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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. What has the teacher attained in terms of cultivation?
  2. black holes

    You're always safe to think Noone is in there but you and your thoughts
  3. black holes 6:45
  4. black holes

    Well when it was first proposed, quantum mechanics went against the standards. So before it could be accepted it was tested over and over by scientists all over the world until it was slowly accepted.
  5. black holes

    To an extent, and not to a reasonable extent. Being practical has its advantages.
  6. black holes

    Not necessarily, there is too much commonality. The Daoists refer to the channels as "rivers of chi" they also refer to the dantien as an "ocean of qi", The hermetics refer to yin and yang chi as "electric fluid" and "magnetic fluid." There is also the "fountain of youth". I wouldn't call it subjective.

    Im on soundcloud
  8. Wu-wei on the job

    Sometimes you have to work in order to find your work
  9. black holes

    Particle being both a particle and a wave. People also feel chi energy as both a liquid and a particle. What are they feeling? They are merely using honed awareness to feel frequencies of matter that are more subtle.
  10. Wu-wei on the job

    I have learned that when managers get mad towards me or my work ethic, it really doesn't matter, they will hardily ever fire you.
  11. black holes

    many say that quantum mechanics is the most verified theory in history
  12. black holes

    i think quantum mechanics is our way of observing Chi and energy
  13. Cats feel like chakras when they purr

    My cat also just placed his hands in specific locations where my injuries are, at the same time while he was purring. Couldnt help but think maybe he is aware of them and trying to heal me.
  14. Cats feel like chakras when they purr

    Starting to believe that cats are very spiritually aware and are always purring in order to stimulate their chakras, thus reaching higher states of conscious awareness. They only purr when they like people because they are in a state of deep relaxation around those people.
  15. Could you give an example? Outside of thoughts, some people who create music experience silence. The act of the creation also creates silence for them.
  16. I view creation as an act of expression. Therefor I see creation as a tool for conscious evolution.
  17. Pure Land Buddhism

    I see it as a conscious attainment, something more than an idea.
  18. a different teacher also talks about how buddha's teachings losing purity after 500 years also
  19. What are you listening to?

    She is like Enya on acid.
  20. Developing super natural abilities is equivalent to evolution,going beyond one's human nature. The path of evolution is different for each individual. That's my input..
  21. What are you listening to?

    I love Grimes.
  22. John Chang

    I don't view the 1,000,000 randi challenge as reasonable. He gets to pick and choose who he challenges, so most people that apply are denied over and over.. someone even tried to sue Randi because he kept getting denied on no reasonable grounds.'s-Data-v-Barrett/milliondollarsuit1.htm The $1,000,000 Rhandi challenge pays out in bonds over a long period of time, not cash in hand. The person will be dead and the contract negated before they receive $1,000,000. "But the biggest thing is that Randi’s signature has never appeared underneath it. It’s a hoax. It was conceived of by an entertainer, a man who has made a career deceiving and tricking people, a particularly nasty little man who has a grudge to bear against the world, revealed in the animosity routinely shown towards applicants."
  23. All of the descriptions of the older people seem very accurate to me. Like how he explains they live spiritual lives, and eat little food. These are characteristics of an individual with deep concentration.