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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. scientific section

    I really can't tell if your kidding. They came to their conclusions through years of scientific study, not the teachings of others.
  2. scientific section

    Are you saying that these scientists didn't say this? "We must assume that beyond all matter is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter." -Max Planck "Anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the universe, a spirit vastly superior to that of man." -Albert Einstein
  3. Is the earth round/spherical?

    The three of them troll me in completely different threads.
  4. Info on Bobby Joe Blythe - Martial Arts Criminal

    Feldbush saw the man in the days after the incident and noticed him limping. "You could tell he had been beaten severely," Feldbush said. "He wasn't very cooperative and didn't want to pursue charges." So they just dropped the case. Screw that these guys need to be in prison. The head instructor's name is Bobby Joe Blythe He just crashed a plane, for the THIRD time.. He experienced "engine problems" according to officials. "Blythe has not been named a suspect or arrested" Blythe is still active and making crazy racist/criminal remarks on the internet such as: "Duct tape her in the restroom"
  5. Info on Bobby Joe Blythe - Martial Arts Criminal

    They threw him in a dumpster afterwords. Apparently the guy isn't dead according to police in the article But, "Officials have not been able to determine the victim's name." So a lot of people think he actually did die. One of the students(white girl) is the Sheriff's daughter.
  6. What do you call this style?

    The are actually albums, the first one isnt a song, but the intro
  7. flouride - putting it in the water

    Hopefully we are not dumb enough to do that. What i mean is, we pay the government thousands of dollars just to ADD the fluoride. To then pay money to take it out...its like craziness.
  8. Anyone into astral travel?

    Everyone is capable of enlightenment and conscious OBE. Time is the only limiting factor.
  9. Anyone into astral travel?

    Enlightenment comes to both those who are evil and those who are good.
  10. Did the USA really kill Osama Bin Laden?
  11. Did the USA really kill Osama Bin Laden?

    "Neither man is the SEAL who was first up the stairs at bin Laden's Pakistan compound and fired the first shot at Osama. But their dueling narratives are a sign of the backbiting and dysfunction that has roiled a once tight-knit band of warriors as former members violate their code of secrecy in search of the spotlight." Paragraph #3
  12. Did the USA really kill Osama Bin Laden?

    There is no need to insult the person commenting. You can just state the facts. Here is a better way to say it. "People going up the stairs in order does not prevent three different operatives from firing weapons at the same time."
  13. Did the USA really kill Osama Bin Laden?

    well it also points out that people ran up the stairs in order so it wouldnt make sense for 3 different peopl to shoot him at the same time
  14. Did the USA really kill Osama Bin Laden?

    Stop trolling. Do your own research
  15. Did the USA really kill Osama Bin Laden?

    The argument that TheLearner discusses how if Osama was alive he could use it to his advantage is a good point. This is kinda interesting though, they seem to disagree on who actually shot Osama.
  16. mopai

    pumping your stomach in should create the sensation of heat. before level 2 it will feel as hot as lava. Breaking the rule, I am referring to the 72-hour rule. it was mentioned in kosta's book.
  17. What do you call this style?

    I recommend these albums
  18. What do you call this style?

    wow awesome!
  19. Heard a Disturbing Story about Max Christensen

    Well he ended up getting it through
  20. Heard a Disturbing Story about Max Christensen

    I would prefer not to get too technical about it. I can do some research if you would like more specific information on the process though.
  21. Electric Qigong School

    You really think John Chang is fake? Why so?
  22. mopai

    What sensations have you experienced to make you believe that you are done with level 1?
  23. What is the Middle Way?

    Those people, unless they have extremely good karma and are somehow providing for themselves while they are on the retreat will not experience experiential realization. I doubt they will even reach intellectual realization. Buddha taught, "rely on noone and no thing." The yogis teach, "kundalini does not move without karma yoga." The Universe has two important qualities: Self-Reliance and Movement. There are exceptions depending on age and circumstances surrounding destiny. We are talking about ascension here, literally transcending one's humanity, it doesn't come without taking responsibility.
  24. What is the Middle Way?

    Cave meditation is for people who have already attained awakening. They have already transcended the human plane.