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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Heard a Disturbing Story about Max Christensen

    Iv met a few people who dig up heads. To them, the head is no longer the dead person's property, so it is perfectly reasonable and normal. The guy told me he had some trouble going through the airport though. He also used it as a cup, it was the first time i'v been offered liquor from a human skull before.
  2. Heard a Disturbing Story about Max Christensen

    Necromancy is done by digging up the body so that you can steal the etheric form. so iv read. I'm not sure why this is such a big deal though, maybe it is to promote his school or something with the mention of his supposed super natural abilities.
  3. What is the Middle Way?

    The Middle Way = Creating balance in one's life, and then cultivating. What the middle way isn't = going into a cave and meditating, ashrams..
  4. Electric Qigong School

    Does that work on real practitioners? JC lit up an led, does that mean this would show?
  5. Electric Qigong School

    Why is that?
  6. Is the earth round/spherical?

    quantum mechanics entanglement theory points to higher dimensions or holographic reality.
  7. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Ad-hominem arguments are common with you i'v noticed. People often times attack the person instead of the subject matter, but in any scholarly discussion it is considered wasteful.
  8. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Show me the actual photos that they created the composites with, then you will have evidence.
  9. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Ok mr. composite photos. Also that isn't a derail as it questions the validity of NASA. (the organization taking the photos of earth)
  10. Is the earth round/spherical?

    This Telescope that can see New York from London is interesting The always horizontal horizon is somewhat interesting
  11. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Has anyone seen this?
  12. Is the earth round/spherical?

    I would say that it is far-fetched, but possible. Right now the north pole has my primary interest. Overall, it really depends how much you trust the people editing the photos.
  13. Is the earth round/spherical?

    "Composite pictures are usually presented as one final picture, with added elements from some other images, thus changing the meaning of the original. These can also be called photo-montages, which are usual in, say, humorous photo works, but quite unwelcome in journalistic or other documentary type of photography, since any added element change the document by removing its credibility." Here is how they used to do it before they started using photo shop.
  14. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Very similar to the photos of planet earth they are not real because they take photos of small areas and then combine them to create a larger photo. You're looking at confetti
  15. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Well most of the photos on google are not actually real. In case you didn't know that. Here is the most real photo I have come across However, it is also composite photo, Meaning they took dozens of different photos and put them together to create this picture. This photo "took Suomi 15 trips around the Earth to complete." Yet, it is still very cloudy and not easy to distinguish.
  16. Electric Qigong School

    Im actually surprised so many people fell for this dude. Part of me thinks this guy was created by the government so people automatically think everyone who can levitate is a faker
  17. What do you call this style?

    Are you making music? What software do you use?
  18. What do you call this style?

    Bionic - Deep House, Minimal, Psy Free Downloads!! haha
  19. What do you call this style?

    It kinda reminds me of Goa. Skip the long intro to about 8 minutes
  20. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Do we have any good/real photos of the northpole?
  21. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Why do commercial planes not fly over the north pole? For example when we fly to Moscow, Russia from the USA
  22. Is the earth round/spherical?

    Cities under cities i think is common. but for isis... After a quick google search i'd say he probably got information from cites similar to this. But i cant say for sure, sometimes people have to do the digging themselves.
  23. Is the earth round/spherical?

    I was talking with my friend and he was basically saying that some of the more ancient cities could be under the current cities. He was also explaining how ISIS who is destroying the ancient ruins actually isn't the only one doing it, and that the other organizations are also doing it, which is interesting to me.
  24. Is the earth round/spherical?

    How can you know that for sure though?
  25. Is the earth round/spherical?

    True it does depend how one defines civilization. I guess the word civilized to me means that they can write, are capable of agriculture, and can build structures, organized religion I would say is not a requirement, but would occur naturally. I can see how my definition might not be equivalent to the norm. Hunter gatherers are only simple in my view if they are unaware of agriculture. They are sophisticated in my view if they make the choice. While Joe and Graham make a joke that this site wasn't just magically erected by someone walking out of the forest. I would actually believe that that scenario is actually possible...and that many of the ancient sites were constructed using anti-gravity magic. (yin chi)