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. mopai

    The story of Mo Pai is a tragedy. Jim McMillan trained for over a decade under the direct guidance of John Chang and never reached transcendental achievement. Kosta attained even less.
  2. There is Nadi Yoga, an entire practice focused on becoming able to hear sounds and then listening to them while in meditation.
  3. What are you watching on Youtube?

    is this real?
  4. mopai

  5. mopai

  6. the dark side of enlightenment

    I find that fear clouds concentration and prevents realization.
  7. the dark side of enlightenment

    Meditation and spiritual practice without correcting one's faults and taking responsibility leads to madness. Meditation can often be seen as an "escape," but that isn't what it is. It is more of an empowerment.
  8. mopai

    Kosta knows that Mo Pai isn't the only way. It is both in his book and in Jim's book.
  9. It took me a solid year of meditation before I could get the full lotus. A lot of the time was spent in simple cross-legged meditation, which is still very effective despite what people say.
  10. Full lotus comes naturally as one progresses consciously. But, stretching certainly helps.
  11. scientific section

    i believe that there should be like a scientific section. Edit: Oops used the wrong "there".
  12. Disappearing threads ?

    I guess i'm not the enlightened master you take me for
  13. Disappearing threads ?

    It is especially important to hide your posts in Mo Pai threads, lest you get yourself caught up arguing about nothing for days on end.
  14. "Time is the speed of light."

    if one's awareness vibrates faster than light, "body of light", perhaps they transcend time, becoming immortal.
  15. vibrations in the LDT

    keep going, you're just getting started
  16. mopai

    Hi MPG, I said they cannot gauge students qi. This is important to be a teacher of Mo Pai. Jim and Kostas cannot do this.
  17. Did the USA really kill Osama Bin Laden?

    People call the bombings in France "random acts of terror."
  18. Did the USA really kill Osama Bin Laden?

    Anyone think the USA had a hand in this?
  19. What are you listening to?
  20. mopai

    Why say that no Mo Pai practitioners have experienced this sensation?
  21. .

    "In its 2012 Fall Seller Update, the online marketplace said it was banning all sales of supernatural goods and services, "
  22. .

    You understand what i'm saying and you're just being incredibly rude. Simply replace the word illegal with banned if it makes you feel better.
  23. Info on Bobby Joe Blythe - Martial Arts Criminal

    Yeah it's really suspect that the cops didn't get the victims name or check him in at a hospital. The nameless victim just "disappears." The cop in the interview also questions if the video is real. even though he also says that the black guy isn't dead because the cops talked to him after the beating and he was "pretty banged up." So after all that the cop still questions if the video is real? It's very suspicious.
  24. Those that devote their lives to spiritual enlightenment through meditation, How do they support themselves? How did Bhodhidharma support himself? What about Milarepa? Jesus/Buddha supported themselves through teaching others. Must a great yogi be a teacher also?