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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Is the earth round/spherical?

    So there are giant holes at the north and south? I do believe that for what ever reason i think the governments don't want people seeing the north pole. There is visible photo shopping being done on google earth.
  2. Is the earth round/spherical?

    im not taking sides, just presenting a possibility
  3. Is the earth round/spherical?

    I believe there is only 1 actual photo of the earth from space
  4. Is the earth round/spherical?

    My friend believes that tests done to confirm the roundness of earth actually fail. People can look at far away distances that they should not be able to if the earth was round
  5. Is the earth round/spherical?

    I was hoping people wouldnt be Daoists and approach this with thoughts that the earth is "relatively round." But that is a language barrier, I will edit the first post.
  6. Sharing experiences and lessons learned with the goal of assisting each other experience a full life.
  7. Nasa, astroid 86666 warning, (666?)

    Did you know there is only one real photo of the earth from space? all the rest are photoshopped
  8. Did the USA really kill Osama Bin Laden?

    Are the two guys that wrote the books dead? So there is absolutely no proof? That's very strange no? I also read that no soldiers attended the "Sea burial" and also that no other criminal in the past has been buried at sea. Well, some people believe that he has been dead for a long time, but his death was used for political advantages. And how did the helecopter crash into the compound? This is the most high-tech helecopter and the most professional pilots.
  9. no matter where you go there you are. Leaving responsibilities behind is often a major hindrance on the path. Better to just be thankful for your free time and use it to train, instead of wanting more.
  10. The people that. nevermind.
  11. Did the USA really kill Osama Bin Laden?

    Edit: Just read that most of the navy seals involved in killing Osama, have undisclosed identities. So it would be difficult to know if they died or not. I'm hoping that someone has a more educated voice on this matter though.
  12. Blood Circulating Meditation?

    Yes, I have often felt and heard of the relationship between blood and qi. The deficiency is interesting and thanks for that in particular. From the correlation between blood and qi. "Blood circulation meditation" may actually just be moving qi, using awareness, through the body in harmony with its flow. For example, down the right arm and up the left. But that is just speculation. On a side note, in my own practices I noticed that blockages are very similar in feeling and structure to tumors. I believe tumors may have a direct correlation with yang chi blockages.
  13. Seriously. what happened to Miley Cyrus.

    she already had money and fame, maybe they converted her.
  14. Nasa, astroid 86666 warning, (666?)

    Nasa doctors more than half of the photos they release. its kinda rediculious
  15. Ways to breath in the most amount of air. Well breathing in the most air is a natural occurance associated with deep relaxation. Perminant and sustained deep relaxation is a result of raised awareness. Increased conscious awareness is a result of actual evolution So in the end, you need to progress towards becoming awakened/enlightened. Which could mean a number of routes.
  16. Facial changes with practice

    There is a zen master who explains that those who reside in silence for long periods of time their facial structure changes and they begin to appear more noble.
  17. Can you explain this process that they describe? Or perhaps provide a link?
  18. Why was my comment removed ? lol
  19. black holes

    Black Holes: not really 'holes' but hugely dense objects with massive gravitational pull. who knew?
  20. Just raising the question to get some opinions. Perhaps they are somehow beneficially influenced by world powers.
  21. Just sayin. Anyone else?
  22. I think it is important that teachers are also practitioners. However, I also think it is important that the teachers have some type of attainment. Many teachers are unwilling to display their attainments, however, unfortunately many of those teachers are also spreading, and receiving money for, illusory practices. But there is no need to discuss it further, apologies if this dragged on. It seems like a rather mundane thing that still needs to be addressed.
  23. Ok so he is more of a teacher than a practitioner. i see.
  24. How to live a full life - Tips?

    Sometimes I wonder if they are a representation of the TIbetans "Hungry Ghosts"
  25. How to live a full life - Tips?

    For me the most fulfilling lesson I have learned was from Liao Fan who teaches individuals to correct their faults each day. Through this they achieve a balance with nature and create the environment necessary to cultivate higher levels of concentration. His teaching being primarily that of letting go of worldly desires. Contrary from what I originally thought, this does not mean running into the jungle, but instead the opposite. Just meaning not letting things get in the way of handling one's responsibilities. The cultivation of silence and fearlessness.